Package 'semTools'

Title: Useful Tools for Structural Equation Modeling
Description: Provides miscellaneous tools for structural equation modeling, many of which extend the 'lavaan' package. For example, latent interactions can be estimated using product indicators (Lin et al., 2010, <doi:10.1080/10705511.2010.488999>) and simple effects probed; analytical power analyses can be conducted (Jak et al., 2021, <doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01479-0>); and scale reliability can be estimated based on estimated factor-model parameters.
Authors: Terrence D. Jorgensen [aut, cre] , Sunthud Pornprasertmanit [aut], Alexander M. Schoemann [aut] , Yves Rosseel [aut] , Patrick Miller [ctb], Corbin Quick [ctb], Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal [ctb] , James Selig [ctb], Aaron Boulton [ctb], Kristopher Preacher [ctb], Donna Coffman [ctb], Mijke Rhemtulla [ctb] , Alexander Robitzsch [ctb] , Craig Enders [ctb], Ruben Arslan [ctb] , Bell Clinton [ctb], Pavel Panko [ctb], Edgar Merkle [ctb] , Steven Chesnut [ctb], Jarrett Byrnes [ctb], Jason D. Rights [ctb], Ylenio Longo [ctb] (efa.ekc, htmt), Maxwell Mansolf [ctb] (<>, lavTestScore.mi), Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [ctb] (<>, emmeans), Mikko Rönkkö [ctb] (<>, discriminantValidity), Andrew R. Johnson [ctb] (<>, lrv2ord), Leonard Vanbrabant [ctb] (goricaSEM)
Maintainer: Terrence D. Jorgensen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.5-7
Built: 2025-03-12 18:25:03 UTC

Help Index

Implement Saturated Correlates with FIML


Automatically add auxiliary variables to a lavaan model when using full information maximum likelihood (FIML) to handle missing data


auxiliary(model, data, aux, fun, ..., envir = getNamespace("lavaan"),
  return.syntax = FALSE)

lavaan.auxiliary(model, data, aux, ..., envir = getNamespace("lavaan"))

cfa.auxiliary(model, data, aux, ..., envir = getNamespace("lavaan"))

sem.auxiliary(model, data, aux, ..., envir = getNamespace("lavaan"))

growth.auxiliary(model, data, aux, ..., envir = getNamespace("lavaan"))



The analysis model can be specified with 1 of 2 objects:

  1. lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() specifying a hypothesized model without mention of auxiliary variables in aux

  2. a parameter table, as returned by lavaan::parTable(), specifying the target model without auxiliary variables. This option requires these columns (and silently ignores all others): c("lhs","op","rhs","user","group","free","label","plabel","start")


data.frame that includes auxiliary variables as well as any observed variables in the model


character. Names of auxiliary variables to add to model


character. Name of a specific lavaan function used to fit model to data (i.e., "lavaan", "cfa", "sem", or "growth"). Only required for auxiliary.


Additional arguments to pass to ⁠fun=⁠.


Passed to


logical indicating whether to return a character string of lavaan::model.syntax() that can be added to a target ⁠model=⁠ that is also a character string. This can be advantageous, for example, to use add saturated correlates to a blavaan model.


These functions are wrappers around the corresponding lavaan functions. You can use them the same way you use lavaan::lavaan(), but you must pass your full data.frame to the data argument. Because the saturated-correlates approaches (Enders, 2008) treats exogenous variables as random, fixed.x must be set to FALSE. Because FIML requires continuous data (although nonnormality corrections can still be requested), no variables in the model nor auxiliary variables specified in aux can be declared as ordered.


a fitted lavaan::lavaan object. Additional information is stored as a list in the ⁠@external⁠ slot:

  • baseline.model. a fitted lavaan::lavaan object. Results of fitting an appropriate independence model for the calculation of incremental fit indices (e.g., CFI, TLI) in which the auxiliary variables remain saturated, so only the target variables are constrained to be orthogonal. See Examples for how to send this baseline model to lavaan::fitMeasures().

  • aux. The character vector of auxiliary variable names.

  • baseline.syntax. A character vector generated within the auxiliary function, specifying the baseline.model syntax.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Enders, C. K. (2008). A note on the use of missing auxiliary variables in full information maximum likelihood-based structural equation models. Structural Equation Modeling, 15(3), 434–448. doi:10.1080/10705510802154307


dat1 <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939
dat1$z <- rnorm(nrow(dat1))
dat1$x5 <- ifelse(dat1$z < quantile(dat1$z, .3), NA, dat1$x5)
dat1$x9 <- ifelse(dat1$z > quantile(dat1$z, .8), NA, dat1$x9)

targetModel <- "
  visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
  speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9

## works just like cfa(), but with an extra "aux" argument
fitaux1 <- cfa.auxiliary(targetModel, data = dat1, aux = "z",
                         missing = "fiml", estimator = "mlr")

## with multiple auxiliary variables and multiple groups
fitaux2 <- cfa.auxiliary(targetModel, data = dat1, aux = c("z","ageyr","grade"),
                         group = "school", group.equal = "loadings")

## calculate correct incremental fit indices (e.g., CFI, TLI)
fitMeasures(fitaux2, fit.measures = c("cfi","tli"))
## NOTE: lavaan will use the internally stored baseline model, which
##       is the independence model plus saturated auxiliary parameters
lavInspect(fitaux2@external$baseline.model, "free")

Calculate average variance extracted


Calculate average variance extracted (AVE) per factor from lavaan object


AVE(object, obs.var = TRUE, omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""),
  omit.factors = character(0), dropSingle = TRUE, return.df = TRUE)



A lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object, expected to contain only exogenous common factors (i.e., a CFA model). Cross-loadings are not allowed and will result in NA for any factor with indicator(s) that cross-load.


logical indicating whether to compute AVE using observed variances in the denominator. Setting FALSE triggers using model-implied variances in the denominator.


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


character vector naming any common factors modeled in object whose indicators' AVE is not of interest.


logical indicating whether to exclude factors defined by a single indicator from the returned results. If TRUE (default), single indicators will still be included in the total column when = TRUE.


logical indicating whether to return reliability coefficients in a data.frame (one row per group/level), which is possible when every model block includes the same factors (after excluding those in omit.factors and applying dropSingle).


The average variance extracted (AVE) can be calculated by

AVE=1diag(ΛΨΛ)11diag(Σ^)1,AVE = \frac{\bold{1}^\prime \textrm{diag}\left(\Lambda\Psi\Lambda^\prime\right)\bold{1}}{\bold{1}^\prime \textrm{diag}\left(\hat{\Sigma}\right) \bold{1}},

Note that this formula is modified from Fornell & Larcker (1981) in the case that factor variances are not 1. The proposed formula from Fornell & Larcker (1981) assumes that the factor variances are 1. Note that AVE will not be provided for factors consisting of items with dual loadings. AVE is the property of items but not the property of factors. AVE is calculated with polychoric correlations when ordinal indicators are used.


numeric vector of average variance extracted from indicators per factor. For models with multiple "blocks" (any combination of groups and levels), vectors may be returned as columns in a data.frame with additional columns indicating the group/level (see ⁠return.df=⁠ argument description for caveat).


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement errors. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39–50. doi:10.2307/3151312

See Also

compRelSEM() for composite reliability estimates


HS9 <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , c("x7","x8","x9")]
HSbinary <- lapply(HS9, cut, 2, labels=FALSE) )
names(HSbinary) <- c("y7","y8","y9")
HS <- cbind(HolzingerSwineford1939, HSbinary)

HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ y7 + y8 + y9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HS, ordered = c("y7","y8","y9"), = TRUE)

## works for factors with exclusively continuous OR categorical indicators
AVE(fit) # uses observed (or unconstrained polychoric/polyserial) by default
AVE(fit, obs.var = FALSE)

## works for multigroup models and for multilevel models (and both)
## assign clusters to arbitrary groups
Demo.twolevel$g <- ifelse(Demo.twolevel$cluster %% 2L, "type1", "type2")
model2 <- ' group: type1
  level: within
    fac =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
  level: between
    fac =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3

group: type2
  level: within
    fac =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
  level: between
    fac =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
fit2 <- sem(model2, data = Demo.twolevel, cluster = "cluster", group = "g")

Class For the Results of Bollen-Stine Bootstrap with Incomplete Data


This class contains the results of Bollen-Stine bootstrap with missing data.


## S4 method for signature 'BootMiss'

## S4 method for signature 'BootMiss'

## S4 method for signature 'BootMiss'
hist(x, ..., alpha = 0.05, nd = 2,
  printLegend = TRUE, legendArgs = list(x = "topleft"))


object, x

object of class BootMiss


Additional arguments to pass to graphics::hist()


alpha level used to draw confidence limits


number of digits to display


logical. If TRUE (default), a legend will be printed with the histogram


list of arguments passed to the graphics::legend() function. The default argument is a list placing the legend at the top-left of the figure.


The hist method returns a list of length == 2, containing the arguments for the call to hist and the arguments to the call for legend, respectively.



A list containing 2 difftime objects (transform and fit), indicating the time elapsed for data transformation and for fitting the model to bootstrap data sets, respectively.


Transformed data


The vector of chi2chi^2 values from bootstrap data sets fitted by the target model


The chi2chi^2 value from the original data set


The degree of freedom of the model


The p value comparing the original chi2chi^2 with the bootstrap distribution

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the bsBootMiss() function.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

See Also



# See the example from the bsBootMiss function

Bollen-Stine Bootstrap with the Existence of Missing Data


Implement the Bollen and Stine's (1992) Bootstrap when missing observations exist. The implemented method is proposed by Savalei and Yuan (2009). This can be used in two ways. The first and easiest option is to fit the model to incomplete data in lavaan using the FIML estimator, then pass that lavaan object to bsBootMiss.


bsBootMiss(x, transformation = 2, nBoot = 500, model, rawData, Sigma, Mu,
  group, ChiSquared, EMcov, writeTransData = FALSE, transDataOnly = FALSE,
  writeBootData = FALSE, bootSamplesOnly = FALSE, writeArgs, seed = NULL,
  suppressWarn = TRUE, showProgress = TRUE, ...)



A target lavaan object used in the Bollen-Stine bootstrap


The transformation methods in Savalei and Yuan (2009). There are three methods in the article, but only the first two are currently implemented here. Use transformation = 1 when there are few missing data patterns, each of which has a large size, such as in a planned-missing-data design. Use transformation = 2 when there are more missing data patterns. The currently unavailable transformation = 3 would be used when several missing data patterns have n = 1.


The number of bootstrap samples.


Optional. The target model if x is not provided.


Optional. The target raw data set if x is not provided.


Optional. The model-implied covariance matrix if x is not provided.


Optional. The model-implied mean vector if x is not provided.


Optional character string specifying the name of the grouping variable in rawData if x is not provided.


Optional. The model's χ2\chi^2 test statistic if x is not provided.


Optional, if x is not provided. The EM (or Two-Stage ML) estimated covariance matrix used to speed up Transformation 2 algorithm.


Logical. If TRUE, the transformed data set is written to a text file, transDataOnly is set to TRUE, and the transformed data is returned invisibly.


Logical. If TRUE, the result will provide the transformed data only.


Logical. If TRUE, the stacked bootstrap data sets are written to a text file, bootSamplesOnly is set to TRUE, and the list of bootstrap data sets are returned invisibly.


Logical. If TRUE, the result will provide bootstrap data sets only.


Optional list. If writeBootData = TRUE or writeBootData = TRUE, user can pass arguments to the utils::write.table() function as a list. Some default values are provided: file = "bootstrappedSamples.dat", row.names = FALSE, and na = "-999", but the user can override all of these by providing other values for those arguments in the writeArgs list.


The seed number used in randomly drawing bootstrap samples.


Logical. If TRUE, warnings from lavaan function will be suppressed when fitting the model to each bootstrap sample.


Logical. Indicating whether to display a progress bar while fitting models to bootstrap samples.


The additional arguments in the lavaan::lavaan() function. See also lavaan::lavOptions()


The second is designed for users of other software packages (e.g., LISREL, EQS, Amos, or Mplus). Users can import their data, χ2\chi^2 value, and model-implied moments from another package, and they have the option of saving (or writing to a file) either the transformed data or bootstrapped samples of that data, which can be analyzed in other programs. In order to analyze the bootstrapped samples and return a p value, users of other programs must still specify their model using lavaan syntax.


As a default, this function returns a BootMiss object containing the results of the bootstrap samples. Use show, summary, or hist to examine the results. Optionally, the transformed data set is returned if transDataOnly = TRUE. Optionally, the bootstrap data sets are returned if bootSamplesOnly = TRUE.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

Syntax for transformations borrowed from


Bollen, K. A., & Stine, R. A. (1992). Bootstrapping goodness-of-fit measures in structural equation models. Sociological Methods & Research, 21(2), 205–229. doi:10.1177/0049124192021002004

Savalei, V., & Yuan, K.-H. (2009). On the model-based bootstrap with missing data: Obtaining a p-value for a test of exact fit. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 44(6), 741–763. doi:10.1080/00273170903333590

See Also



dat1 <- HolzingerSwineford1939
dat1$x5 <- ifelse(dat1$x1 <= quantile(dat1$x1, .3), NA, dat1$x5)
dat1$x9 <- ifelse($x5), NA, dat1$x9)

targetModel <- "
visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9
targetFit <- sem(targetModel, dat1, meanstructure = TRUE, = TRUE,
                 missing = "fiml", group = "school")
summary(targetFit, fit = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)

## The number of bootstrap samples should be much higher than this example
temp <- bsBootMiss(targetFit, transformation = 1, nBoot = 10, seed = 31415)

hist(temp, printLegend = FALSE) # suppress the legend
## user can specify alpha level (default: alpha = 0.05), and the number of
## digits to display (default: nd = 2).  Pass other arguments to hist(...),
## or a list of arguments to legend() via "legendArgs"
hist(temp, alpha = .01, nd = 3, xlab = "something else", breaks = 25,
     legendArgs = list("bottomleft", box.lty = 2))

Small-N correction for chi2chi^2 test statistic


Calculate small-N corrections for chi2chi^2 model-fit test statistic to adjust for small sample size (relative to model size).


chisqSmallN(fit0, fit1 = NULL, smallN.method = if (is.null(fit1))
  c("swain", "yuan.2015") else "yuan.2005", ..., omit.imps = c("no.conv",


fit0, fit1

lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object(s)


character indicating the small-N correction method to use. Multiple may be chosen (all of which assume normality), as described in Shi et al. (2018): c("swain","yuan.2015","yuan.2005","bartlett"). Users may also simply select "all".


Additional arguments to the lavaan::lavTestLRT() or lavaan.mi::lavTestLRT.mi() functions. Ignored when is.null(fit1).


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Ignored unless fit0 (and optionally fit1) is a lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object. See lavaan.mi::lavTestLRT.mi() for a description of options and defaults.


Four finite-sample adjustments to the chi-squared statistic are currently available, all of which are described in Shi et al. (2018). These all assume normally distributed data, and may not work well with severely nonnormal data. Deng et al. (2018, section 4) review proposed small-N adjustments that do not assume normality, which rarely show promise, so they are not implemented here. This function currently will apply small-N adjustments to scaled test statistics with a warning that they do not perform well (Deng et al., 2018).


A list of numeric vectors: one for the originally requested statistic(s), along with one per requested smallN.method. All include the the (un)adjusted test statistic, its df, and the p value for the test under the null hypothesis that the model fits perfectly (or that the 2 models have equivalent fit). The adjusted chi-squared statistic(s) also include(s) the scaling factor for the small-N adjustment.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Deng, L., Yang, M., & Marcoulides, K. M. (2018). Structural equation modeling with many variables: A systematic review of issues and developments. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 580. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00580

Shi, D., Lee, T., & Terry, R. A. (2018). Revisiting the model size effect in structural equation modeling. Structural Equation Modeling, 25(1), 21–40. doi:10.1080/10705511.2017.1369088


HS.model <- '
    visual  =~ x1 + b1*x2 + x3
    textual =~ x4 + b2*x5 + x6
    speed   =~ x7 + b3*x8 + x9
fit1 <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939[1:50,])
## test a single model (implicitly compared to a saturated model)

## fit a more constrained model
fit0 <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939[1:50,],
            orthogonal = TRUE)
## compare 2 models
chisqSmallN(fit1, fit0)

Copy or save the result of lavaan or FitDiff objects into a clipboard or a file


Copy or save the result of lavaan or FitDiff object into a clipboard or a file. From the clipboard, users may paste the result into the Microsoft Excel or spreadsheet application to create a table of the output.


clipboard(object, what = "summary", ...)

saveFile(object, file, what = "summary", tableFormat = FALSE,
  fit.measures = "default", writeArgs = list(), ...)



An object of class lavaan::lavaan or FitDiff.


The attributes of the lavaan object to be copied in the clipboard. "summary" is to copy the screen provided from the summary function. "mifit" is to copy the result from the miPowerFit() function. Other attributes listed in the inspect method in the lavaan::lavaan could also be used, such as "coef", "se", "fit", "samp", and so on. Ignored for FitDiff-class objects.


Additional arguments when passing a lavaan object to the summary or miPowerFit() function.


A file name used for saving the result.


If TRUE, save the result in the table format using tabs for separation. Otherwise, save the result as the output screen printed in the R console.


character vector specifying names of fit measures returned by lavaan::fitMeasures() to be copied/saved. Only relevant if object is class FitDiff.


list of additional arguments to be passed to utils::write.table()


The resulting output will be saved into a clipboard or a file. If using the clipboard function, users may paste it in the other applications.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


HW.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + c1*x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + c1*x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 +    x8 + x9 '

fit <- cfa(HW.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school")

# Copy the summary of the lavaan object

# pass additional arguments to summary() method for class?lavaan
clipboard(fit, rsquare = TRUE, standardized = TRUE, fit.measures = TRUE)

# Copy modification indices and fit stats from the miPowerFit() function
clipboard(fit, "mifit")

# Copy the parameter estimates
clipboard(fit, "coef")

# Copy the standard errors
clipboard(fit, "se")

# Copy the sample statistics
clipboard(fit, "samp")

# Copy the fit measures
clipboard(fit, "fit")

# Save the summary of the lavaan object
saveFile(fit, "out.txt")

# Save modification indices and fit stats from the miPowerFit() function
saveFile(fit, "out.txt", "mifit")

# Save the parameter estimates
saveFile(fit, "out.txt", "coef")

# Save the standard errors
saveFile(fit, "out.txt", "se")

# Save the sample statistics
saveFile(fit, "out.txt", "samp")

# Save the fit measures
saveFile(fit, "out.txt", "fit")

Combine the results from the quark function


This function builds upon the quark() function to provide a final dataset comprised of the original dataset provided to quark() and enough principal components to be able to account for a certain level of variance in the data.


combinequark(quark, percent)



Provide the quark() object that was returned. It should be a list of objects. Make sure to include it in its entirety.


Provide a percentage of variance that you would like to have explained. That many components (columns) will be extracted and kept with the output dataset. Enter this variable as a number WITHOUT a percentage sign.


The output of this function is the original dataset used in quark combined with enough principal component scores to be able to account for the amount of variance that was requested.


Steven R. Chesnut (University of Southern Mississippi [email protected])

See Also



dat <- HolzingerSwineford1939[,7:15]
misspat <- matrix(runif(nrow(dat) * 9) < 0.3, nrow(dat))
dat[misspat] <- NA
dat <- cbind(HolzingerSwineford1939[,1:3], dat)

quark.list <- quark(data = dat, id = c(1, 2)) <- combinequark(quark = quark.list, percent = 80)

Build an object summarizing fit indices across multiple models


This function will create the template to compare fit indices across multiple fitted lavaan objects. The results can be exported to a clipboard or a file later.


compareFit(..., nested = TRUE, argsLRT = list(), indices = TRUE,
  moreIndices = FALSE, baseline.model = NULL, nPrior = 1)



fitted lavaan models or list(s) of lavaan objects. lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi objects are also accepted, but all models must belong to the same class.


logical indicating whether the models in ... are nested. See net() for an empirical test of nesting.


list of arguments to pass to lavaan::lavTestLRT(), as well as to lavaan.mi::lavTestLRT.mi() and lavaan::fitMeasures() when comparing lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi models.


logical indicating whether to return fit indices from the lavaan::fitMeasures() function. Selecting particular indices is controlled in the summary method; see FitDiff.


logical indicating whether to return fit indices from the moreFitIndices() function. Selecting particular indices is controlled in the summary method; see FitDiff.


optional fitted lavaan::lavaan model passed to lavaan::fitMeasures() to calculate incremental fit indices.


passed to moreFitIndices(), if relevant


A FitDiff object that saves model fit comparisons across multiple models. If the models are not nested, only fit indices for each model are returned. If the models are nested, the differences in fit indices are additionally returned, as well as test statistics comparing each sequential pair of models (ordered by their degrees of freedom).


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

See Also

FitDiff, clipboard()


HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

## non-nested models
fit1 <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

m2 <- ' f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
        f2 =~ x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 '
fit2 <- cfa(m2, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

(out1 <- compareFit(fit1, fit2, nested = FALSE))

## nested model comparisons: measurement equivalence/invariance
fit.config <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school")
fit.metric <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
                  group.equal = "loadings")
fit.scalar <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
                  group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"))
fit.strict <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
                  group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts","residuals"))

measEqOut <- compareFit(fit.config, fit.metric, fit.scalar, fit.strict,
                        moreIndices = TRUE) # include moreFitIndices()
summary(measEqOut, fit.measures = "all")
summary(measEqOut, fit.measures = c("aic", "bic", "sic", "ibic"))

Composite Reliability using SEM


Calculate composite reliability from estimated factor-model parameters


compRelSEM(object, obs.var = TRUE, tau.eq = FALSE, ord.scale = TRUE,
  config = character(0), shared = character(0), higher = character(0), = FALSE, dropSingle = TRUE, omit.factors = character(0),
  omit.indicators = character(0), omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""),
  return.df = TRUE)



A lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object, expected to contain only exogenous common factors (i.e., a CFA model).


logical indicating whether to compute reliability using observed variances in the denominator. Setting FALSE triggers using model-implied variances in the denominator.


logical indicating whether to assume (essential) tau-equivalence, yielding a coefficient analogous to α\alpha. Setting FALSE yields an ω\omega-type coefficient.


logical indicating whether to apply Green and Yang's (2009, formula 21) correction, so that reliability is calculated for the actual ordinal response scale (ignored for factors with continuous indicators). Setting FALSE yields coefficients that are only applicable to the continuous latent-response scale.


character vector naming any configural constructs in a multilevel CFA. For these constructs (and optional total composite), Lai's (2021) coefficients ωW\omega^\textrm{W} and ω2L\omega^\textrm{2L} are returned (or corresponding α\alpha coefficients when tau.eq=TRUE), rather than Geldhof et al.'s (2014) coefficients for hypothetical composites of latent components (although the same formula is used for ωW\omega^\textrm{W} in either case). Note that the same name must be used for the factor component represented at each level of the model.


character vector naming any shared constructs in a multilevel CFA. For these constructs (and optional total composite), Lai's (2021) coefficient ωB\omega^\textrm{B} or αB\alpha^\textrm{B} is returned, rather than Geldhof et al.'s (2014) between-level coefficient for hypothetical composites of latent cluster means. Lai's (2021) coefficient quantifies reliability relative to error associated with both indicators (measurement error) and subjects (sampling error), like a generalizability coefficient. Given that subjects can be considered as raters of their cluster's shared construct, an interrater reliability (IRR) coefficient is also returned, quantifying reliability relative to rater/sampling error alone. To quantify reliability relative to indicator/measurement error alone (i.e., ω2L\omega^\textrm{2L}), the ⁠shared=⁠ construct name(s) can additionally be included in ⁠config=⁠ argument.


character vector naming any higher-order constructs in object for which composite reliability should be calculated. Ignored when tau.eq=TRUE because alpha is not based on a CFA model; instead, users must fit a CFA with tau-equivalence constraints. To obtain Lai's (2021) multilevel composite-reliability indices for a higher-order factor, do not use this argument; instead, specify the higher-order factor(s) using the ⁠shared=⁠ or ⁠config=⁠ argument (compRelSEM will automatically check whether it includes latent indicators and apply the appropriate formula).

logical indicating whether to return a final column containing the reliability of a composite of all indicators (not listed in omit.indicators) of first-order factors not listed in omit.factors. Ignored in 1-factor models, and should only be set TRUE if all factors represent scale dimensions that could be meaningfully collapsed to a single composite (scale sum or scale mean). Setting a negative value (e.g., -1 returns only the total-composite reliability (excluding coefficients per factor), except when requesting Lai's (2021) coefficients for multilevel configural or ⁠shared=⁠ constructs.


logical indicating whether to exclude factors defined by a single indicator from the returned results. If TRUE (default), single indicators will still be included in the total column when = TRUE.


character vector naming any common factors modeled in object whose composite reliability is not of interest. For example, higher-order or method factors. Note that reliabilityL2() should be used to calculate composite reliability of a higher-order factor.


character vector naming any observed variables that should be omitted from the composite whose reliability is calculated.


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


logical indicating whether to return reliability coefficients in a data.frame (one row per group/level), which is possible when every model block includes the same factors (after excluding those in omit.factors and applying dropSingle).


Several coefficients for factor-analysis reliability have been termed "omega", which Cho (2021) argues is a misleading misnomer and argues for using ρ\rho to represent them all, differentiated by descriptive subscripts. In our package, we strive to provide unlabeled coefficients, leaving it to the user to decide on a label in their report. But we do use the symbols α\alpha and ω\omega in the formulas below in order to distinguish coefficients that do (not) assume essential tau-equivalence. For higher-order constructs with latent indicators, only ω\omega is available. Lai's (2021) multilevel coefficients are labeled in accordance with the symbols used in that article (more details below).

Bentler (1968) first introduced factor-analysis reliability for a unidimensional factor model with congeneric indicators, labeling the coeficients α\alpha. McDonald (1999) later referred to this and other reliability coefficients, first as θ\theta (in 1970), then as ω\omega, which is a source of confusion when reporting coefficients (Cho, 2021). Coefficients based on factor models were later generalized to account for multidimenisionality (possibly with cross-loadings) and correlated errors. The general ω\omega formula implemented in this function is:

ω=(i=1kλi)2Var(ψ)1Σ^1,\omega = \frac{\left( \sum^{k}_{i = 1} \lambda_i \right)^{2} Var\left( \psi \right)}{\bold{1}^\prime \hat{\Sigma} \bold{1}},

where Σ^\hat{\Sigma} can be the model-implied covariance matrix from either the saturated model (i.e., the "observed" covariance matrix, used by default) or from the hypothesized CFA model, controlled by the obs.var argument. A kk-dimensional vector 1\bold{1} is used to sum elements in the matrix. Note that if the model includes any directed effects (latent regression slopes), all coefficients are calculated from total factor variances: lavInspect(object, "").

Assuming (essential) tau-equivalence (tau.eq=TRUE) makes ω\omega equivalent to coefficient α\alpha from classical test theory (Cronbach, 1951):

α=kk1[1i=1kσiii=1kσii+2i<jσij],\alpha = \frac{k}{k - 1}\left[ 1 - \frac{\sum^{k}_{i = 1} \sigma_{ii}}{\sum^{k}_{i = 1} \sigma_{ii} + 2\sum_{i < j} \sigma_{ij}} \right],

where kk is the number of items in a factor's composite, σii\sigma_{ii} signifies item i's variance, and σij\sigma_{ij} signifies the covariance between items i and j. Again, the obs.var argument controls whether α\alpha is calculated using the observed or model-implied covariance matrix.

By setting, one can estimate reliability for a single composite calculated using all indicators in a multidimensional CFA (Bentler, 1972, 2009). Setting = -1 will return only the total-composite reliability (not per factor).

Higher-Order Factors: The reliability of a composite that represents a higher-order construct requires partitioning the model-implied factor covariance matrix Φ\Phi in order to isolate the common-factor variance associated only with the higher-order factor. Using a second-order factor model, the model-implied covariance matrix of observed indicators Σ^\hat{\Sigma} can be partitioned into 3 sources:

  1. the second-order common-factor (co)variance: ΛBΦ2BΛ\Lambda \bold{B} \Phi_2 \bold{B}^{\prime} \Lambda^{\prime}

  2. the residual variance of the first-order common factors (i.e., not accounted for by the second-order factor): ΛΨuΛ\Lambda \Psi_{u} \Lambda^{\prime}

  3. the measurement error of observed indicators: Θ\Theta

where Λ\Lambda contains first-order factor loadings, B\bold{B} contains second-order factor loadings, Φ2\Phi_2 is the model-implied covariance matrix of the second-order factor(s), and Ψu\Psi_{u} is the covariance matrix of first-order factor disturbances. In practice, we can use the full B\bold{B} matrix and full model-implied Φ\Phi matrix (i.e., including all latent factors) because the zeros in B\bold{B} will cancel out unwanted components of Φ\Phi. Thus, we can calculate the proportion of variance of a composite score calculated from the observed indicators (e.g., a total score or scale mean) that is attributable to the second-order factor (i.e., coefficient ω\omega):

ω=1ΛBΦBΛ11Σ^1,\omega=\frac{\bold{1}^{\prime} \Lambda \bold{B} \Phi \bold{B}^{\prime} \Lambda^{\prime} \bold{1} }{ \bold{1}^{\prime} \hat{\Sigma} \bold{1}},

where 1\bold{1} is the k-dimensional vector of 1s and k is the number of observed indicators in the composite. Note that if a higher-order factor also has observed indicators, it is necessary to model the observed indicators as single-indicator constructs, so that all of the higher-order factor indicators are latent (with loadings in the Beta matrix, not Lambda).

Categorical Indicators: When all indicators (per composite) are ordinal, the ord.scale argument controls whether the coefficient is calculated on the latent-response scale (FALSE) or on the observed ordinal scale (TRUE, the default). For ω\omega-type coefficients (tau.eq=FALSE), Green and Yang's (2009, formula 21) approach is used to transform factor-model results back to the ordinal response scale. When ord.scale=TRUE and tau.eq=TRUE, coefficient α\alpha is calculated using the covariance matrix calculated from the integer-valued numeric weights for ordinal categories, consistent with its definition (Chalmers, 2018) and the alpha function in the psych package; this implies obs.var=TRUE, so obs.var=FALSE will be ignored When ord.scale=FALSE, the standard α\alpha formula is applied to the polychoric correlation matrix ("ordinal α\alpha"; Zumbo et al., 2007), estimated from the saturated or hypothesized model (see obs.var), and ω\omega is calculated from CFA results without applying Green and Yang's (2009) correction (see Zumbo & Kroc, 2019, for a rationalization). No method analogous to Green and Yang (2009) has been proposed for calculating reliability with a mixture of categorical and continuous indicators, so an error is returned if object includes factors with a mixture of indicator types (unless omitted using omit.factors). If categorical indicators load on a different factor(s) than continuous indicators, then reliability will still be calculated separately for those factors, but must be FALSE (unless omit.factors is used to isolate factors with indicators of the same type).

Multilevel Measurement Models: Under the default settings, compRelSEM() will apply the same formula in each "block" (group and/or level of analysis). In the case of multilevel (ML-)SEMs, this yields "reliability" for latent within- and between-level components, as proposed by Geldhof et al. (2014). Although this works fine to calculate reliability per group, this is not recommended for ML-SEMs because the coefficients do not correspond to actual composites that would be calculated from the observed data. Lai (2021) proposed coefficients for reliability of actual composites, depending on the type of construct, which requires specifying the names of constructs for which reliability is desired (or multiple constructs whose indicators would compose a multidimensional composite). Configural (⁠config=⁠) and/or ⁠shared=⁠ constructs can be specified; the same construct can be specified in both arguments, so that overall scale-reliability can be estimated for a shared construct by including it in config. Instead of organizing the output by block (the default), specifying ⁠config=⁠ and/or ⁠shared=⁠ will prompt organizing the list of output by ⁠$config⁠ and/or ⁠$shared⁠.

  • The overall (⁠_2L⁠) scale reliability for configural constructs is returned, along with the reliability of a purely individual-level composite (⁠_W⁠, calculated by cluster-mean centering).

  • The reliability for a shared construct quantifies generalizability across both indicators and raters (i.e., subjects rating their cluster's construct). Lüdtke et al. (2011) refer to these as measurement error and sampling error, respectively. An interrater reliability (IRR) coefficient is also returned, quantifying generalizability across rater/sampling-error only. To obtain a scale-reliability coefficient (quantifying a shared construct's generalizability across indicator/measurement-error only), include the same factor name in ⁠config=⁠. Jak et al. (2021) recommended modeling components of the same construct at both levels, but users may also saturate the within-level model (Lai, 2021).

Be careful about including Level-2 variables in the model, especially whether it makes sense to include them in a total composite for a Level-2 construct. dropSingle=TRUE only prevents estimating reliability for a single-indicator construct, not from including such an indicator in a total composite. It is permissible for ⁠shared=⁠ constructs to have additional indicators at Level-2 only. If it is necessary to model other Level-2 variables (e.g., to justify the missing-at-random assumption when using ⁠missing="FIML" estimation⁠), they should be placed in the ⁠omit.indicators=⁠ argument to exclude them from total composites.


A numeric vector of composite reliability coefficients per factor, or a list of vectors per "block" (group and/or level of analysis), optionally returned as a data.frame when possible (see ⁠return.df=⁠ argument description for caveat). If there are multiple factors, whose multidimensional indicators combine into a single composite, users can request to add a column including a reliability coefficient for the total composite, or = -1 to return only the total-composite reliability (ignored when ⁠config=⁠ or ⁠shared=⁠ is specified because each factor's specification must be checked across levels).


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

Uses hidden functions written by Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected]) for the old reliability() function.


Bentler, P. M. (1968). Alpha-maximized factor analysis (alphamax): Its relation to alpha and canonical factor analysis. Psychometrika, 33(3), 335–345. doi:10.1007/BF02289328

Bentler, P. M. (1972). A lower-bound method for the dimension-free measurement of internal consistency. Social Science Research, 1(4), 343–357. doi:10.1016/0049-089X(72)90082-8

Bentler, P. M. (2009). Alpha, dimension-free, and model-based internal consistency reliability. Psychometrika, 74(1), 137–143. doi:10.1007/s11336-008-9100-1

Chalmers, R. P. (2018). On misconceptions and the limited usefulness of ordinal alpha. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 78(6), 1056–1071. doi:10.1177/0013164417727036

Cho, E. (2021) Neither Cronbach’s alpha nor McDonald’s omega: A commentary on Sijtsma and Pfadt. Psychometrika, 86(4), 877–886. doi:10.1007/s11336-021-09801-1

Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. Psychometrika, 16(3), 297–334. doi:10.1007/BF02310555

Geldhof, G. J., Preacher, K. J., & Zyphur, M. J. (2014). Reliability estimation in a multilevel confirmatory factor analysis framework. Psychological Methods, 19(1), 72–91. doi:10.1037/a0032138

Green, S. B., & Yang, Y. (2009). Reliability of summed item scores using structural equation modeling: An alternative to coefficient alpha. Psychometrika, 74(1), 155–167. doi:10.1007/s11336-008-9099-3

Jak, S., Jorgensen, T. D., & Rosseel, Y. (2021). Evaluating cluster-level factor models with lavaan and Mplus. Psych, 3(2), 134–152. doi:10.3390/psych3020012

Lai, M. H. C. (2021). Composite reliability of multilevel data: It’s about observed scores and construct meanings. Psychological Methods, 26(1), 90–102. doi:10.1037/met0000287

Lüdtke, O., Marsh, H. W., Robitzsch, A., & Trautwein, U. (2011). A 2 ×\times 2 taxonomy of multilevel latent contextual models: Accuracy–bias trade-offs in full and partial error correction models. Psychological Methods, 16(4), 444–467. doi:10.1037/a0024376

McDonald, R. P. (1999). Test theory: A unified treatment. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Zumbo, B. D., Gadermann, A. M., & Zeisser, C. (2007). Ordinal versions of coefficients alpha and theta for Likert rating scales. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 6(1), 21–29. doi:10.22237/jmasm/1177992180

Zumbo, B. D., & Kroc, E. (2019). A measurement is a choice and Stevens’ scales of measurement do not help make it: A response to Chalmers. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 79(6), 1184–1197. doi:10.1177/0013164419844305

See Also

maximalRelia() for the maximal reliability of weighted composite


HS9 <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , c("x7","x8","x9")]
HSbinary <- lapply(HS9, cut, 2, labels=FALSE) )
names(HSbinary) <- c("y7","y8","y9")
HS <- cbind(HolzingerSwineford1939, HSbinary)

HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ y7 + y8 + y9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HS, ordered = c("y7","y8","y9"), = TRUE)

## works for factors with exclusively continuous OR categorical indicators

## reliability for ALL indicators only available when they are
## all continuous or all categorical
compRelSEM(fit, omit.factors = "speed", = TRUE)

## loop over visual indicators to calculate alpha if one indicator is removed
for (i in paste0("x", 1:3)) {
  cat("Drop ", i, ":\n", sep = "")
  print(compRelSEM(fit, omit.factors = c("textual","speed"),
                   omit.indicators = i, tau.eq = TRUE))
## item-total correlations obtainable by adding a composite to the data
HS$Visual <- HS$x1 + HS$x2 + HS$x3
cor(HS$Visual, y = HS[paste0("x", 1:3)])
## comparable to psych::alpha(HS[paste0("x", 1:3)])

## Reliability of a composite that represents a higher-order factor
mod.hi <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
            textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
            speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9
            general =~ visual + textual + speed '

fit.hi <- cfa(mod.hi, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
compRelSEM(fit.hi, higher = "general")
## reliabilities for lower-order composites also returned

## works for multigroup models and for multilevel models (and both)
## assign clusters to arbitrary groups
Demo.twolevel$g <- ifelse(Demo.twolevel$cluster %% 2L, "type1", "type2")
model2 <- ' group: type1
  level: 1
    f1 =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
    f2 =~ y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6
  level: 2
    f1 =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
    f2 =~ y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6

group: type2
  level: 1
    f1 =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
    f2 =~ y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6
  level: 2
    f1 =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
    f2 =~ y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6
fit2 <- sem(model2, data = Demo.twolevel, cluster = "cluster", group = "g")
compRelSEM(fit2) # Geldhof's indices (hypothetical, for latent components)

## Lai's (2021) indices for Level-1 and configural constructs
compRelSEM(fit2, config = c("f1","f2"))
## Lai's (2021) indices for shared (Level-2) constructs
## (also an interrater reliability coefficient)
compRelSEM(fit2, shared = c("f1","f2"))

## Shared construct using saturated within-level model
mod.sat1 <- ' level: 1
  y1 ~~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6
  y2 ~~ y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6
  y3 ~~ y3 + y4 + y5 + y6
  y4 ~~ y4 + y5 + y6
  y5 ~~ y5 + y6
  y6 ~~ y6

  level: 2
  f1 =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3
  f2 =~ y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6
fit.sat1 <- sem(mod.sat1, data = Demo.twolevel, cluster = "cluster")
compRelSEM(fit.sat1, shared = c("f1","f2"))

## Simultaneous shared-and-configural model (Stapleton et al, 2016, 2019),
## not recommended, but possible by omitting shared or configural factor.
mod.both <- ' level: 1
    fc =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3 + L4*y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6
  level: 2
  ## configural construct
    fc =~ y1 + L2*y2 + L3*y3 + L4*y4 + L5*y5 + L6*y6
  ## orthogonal shared construct
    fs =~ NA*y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6
    fs ~~ 1*fs + 0*fc
fit.both <- sem(mod.both, data = Demo.twolevel, cluster = "cluster")
compRelSEM(fit.both, shared = "fs", config = "fc")

Simulated Dataset to Demonstrate Two-way Latent Interaction


A simulated data set with 2 independent factors and 1 dependent factor where each factor has three indicators




A data.frame with 500 observations of 9 variables.


The first indicator of the first independent factor


The second indicator of the first independent factor


The third indicator of the first independent factor


The first indicator of the second independent factor


The second indicator of the second independent factor


The third indicator of the second independent factor


The first indicator of the dependent factor


The second indicator of the dependent factor


The third indicator of the dependent factor


Data were generated by the MASS::mvrnorm() function in the MASS package.



Simulated Dataset to Demonstrate Three-way Latent Interaction


A simulated data set with 3 independent factors and 1 dependent factor where each factor has three indicators




A data.frame with 500 observations of 12 variables.


The first indicator of the first independent factor


The second indicator of the first independent factor


The third indicator of the first independent factor


The first indicator of the second independent factor


The second indicator of the second independent factor


The third indicator of the second independent factor


The first indicator of the third independent factor


The second indicator of the third independent factor


The third indicator of the third independent factor


The first indicator of the dependent factor


The second indicator of the dependent factor


The third indicator of the dependent factor


Data were generated by the MASS::mvrnorm() function in the MASS package.



Simulated Data set to Demonstrate Categorical Measurement Invariance


A simulated data set with 2 factors with 4 indicators each separated into two groups




A data.frame with 200 observations of 9 variables.


Sex of respondents


Indicator 1


Indicator 2


Indicator 3


Indicator 4


Indicator 5


Indicator 6


Indicator 7


Indicator 8


Data were generated using the lavaan package.



Calculate discriminant validity statistics


Calculate discriminant validity statistics based on a fitted lavaan object


discriminantValidity(object, cutoff = 0.9, merge = FALSE, level = 0.95, = "perc")



The lavaan::lavaan model object returned by the lavaan::cfa() function.


A cutoff to be used in the constrained models in likelihood ratio tests.


Whether the constrained models should be constructed by merging two factors as one. Implies cutoff = 1.


The confidence level required.

If bootstrapping was used, the type of interval required. The value should be one of "norm", "basic", "perc", or "bca.simple". For the first three options, see the help page of the function in the boot package. The "bca.simple" option produces intervals using the adjusted bootstrap percentile (BCa) method, but with no correction for acceleration (only for bias). Note that the p-value is still computed assuming that the z-statistic follows a standard normal distribution.


Evaluated on the measurement scale level, discriminant validity is commonly evaluated by checking if each pair of latent correlations is sufficiently below one (in absolute value) that the latent variables can be thought of representing two distinct constructs.

discriminantValidity function calculates two sets of statistics that are commonly used in discriminant validity evaluation. The first set are factor correlation estimates and their confidence intervals. The second set is a series of nested model tests, where the baseline model is compared against a set of constrained models that are constructed by constraining each factor correlation to the specified cutoff one at a time.

The function assume that the object is set of confirmatory factor analysis results where the latent variables are scaled by fixing their variances to 1s. If the model is not a CFA model, the function will calculate the statistics for the correlations among exogenous latent variables, but for the residual variances with endogenous variables. If the latent variables are scaled in some other way (e.g. fixing the first loadings), the function issues a warning and re-estimates the model by fixing latent variances to 1 (and estimating all loadings) so that factor covariances are already estimated as correlations.

The likelihood ratio tests are done by comparing the original baseline model against more constrained alternatives. By default, these alternatives are constructed by fixing each correlation at a time to a cutoff value. The typical purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the estimated factor correlation is well below the cutoff and a significant chi2chi^2 statistic thus indicates support for discriminant validity. In some cases, the original correlation estimate may already be greater than the cutoff, making it redundant to fit a "restricted" model. When this happens, the likelihood ratio test will be replaced by comparing the baseline model against itself. For correlations that are estimated to be negative, a negation of the cutoff is used in the constrained model.

Another alternative is to do a nested model comparison against a model where two factors are merged as one by setting the merge argument to TRUE. In this comparison, the constrained model is constructed by removing one of the correlated factors from the model and assigning its indicators to the factor that remains in the model.


A data.frame of latent variable correlation estimates, their confidence intervals, and a likelihood ratio tests against constrained models. with the following attributes:


The baseline model after possible rescaling.


A list of the fitted constrained models used in the likelihood ratio test.


Mikko Rönkkö (University of Jyväskylä; [email protected]):


Rönkkö, M., & Cho, E. (2022). An updated guideline for assessing discriminant validity. Organizational Research Methods, 25(1), 6–14. doi:10.1177/1094428120968614



HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
discriminantValidity(fit, merge = TRUE)

Class For Rotated Results from EFA


This class contains the results of rotated exploratory factor analysis


## S4 method for signature 'EFA'

## S4 method for signature 'EFA'
summary(object, suppress = 0.1, sort = TRUE)



object of class EFA


any standardized loadings less than the specified value will not be printed to the screen


logical. If TRUE (default), factor loadings will be sorted by their size in the console output



Rotated standardized factor loading matrix


Rotation matrix


gradient of the objective function at the rotated loadings


Convergence status


Factor correlation matrix. Will be an identity matrix if orthogonal rotation is used.


Standard errors of the rotated standardized factor loading matrix


Method of rotation


The command used to generate this object

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the orthRotate or oblqRotate function.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

See Also

efaUnrotate; orthRotate; oblqRotate


unrotated <- efaUnrotate(HolzingerSwineford1939, nf = 3,
                         varList = paste0("x", 1:9), estimator = "mlr")
summary(unrotated, std = TRUE)
lavInspect(unrotated, "std")

# Rotated by Quartimin
rotated <- oblqRotate(unrotated, method = "quartimin")

Empirical Kaiser criterion


Identify the number of factors to extract based on the Empirical Kaiser Criterion (EKC). The analysis can be run on a data.frame or data matrix (data), or on a correlation or covariance matrix (sample.cov) and the sample size (sample.nobs). A data.frame is returned with two columns: the eigenvalues from your data or covariance matrix and the reference eigenvalues. The number of factors suggested by the Empirical Kaiser Criterion (i.e. the sample eigenvalues greater than the reference eigenvalues), and the number of factors suggested by the original Kaiser Criterion (i.e. sample eigenvalues > 1) is printed above the output.


efa.ekc(data = NULL, sample.cov = NULL, sample.nobs = NULL,
  missing = "default", ordered = NULL, plot = TRUE)



A data.frame or data matrix containing columns of variables to be factor-analyzed.


A covariance or correlation matrix can be used, instead of data, to estimate the eigenvalues.


Number of observations (i.e. sample size) if is.null(data) and ⁠sample.cov=⁠ is used.


If "listwise", incomplete cases are removed listwise from the data.frame. If "direct" or "ml" or "fiml" and the ⁠estimator=⁠ is maximum likelihood, an EM algorithm is used to estimate an unrestricted covariance matrix (and mean vector). If "pairwise", pairwise deletion is used. If '"default"“, the value is set depending on the estimator and the mimic option (see lavaan::lavCor() for details).


character vector. Only used if object is a data.frame. Treat these variables as ⁠ordered=⁠ (ordinal) variables. Importantly, all other variables will be treated as numeric (unless is.ordered == TRUE in data). (see also lavCor)


logical. Whether to print a scree plot comparing the sample eigenvalues with the reference eigenvalues.


A data.frame showing the sample and reference eigenvalues.

The number of factors suggested by the Empirical Kaiser Criterion (i.e. the sample eigenvalues greater than the reference eigenvalues) is returned as an attribute (see Examples).

The number of factors suggested by the original Kaiser Criterion (i.e. sample eigenvalues > 1) is also printed as a header to the data.frame


Ylenio Longo (University of Nottingham; [email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Braeken, J., & van Assen, M. A. L. M. (2017). An empirical Kaiser criterion. Psychological Methods, 22(3), 450–466. doi:10.1037/met0000074


## Simulate data with 3 factors
model <- '
  f1 =~ .3*x1 + .5*x2 + .4*x3
  f2 =~ .3*x4 + .5*x5 + .4*x6
  f3 =~ .3*x7 + .5*x8 + .4*x9
dat <- simulateData(model, seed = 123)
## save summary statistics
myCovMat <- cov(dat)
myCorMat <- cor(dat)
N <- nrow(dat)

## Run the EKC function
(out <- efa.ekc(dat))

## To extract the recommended number of factors using the EKC:
attr(out, "nfactors")

## If you do not have raw data, you can use summary statistics
(x1 <- efa.ekc(sample.cov = myCovMat, sample.nobs = N, plot = FALSE))
(x2 <- efa.ekc(sample.cov = myCorMat, sample.nobs = N, plot = FALSE))

Simulated Data set to Demonstrate Longitudinal Measurement Invariance


A simulated data set with 1 factors with 3 indicators in three timepoints




A data.frame with 200 observations of 10 variables.


Sex of respondents


Indicator 1 in Time 1


Indicator 2 in Time 1


Indicator 3 in Time 1


Indicator 1 in Time 2


Indicator 2 in Time 2


Indicator 3 in Time 2


Indicator 1 in Time 3


Indicator 2 in Time 3


Indicator 3 in Time 3


Data were generated using the simsem package.



Find the statistical power based on population RMSEA


Find the proportion of the samples from the sampling distribution of RMSEA in the alternative hypothesis rejected by the cutoff dervied from the sampling distribution of RMSEA in the null hypothesis. This function can be applied for both test of close fit and test of not-close fit (MacCallum, Browne, & Suguwara, 1996)


findRMSEApower(rmsea0, rmseaA, df, n, alpha = 0.05, group = 1)





Alternative RMSEA


Model degrees of freedom


Sample size of a dataset


Alpha level used in power calculations


The number of group that is used to calculate RMSEA.


This function find the proportion of sampling distribution derived from the alternative RMSEA that is in the critical region derived from the sampling distribution of the null RMSEA. If rmseaA is greater than rmsea0, the test of close fit is used and the critical region is in the right hand side of the null sampling distribution. On the other hand, if rmseaA is less than rmsea0, the test of not-close fit is used and the critical region is in the left hand side of the null sampling distribution (MacCallum, Browne, & Suguwara, 1996).

There is also a Shiny app called "power4SEM" that provides a graphical user interface for this functionality (Jak et al., in press). It can be accessed at


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Sugawara, H. M. (1996). Power analysis and determination of sample size for covariance structure modeling. Psychological Methods, 1(2), 130–149. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.1.2.130

Jak, S., Jorgensen, T. D., Verdam, M. G., Oort, F. J., & Elffers, L. (2021). Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: A tutorial and Shiny app. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1385–1406. doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01479-0

See Also


findRMSEApower(rmsea0 = .05, rmseaA = .08, df = 20, n = 200)

Find power given a sample size in nested model comparison


Find the sample size that the power in rejection the samples from the alternative pair of RMSEA is just over the specified power.


findRMSEApowernested(rmsea0A = NULL, rmsea0B = NULL, rmsea1A,
  rmsea1B = NULL, dfA, dfB, n, alpha = 0.05, group = 1)



The H0H_0 baseline RMSEA


The H0H_0 alternative RMSEA (trivial misfit)


The H1H_1 baseline RMSEA


The H1H_1 alternative RMSEA (target misfit to be rejected)


degree of freedom of the more-restricted model


degree of freedom of the less-restricted model


Sample size


The alpha level


The number of group in calculating RMSEA


Bell Clinton

Pavel Panko (Texas Tech University; [email protected])

Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Cai, L. (2006). Testing differences between nested covariance structure models: Power analysis and null hypotheses. Psychological Methods, 11(1), 19–35. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.11.1.19

See Also

  • plotRMSEApowernested() to plot the statistical power for nested model comparison based on population RMSEA given the sample size

  • findRMSEAsamplesizenested() to find the minium sample size for a given statistical power in nested model comparison based on population RMSEA


findRMSEApowernested(rmsea0A = 0.06, rmsea0B = 0.05, rmsea1A = 0.08,
                     rmsea1B = 0.05, dfA = 22, dfB = 20, n = 200,
                     alpha = 0.05, group = 1)

Find the minimum sample size for a given statistical power based on population RMSEA


Find the minimum sample size for a specified statistical power based on population RMSEA. This function can be applied for both test of close fit and test of not-close fit (MacCallum, Browne, & Suguwara, 1996)


findRMSEAsamplesize(rmsea0, rmseaA, df, power = 0.8, alpha = 0.05,
  group = 1)





Alternative RMSEA


Model degrees of freedom


Desired statistical power to reject misspecified model (test of close fit) or retain good model (test of not-close fit)


Alpha level used in power calculations


The number of group that is used to calculate RMSEA.


This function find the minimum sample size for a specified power based on an iterative routine. The sample size keep increasing until the calculated power from findRMSEApower() function is just over the specified power. If group is greater than 1, the resulting sample size is the sample size per group.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Sugawara, H. M. (1996). Power analysis and determination of sample size for covariance structure modeling. Psychological Methods, 1(2), 130–149. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.1.2.130

Jak, S., Jorgensen, T. D., Verdam, M. G., Oort, F. J., & Elffers, L. (2021). Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: A tutorial and Shiny app. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1385–1406. doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01479-0

See Also

  • plotRMSEApower() to plot the statistical power based on population RMSEA given the sample size

  • plotRMSEAdist() to visualize the RMSEA distributions

  • findRMSEApower() to find the statistical power based on population RMSEA given a sample size


findRMSEAsamplesize(rmsea0 = .05, rmseaA = .08, df = 20, power = 0.80)

Find sample size given a power in nested model comparison


Find the sample size that the power in rejection the samples from the alternative pair of RMSEA is just over the specified power.


findRMSEAsamplesizenested(rmsea0A = NULL, rmsea0B = NULL, rmsea1A,
  rmsea1B = NULL, dfA, dfB, power = 0.8, alpha = 0.05, group = 1)



The H0H_0 baseline RMSEA


The H0H_0 alternative RMSEA (trivial misfit)


The H1H_1 baseline RMSEA


The H1H_1 alternative RMSEA (target misfit to be rejected)


degree of freedom of the more-restricted model.


degree of freedom of the less-restricted model.


The desired statistical power.


The alpha level.


The number of group in calculating RMSEA.


Bell Clinton

Pavel Panko (Texas Tech University; [email protected])

Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Cai, L. (2006). Testing differences between nested covariance structure models: Power analysis and null hypotheses. Psychological Methods, 11(1), 19–35. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.11.1.19

See Also

  • plotRMSEApowernested() to plot the statistical power for nested model comparison based on population RMSEA given the sample size

  • findRMSEApowernested() to find the power for a given sample size in nested model comparison based on population RMSEA


findRMSEAsamplesizenested(rmsea0A = 0, rmsea0B = 0, rmsea1A = 0.06,
                          rmsea1B = 0.05, dfA = 22, dfB = 20, power = 0.80,
                          alpha = .05, group = 1)

Class For Representing A Template of Model Fit Comparisons


This class contains model fit measures and model fit comparisons among multiple models


## S4 method for signature 'FitDiff'

## S4 method for signature 'FitDiff'
summary(object, fit.measures = "default", nd = 3,
  tag = "†")



object of class FitDiff


character vector naming fit indices the user can request from lavaan::fitMeasures(). If "default", the fit measures will be c("chisq", "df", "pvalue", "cfi", "tli", "rmsea", "srmr", "aic", "bic"). If "all", all available fit measures will be returned.


number of digits printed


single character used to flag the model preferred by each fit index. To omit tags, set to NULL or NA.



character. The name of each model


character. One class to which each model belongs


data.frame. Model fit comparisons between adjacently nested models that are ordered by their degrees of freedom (df)


data.frame. Fit measures of all models specified in the name slot, ordered by their df


data.frame. Sequential differences in fit measures in the fit slot

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the compareFit() function.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

See Also

compareFit(); clipboard()


HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '
fit.config <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school")
## invariance constraints
fit.metric <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
                  group.equal = "loadings")
fit.scalar <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
                  group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"))
fit.strict <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
                  group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts","residuals"))
measEqOut <- compareFit(fit.config, fit.metric, fit.scalar, fit.strict)
summary(measEqOut, fit.measures = "all")
summary(measEqOut, fit.measures = c("aic", "bic"))

## Save results to a file
saveFile(measEqOut, file = "measEq.txt")

## Copy to a clipboard

Fraction of Missing Information.


This function estimates the Fraction of Missing Information (FMI) for summary statistics of each variable, using either an incomplete data set or a list of imputed data sets.


fmi(data, method = "saturated", group = NULL, ords = NULL,
  varnames = NULL, exclude = NULL, = FALSE)



Either a single data.frame with incomplete observations, or a list of imputed data sets.


character. If "saturated" or "sat" (default), the model used to estimate FMI is a freely estimated covariance matrix and mean vector for numeric variables, and/or polychoric correlations and thresholds for ordered categorical variables, for each group (if applicable). If "null", only means and variances are estimated for numeric variables, and/or thresholds for ordered categorical variables (i.e., covariances and/or polychoric/polyserial correlations are constrained to zero). See Details for more information.


character. The optional name of a grouping variable, to request FMI in each group.


Optional character vector naming ordered-categorical variables, if they are not already stored as class ordered in data.


Optional character vector of variable names, to calculate FMI for a subset of variables in data. By default, all numeric and ⁠ordered=⁠ variables will be included, unless ⁠data=⁠ is a single incomplete data.frame, in which case only numeric variables can be used with FIML estimation. Other variable types will be removed.


Optional character vector naming variables to exclude from the analysis.

logical. If TRUE, the fitted lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi model is returned, so FMI can be found from summary(..., fmi=TRUE).


The function estimates a saturated model with lavaan::lavaan() for a single incomplete data set using FIML, or with lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi() for a list of imputed data sets. If method = "saturated", FMI will be estiamted for all summary statistics, which could take a lot of time with big data sets. If method = "null", FMI will only be estimated for univariate statistics (e.g., means, variances, thresholds). The saturated model gives more reliable estimates, so it could also help to request a subset of variables from a large data set.


fmi() returns a list with at least 2 of the following:


A list of symmetric matrices: (1) the estimated/pooled covariance matrix, or a list of group-specific matrices (if applicable) and (2) a matrix of FMI, or a list of group-specific matrices (if applicable). Only available if method = "saturated". When method="cor", this element is replaced by Correlations.


The estimated/pooled variance for each numeric variable. Only available if method = "null" (otherwise, it is on the diagonal of Covariances).


The estimated/pooled mean for each numeric variable.


The estimated/pooled threshold(s) for each ordered-categorical variable.


Mauricio Garnier Villarreal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; [email protected])

Terrence Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Rubin, D. B. (1987). Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. New York, NY: Wiley.

Savalei, V. & Rhemtulla, M. (2012). On obtaining estimates of the fraction of missing information from full information maximum likelihood. Structural Equation Modeling, 19(3), 477–494. doi:10.1080/10705511.2012.687669

Wagner, J. (2010). The fraction of missing information as a tool for monitoring the quality of survey data. Public Opinion Quarterly, 74(2), 223–243. doi:10.1093/poq/nfq007


HSMiss <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , c(paste("x", 1:9, sep = ""),
HSMiss$x5 <- ifelse(HSMiss$x5 <= quantile(HSMiss$x5, .3), NA, HSMiss$x5)
age <- HSMiss$ageyr + HSMiss$agemo/12
HSMiss$x9 <- ifelse(age <= quantile(age, .3), NA, HSMiss$x9)

## calculate FMI (using FIML, provide partially observed data set)
(out1 <- fmi(HSMiss, exclude = "school"))
(out2 <- fmi(HSMiss, exclude = "school", method = "null"))
(out3 <- fmi(HSMiss, varnames = c("x5","x6","x7","x8","x9")))
(out4 <- fmi(HSMiss, method = "cor", group = "school")) # correlations by group

## significance tests in lavaan(.mi) object
out5 <- fmi(HSMiss, method = "cor", = TRUE)
summary(out5) # factor loading == SD, covariance = correlation

  ## ordered-categorical data
  data(binHS5imps, package = "lavaan.mi")

  ## calculate FMI, using list of imputed data sets
  fmi(binHS5imps, group = "school")

Wrapper for goric.lavaan() from the restriktor package


The goricaSEM() function is an interface to restriktor::goric.lavaan(), allowing users to perform generalized order-restricted information criterion approximation (GORICA) analysis specifically for structural equation models fitted using the lavaan package.


goricaSEM(object, ..., hypotheses = NULL, comparison = NULL,
  type = "gorica", standardized = FALSE, debug = FALSE)



A lavaan::lavaan object.


Additional arguments passed to restriktor::goric.lavaan().


A named list of hypotheses to test. See Details for information on how to specify hypotheses.


A character string specifying the type of comparison. Options are "unconstrained", "complement", or "none". Default behavior depends on the number of hypotheses.


A character string indicating the type of analysis, either "gorica" (default) or "goricac".


logical indicating whether standardized estimates are used in the analysis. Defaults to FALSE.


logical indicating whether to print debugging information. Defaults to FALSE.


This function is designed as a wrapper for the restriktor::goric.lavaan() function. It calculates GORICA values and weights, which can be used to compare models or hypotheses under inequality constraints.

The ⁠hypotheses=⁠ argument allows users to specify constraints in text-based syntax or matrix notation. For text-based syntax, constraints are specified as a string (e.g., "a1 > a2"). For matrix notation, a named list with ⁠$constraints⁠, ⁠$rhs⁠, and ⁠$neq⁠ elements can be provided.

The ⁠comparison=⁠ argument determines whether the specified hypothesis is compared against its "complement", the "unconstrained" model, or neither ("none").


A list containing the results of the goric.lavaan function, including:

  • The log-likelihood.

  • Penalty term.

  • GORIC(A) values and weights.

  • Relative GORIC(A) weights.


Leonard Vanbrabant and Rebecca Kuiper


Kuiper, R. M., Hoijtink, H., & Silvapulle, M. J. (2011). An Akaike-type information criterion for model selection under inequality constraints. Biometrika, 98(2), 495–501. doi:10.1093/biomet/asr002

Vanbrabant, L., Van Loey, N., & Kuiper, R. M. (2020). Evaluating a theory-based hypothesis against its complement using an AIC-type information criterion with an application to facial burn injury. Psychological Methods, 25(2), 129–142. doi:10.1037/met0000238

See Also



## Example: Perform GORICA analysis on a lavaan model

## Define the SEM model
model <- '
  ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  dem60 =~ y1 + a1*y2 + b1*y3 + c1*y4
  dem65 =~ y5 + a2*y6 + b2*y7 + c2*y8
  dem60 ~ ind60
  dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60
  y1 ~~ y5
  y2 ~~ y4 + y6
  y3 ~~ y7
  y4 ~~ y8
  y6 ~~ y8

## Fit the model
fit <- sem(model, data = PoliticalDemocracy)

## Define hypotheses
myHypothesis <- 'a1 > a2, b1 > b2, c1 > c2'

## Perform GORICA analysis
result <- goricaSEM(fit, hypotheses = list(H1 = myHypothesis),
                    standardized = FALSE, comparison = "complement",
                    type = "gorica")

## Print result

Assessing Discriminant Validity using Heterotrait–Monotrait Ratio


This function assesses discriminant validity through the heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) of the correlations (Henseler, Ringlet & Sarstedt, 2015). Specifically, it assesses the arithmetic (Henseler et al., ) or geometric (Roemer et al., 2021) mean correlation among indicators across constructs (i.e. heterotrait–heteromethod correlations) relative to the geometric-mean correlation among indicators within the same construct (i.e. monotrait–heteromethod correlations). The resulting HTMT(2) values are interpreted as estimates of inter-construct correlations. Absolute values of the correlations are recommended to calculate the HTMT matrix, and are required to calculate HTMT2. Correlations are estimated using the lavaan::lavCor() function.


htmt(model, data = NULL, sample.cov = NULL, missing = "listwise",
  ordered = NULL, absolute = TRUE, htmt2 = TRUE)



lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() of a confirmatory factor analysis model where at least two factors are required for indicators measuring the same construct.


A data.frame or data matrix


A covariance or correlation matrix can be used, instead of ⁠data=⁠, to estimate the HTMT values.


If "listwise", cases with missing values are removed listwise from the data frame. If "direct" or "ml" or "fiml" and the estimator is maximum likelihood, an EM algorithm is used to estimate the unrestricted covariance matrix (and mean vector). If "pairwise", pairwise deletion is used. If "default", the value is set depending on the estimator and the mimic option (see details in lavaan::lavCor()).


Character vector. Only used if object is a data.frame. Treat these variables as ordered (ordinal) variables. Importantly, all other variables will be treated as numeric (unless is.ordered in ⁠data=⁠). See also lavaan::lavCor().


logical indicating whether HTMT values should be estimated based on absolute correlations (default is TRUE). This is recommended for HTMT but required for HTMT2 (so silently ignored).


logical indicating whether to use the geometric mean (default, appropriate for congeneric indicators) or arithmetic mean (which assumes tau-equivalence).


A matrix showing HTMT(2) values (i.e., discriminant validity) between each pair of factors.


Ylenio Longo (University of Nottingham; [email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2015). A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(1), 115–135. doi:10.1007/s11747-014-0403-8

Roemer, E., Schuberth, F., & Henseler, J. (2021). HTMT2—An improved criterion for assessing discriminant validity in structural equation modeling. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(21), 2637–2650. doi:10.1108/IMDS-02-2021-0082

Voorhees, C. M., Brady, M. K., Calantone, R., & Ramirez, E. (2016). Discriminant validity testing in marketing: An analysis, causes for concern, and proposed remedies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 119–134. doi:10.1007/s11747-015-0455-4


HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

dat <- HolzingerSwineford1939[, paste0("x", 1:9)]
htmt(HS.model, dat)

## save covariance matrix
HS.cov <- cov(HolzingerSwineford1939[, paste0("x", 1:9)])
## HTMT using arithmetic mean
htmt(HS.model, sample.cov = HS.cov, htmt2 = FALSE)

Specify starting values from a lavaan output


This function will save the parameter estimates of a lavaan output and impose those parameter estimates as starting values for another analysis model. The free parameters with the same names or the same labels across two models will be imposed the new starting values. This function may help to increase the chance of convergence in a complex model (e.g., multitrait-multimethod model or complex longitudinal invariance model).


imposeStart(out, expr, silent = TRUE)



The lavaan output that users wish to use the parameter estimates as staring values for an analysis model


The original code that users use to run a lavaan model


Logical to print the parameter table with new starting values


A fitted lavaan model


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


## The following example show that the longitudinal weak invariance model
## using effect coding was not convergent with three time points but convergent
## with two time points. Thus, the parameter estimates from the model with
## two time points are used as starting values of the three time points.
## The model with new starting values is convergent properly.

weak2time <- '
	# Loadings
	f1t1 =~ LOAD1*y1t1 + LOAD2*y2t1 + LOAD3*y3t1
    f1t2 =~ LOAD1*y1t2 + LOAD2*y2t2 + LOAD3*y3t2

	# Factor Variances
	f1t1 ~~ f1t1
	f1t2 ~~ f1t2

	# Factor Covariances
	f1t1 ~~ f1t2

	# Error Variances
	y1t1 ~~ y1t1
	y2t1 ~~ y2t1
	y3t1 ~~ y3t1
	y1t2 ~~ y1t2
	y2t2 ~~ y2t2
	y3t2 ~~ y3t2

	# Error Covariances
	y1t1 ~~ y1t2
	y2t1 ~~ y2t2
	y3t1 ~~ y3t2

	# Factor Means
	f1t1 ~ NA*1
	f1t2 ~ NA*1

	# Measurement Intercepts
	y1t1 ~ INT1*1
	y2t1 ~ INT2*1
	y3t1 ~ INT3*1
	y1t2 ~ INT4*1
	y2t2 ~ INT5*1
	y3t2 ~ INT6*1

	# Constraints for Effect-coding Identification
	LOAD1 == 3 - LOAD2 - LOAD3
	INT1 == 0 - INT2 - INT3
	INT4 == 0 - INT5 - INT6
model2time <- lavaan(weak2time, data = exLong)

weak3time <- '
	# Loadings
	f1t1 =~ LOAD1*y1t1 + LOAD2*y2t1 + LOAD3*y3t1
    f1t2 =~ LOAD1*y1t2 + LOAD2*y2t2 + LOAD3*y3t2
    f1t3 =~ LOAD1*y1t3 + LOAD2*y2t3 + LOAD3*y3t3

	# Factor Variances
	f1t1 ~~ f1t1
	f1t2 ~~ f1t2
	f1t3 ~~ f1t3

	# Factor Covariances
	f1t1 ~~ f1t2 + f1t3
	f1t2 ~~ f1t3

	# Error Variances
	y1t1 ~~ y1t1
	y2t1 ~~ y2t1
	y3t1 ~~ y3t1
	y1t2 ~~ y1t2
	y2t2 ~~ y2t2
	y3t2 ~~ y3t2
	y1t3 ~~ y1t3
	y2t3 ~~ y2t3
	y3t3 ~~ y3t3

	# Error Covariances
	y1t1 ~~ y1t2
	y2t1 ~~ y2t2
	y3t1 ~~ y3t2
	y1t1 ~~ y1t3
	y2t1 ~~ y2t3
	y3t1 ~~ y3t3
	y1t2 ~~ y1t3
	y2t2 ~~ y2t3
	y3t2 ~~ y3t3

	# Factor Means
	f1t1 ~ NA*1
	f1t2 ~ NA*1
	f1t3 ~ NA*1

	# Measurement Intercepts
	y1t1 ~ INT1*1
	y2t1 ~ INT2*1
	y3t1 ~ INT3*1
	y1t2 ~ INT4*1
	y2t2 ~ INT5*1
	y3t2 ~ INT6*1
	y1t3 ~ INT7*1
	y2t3 ~ INT8*1
	y3t3 ~ INT9*1

	# Constraints for Effect-coding Identification
	LOAD1 == 3 - LOAD2 - LOAD3
	INT1 == 0 - INT2 - INT3
	INT4 == 0 - INT5 - INT6
	INT7 == 0 - INT8 - INT9
### The following command does not provide convergent result
# model3time <- lavaan(weak3time, data = exLong)

### Use starting values from the model with two time points
model3time <- imposeStart(model2time, lavaan(weak3time, data = exLong))

Make products of indicators using no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering


The indProd function will make products of indicators using no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering. The orthogonalize function is the shortcut of the indProd function to make the residual-centered indicators products.


indProd(data, var1, var2, var3 = NULL, match = TRUE, meanC = TRUE,
  residualC = FALSE, doubleMC = TRUE, namesProd = NULL)

orthogonalize(data, var1, var2, var3 = NULL, match = TRUE,
  namesProd = NULL)



The desired data to be transformed.


Names or indices of the variables loaded on the first factor


Names or indices of the variables loaded on the second factor


Names or indices of the variables loaded on the third factor (for three-way interaction)


Specify TRUE to use match-paired approach (Marsh, Wen, & Hau, 2004). If FALSE, the resulting products are all possible products.


Specify TRUE for mean centering the main effect indicator before making the products


Specify TRUE for residual centering the products by the main effect indicators (Little, Bovaird, & Widaman, 2006).


Specify TRUE for centering the resulting products (Lin et. al., 2010)


The names of resulting products


The original data attached with the products.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected]) Alexander Schoemann (East Carolina University; [email protected])


Marsh, H. W., Wen, Z. & Hau, K. T. (2004). Structural equation models of latent interactions: Evaluation of alternative estimation strategies and indicator construction. Psychological Methods, 9(3), 275–300. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.3.275

Lin, G. C., Wen, Z., Marsh, H. W., & Lin, H. S. (2010). Structural equation models of latent interactions: Clarification of orthogonalizing and double-mean-centering strategies. Structural Equation Modeling, 17(3), 374–391. doi:10.1080/10705511.2010.488999

Little, T. D., Bovaird, J. A., & Widaman, K. F. (2006). On the merits of orthogonalizing powered and product terms: Implications for modeling interactions among latent variables. Structural Equation Modeling, 13(4), 497–519. doi:10.1207/s15328007sem1304_1

See Also

  • probe2WayMC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering.

  • probe3WayMC() For probing the three-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering.

  • probe2WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • probe3WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • plotProbe() Plot the simple intercepts and slopes of the latent interaction.


## Mean centering / two-way interaction / match-paired
dat <- indProd(attitude[ , -1], var1 = 1:3, var2 = 4:6)

## Residual centering / two-way interaction / match-paired
dat2 <- indProd(attitude[ , -1], var1 = 1:3, var2 = 4:6, match = FALSE,
                meanC = FALSE, residualC = TRUE, doubleMC = FALSE)

## Double-mean centering / two-way interaction / match-paired
dat3 <- indProd(attitude[ , -1], var1 = 1:3, var2 = 4:6, match = FALSE,
                meanC = TRUE, residualC = FALSE, doubleMC = TRUE)

## Mean centering / three-way interaction / match-paired
dat4 <- indProd(attitude[ , -1], var1 = 1:2, var2 = 3:4, var3 = 5:6)

## Residual centering / three-way interaction / match-paired
dat5 <- orthogonalize(attitude[ , -1], var1 = 1:2, var2 = 3:4, var3 = 5:6,
                      match = FALSE)

## Double-mean centering / three-way interaction / match-paired
dat6 <- indProd(attitude[ , -1], var1 = 1:2, var2 = 3:4, var3 = 5:6,
                match = FALSE, meanC = TRUE, residualC = TRUE,
                doubleMC = TRUE)

## To add product-indicators to multiple-imputed data sets

HSMiss <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , c(paste0("x", 1:9), "ageyr","agemo")]
HSMiss$x5 <- ifelse(HSMiss$x5 <= quantile(HSMiss$x5, .3), NA, HSMiss$x5)
age <- HSMiss$ageyr + HSMiss$agemo/12
HSMiss$x9 <- ifelse(age <= quantile(age, .3), NA, HSMiss$x9)
HS.amelia <- amelia(HSMiss, m = 3, p2s = FALSE)
imps <- HS.amelia$imputations # extract a list of imputations
## apply indProd() to the list of data.frames
imps2 <- lapply(imps, indProd,
                var1 = c("x1","x2","x3"), var2 = c("x4","x5","x6"))
## verify:
lapply(imps2, head)

Generate data via the Kaiser-Dickman (1962) algorithm.


Given a covariance matrix and sample size, generate raw data that correspond to the covariance matrix. Data can be generated to match the covariance matrix exactly, or to be a sample from the population covariance matrix.


kd(covmat, n, type = c("exact", "sample"))



a symmetric, positive definite covariance matrix


the sample size for the data that will be generated


type of data generation. exact generates data that exactly correspond to covmat. sample treats covmat as a poulation covariance matrix, generating a sample of size n.


By default, R's cov() function divides by n-1. The data generated by this algorithm result in a covariance matrix that matches covmat, but you must divide by n instead of n-1.


kd returns a data matrix of dimension n by nrow(covmat).


Ed Merkle (University of Missouri; [email protected])


Kaiser, H. F. and Dickman, K. (1962). Sample and population score matrices and sample correlation matrices from an arbitrary population correlation matrix. Psychometrika, 27(2), 179–182. doi:10.1007/BF02289635


#### First Example

## Get data
dat <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , 7:15]
hs.n <- nrow(dat)

## Covariance matrix divided by n
hscov <- ((hs.n-1)/hs.n) * cov(dat)

## Generate new, raw data corresponding to hscov
newdat <- kd(hscov, hs.n)

## Difference between new covariance matrix and hscov is minimal
newcov <- (hs.n-1)/hs.n * cov(newdat)
summary(as.numeric(hscov - newcov))

## Generate sample data, treating hscov as population matrix
newdat2 <- kd(hscov, hs.n, type = "sample")

#### Another example

## Define a covariance matrix
covmat <- matrix(0, 3, 3)
diag(covmat) <- 1.5
covmat[2:3,1] <- c(1.3, 1.7)
covmat[3,2] <- 2.1
covmat <- covmat + t(covmat)

## Generate data of size 300 that have this covariance matrix
rawdat <- kd(covmat, 300)

## Covariances are exact if we compute sample covariance matrix by
## dividing by n (vs by n - 1)
summary(as.numeric((299/300)*cov(rawdat) - covmat))

## Generate data of size 300 where covmat is the population covariance matrix
rawdat2 <- kd(covmat, 300)

Finding excessive kurtosis


Finding excessive kurtosis (g2g_{2}) of an object


kurtosis(object, population = FALSE)



A vector used to find a excessive kurtosis


TRUE to compute the parameter formula. FALSE to compute the sample statistic formula.


The excessive kurtosis computed by default is g2g_{2}, the fourth standardized moment of the empirical distribution of object. The population parameter excessive kurtosis γ2\gamma_{2} formula is

γ2=μ4μ223,\gamma_{2} = \frac{\mu_{4}}{\mu^{2}_{2}} - 3,

where μi\mu_{i} denotes the ii order central moment.

The excessive kurtosis formula for sample statistic g2g_{2} is

g2=k4k223,g_{2} = \frac{k_{4}}{k^{2}_{2}} - 3,

where kik_{i} are the ii order k-statistic.

The standard error of the excessive kurtosis is

Var(g^2)=24NVar(\hat{g}_{2}) = \frac{24}{N}

where NN is the sample size.


A value of an excessive kurtosis with a test statistic if the population is specified as FALSE


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Weisstein, Eric W. (n.d.). Kurtosis. Retrieved from MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource:

See Also

  • skew() Find the univariate skewness of a variable

  • mardiaSkew() Find the Mardia's multivariate skewness of a set of variables

  • mardiaKurtosis() Find the Mardia's multivariate kurtosis of a set of variables



emmeans Support Functions for lavaan Models


Provide emmeans support for lavaan objects


recover_data.lavaan(object, lavaan.DV, data = NULL, ...)

emm_basis.lavaan(object, trms, xlev, grid, lavaan.DV, ...)



An object of class lavaan::lavaan(). See Details.


character string naming the variable(s) for which expected marginal means / trends should be produced. A vector of names indicates a multivariate outcome, treated by default as repeated measures.


An optional data.frame without missing values, to be passed when missing="FIML" estimation was useed, thus avoiding a reference-grid with missing values.


Further arguments passed to emmeans::recover_data.lm or emmeans::emm_basis.lm

trms, xlev, grid

See emmeans::emm_basis


Supported DVs

lavaan.DV must be an endogenous variable, by appearing on the left-hand side of either a regression operator ("~") or an intercept operator ("~1"), or both.

lavaan.DV can also be a vector of endogenous variable, in which case they will be treated by emmeans as a multivariate outcome (often, this indicates repeated measures) represented by an additional factor named rep.meas by default. The ⁠⁠ argument can be used to overwrite this default name.

Unsupported Models

This functionality does not support the following models:

  • Multi-level models are not supported.

  • Models not fit to a data.frame (i.e., models fit to a covariance matrix).

Dealing with Fixed Parameters

Fixed parameters (set with lavaan's modifiers) are treated as-is: their values are set by the users, and they have a SE of 0 (as such, they do not co-vary with any other parameter).

Dealing with Multigroup Models

If a multigroup model is supplied, a factor is added to the reference grid, the name matching the group argument supplied when fitting the model. Note that you must set nesting = NULL.

Dealing with Missing Data

Limited testing suggests that these functions do work when the model was fit to incomplete data.

Dealing with Factors

By default emmeans recognizes binary variables (0,1) as a "factor" with two levels (and not a continuous variable). With some clever contrast defenitions it should be possible to get the desired emmeans / contasts. See example below.


Mattan S. Ben-Shachar (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; [email protected])


## Not run: 


  #### Moderation Analysis ####

  mean_sd <- function(x) mean(x) + c(-sd(x), 0, sd(x))

  model <- '
  # regressions
  Sepal.Length ~ b1 * Sepal.Width + b2 * Petal.Length + b3 * Sepal.Width:Petal.Length

  # define mean parameter label for centered math for use in simple slopes
  Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Width.mean * 1

  # define variance parameter label for centered math for use in simple slopes
  Sepal.Width ~~ Sepal.Width.var * Sepal.Width

  # simple slopes for condition effect
  SD.below := b2 + b3 * (Sepal.Width.mean - sqrt(Sepal.Width.var))
  mean     := b2 + b3 * (Sepal.Width.mean)
  SD.above := b2 + b3 * (Sepal.Width.mean + sqrt(Sepal.Width.var))

  semFit <- sem(model = model,
                data = iris)

  ## Compare simple slopes
  # From `emtrends`
    emtrends(semFit, ~ Sepal.Width, "Petal.Length",
             lavaan.DV = "Sepal.Length",
    = mean_sd)

  # From lavaan
  parameterEstimates(semFit, output = "pretty")[13:15, ]
  # Identical slopes.
  # SEs differ due to lavaan estimating uncertainty of the mean / SD
  # of Sepal.Width, whereas emmeans uses the mean+-SD as is (fixed).

  #### Latent DV ####

  model <- '
  LAT1 =~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width

  LAT1 ~ b1 * Petal.Width + 1 * Petal.Length

  Petal.Length ~ Petal.Length.mean * 1

  V1 := 1 * Petal.Length.mean + 1 * b1
  V2 := 1 * Petal.Length.mean + 2 * b1

  semFit <- sem(model = model,
                data = iris, = TRUE)

  ## Compare emmeans
  # From emmeans
    emmeans(semFit, ~ Petal.Width,
            lavaan.DV = "LAT1",
            at = list(Petal.Width = 1:2))

  # From lavaan
  parameterEstimates(semFit, output = "pretty")[15:16, ]
  # Identical means.
  # SEs differ due to lavaan estimating uncertainty of the mean
  # of Petal.Length, whereas emmeans uses the mean as is.

  #### Multi-Variate DV ####

  model <- '
  ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3

  # metric invariance
  dem60 =~ y1 + a*y2 + b*y3 + c*y4
  dem65 =~ y5 + a*y6 + b*y7 + c*y8

  # scalar invariance
  y1 + y5 ~ d*1
  y2 + y6 ~ e*1
  y3 + y7 ~ f*1
  y4 + y8 ~ g*1

  # regressions (slopes differ: interaction with time)
  dem60 ~ b1*ind60
  dem65 ~ b2*ind60 + NA*1 + Mean.Diff*1

  # residual correlations
  y1 ~~ y5
  y2 ~~ y4 + y6
  y3 ~~ y7
  y4 ~~ y8
  y6 ~~ y8

  # conditional mean differences (besides mean(ind60) == 0)
   low := (-1*b2 + Mean.Diff) - (-1*b1) # 1 SD below M
  high := (b2 + Mean.Diff) - b1         # 1 SD above M

  semFit <- sem(model, data = PoliticalDemocracy)

  ## Compare contrasts
  # From emmeans
  emmeans(semFit, pairwise ~ rep.meas|ind60,
          lavaan.DV = c("dem60","dem65"),
          at = list(ind60 = c(-1,1)))[[2]]

  # From lavaan
  parameterEstimates(semFit, output = "pretty")[49:50, ]

  #### Multi Group ####

  model <- 'x1 ~ c(int1, int2)*1 + c(b1, b2)*ageyr
  diff_11 := (int2 + b2*11) - (int1 + b1*11)
  diff_13 := (int2 + b2*13) - (int1 + b1*13)
  diff_15 := (int2 + b2*15) - (int1 + b1*15)
  semFit <- sem(model, group = "school", data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

  ## Compare contrasts
  # From emmeans (note `nesting = NULL`)
  emmeans(semFit, pairwise ~ school | ageyr, lavaan.DV = "x1",
          at = list(ageyr = c(11, 13, 15)), nesting = NULL)[[2]]

  # From lavaan
  parameterEstimates(semFit, output = "pretty")

  #### Dealing with factors ####

  warpbreaks <- cbind(warpbreaks,
                      model.matrix(~ wool + tension, data = warpbreaks))

  model <- "
  # Split for convenience
  breaks ~ 1
  breaks ~ woolB
  breaks ~ tensionM + tensionH
  breaks ~ woolB:tensionM + woolB:tensionH

  semFit <- sem(model, warpbreaks)

  ## Compare contrasts
  # From lm -> emmeans
  lmFit <- lm(breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks)
  lmEM <- emmeans(lmFit, ~ tension + wool)
  contrast(lmEM, method = data.frame(L_all = c(-1, .05, 0.5),
                                     M_H   = c(0, 1, -1)), by = "wool")

  # From lavaan -> emmeans
  lavEM <- emmeans(semFit, ~ tensionM + tensionH + woolB,
                   lavaan.DV = "breaks")
           method = list(
             "L_all|A" = c(c(-1, .05, 0.5, 0), rep(0, 4)),
             "M_H  |A" = c(c(0, 1, -1, 0),     rep(0, 4)),
             "L_all|A" = c(rep(0, 4),          c(-1, .05, 0.5, 0)),
             "M_H  |A" = c(rep(0, 4),          c(0, 1, -1, 0))

## End(Not run)

Find standardized factor loading from coefficient alpha


Find standardized factor loading from coefficient alpha assuming that all items have equal loadings.


loadingFromAlpha(alpha, ni)



A desired coefficient alpha value.


A desired number of items.



The standardized factor loadings that make desired coefficient alpha with specified number of items.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


loadingFromAlpha(0.8, 4)

Calculate Population Moments for Ordinal Data Treated as Numeric


This function calculates ordinal-scale moments implied by LRV-scale moments


lrv2ord(Sigma, Mu, thresholds, cWts)



Population covariance matrix(), with variable names saved in the dimnames() attribute.


Optional numeric vector of population means. If missing, all means will be set to zero.


Either a single numeric vector of population thresholds used to discretize each normally distributed variable, or a named list of each discretized variable's vector of thresholds. The discretized variables may be a subset of all variables in Sigma if the remaining variables are intended to be observed rather than latent normally distributed variables.


Optional (default when missing is to use 0 for the lowest category, followed by successive integers for each higher category). Either a single numeric vector of category weights (if they are identical across all variables) or a named list of each discretized variable's vector of category weights.


Binary and ordinal data are frequently accommodated in SEM by incorporating a threshold model that links each observed categorical response variable to a corresponding latent response variable that is typically assumed to be normally distributed (Kamata & Bauer, 2008; Wirth & Edwards, 2007). This function can be useful for real-data analysis or for designing Monte Carlo simulations, as described by Jorgensen and Johnson (2022).


A list including the LRV-scale population moments (means, covariance matrix, correlation matrix, and thresholds), the category weights, a data.frame of implied univariate moments (means, SDs, skewness, and excess kurtosis (i.e., in excess of 3, which is the kurtosis of the normal distribution) for discretized data treated as numeric, and the implied covariance and correlation matrix of discretized data treated as numeric.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

Andrew R. Johnson (Curtin University; [email protected])


Jorgensen, T. D., & Johnson, A. R. (2022). How to derive expected values of structural equation model parameters when treating discrete data as continuous. Structural Equation Modeling, 29(4), 639–650. doi:10.1080/10705511.2021.1988609

Kamata, A., & Bauer, D. J. (2008). A note on the relation between factor analytic and item response theory models. Structural Equation Modeling, 15(1), 136–153. doi:10.1080/10705510701758406

Wirth, R. J., & Edwards, M. C. (2007). Item factor analysis: Current approaches and future directions. Psychological Methods, 12(1), 58–79. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.12.1.58



## specify population model in LISREL matrices
Nu <- rep(0, 4)
Alpha <- c(1, -0.5)
Lambda <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), nrow = 4, ncol = 2,
                 dimnames = list(paste0("y", 1:4), paste0("eta", 1:2)))
Psi <- diag(c(1, .75))
Theta <- diag(4)
Beta <- matrix(c(0, .5, 0, 0), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

## calculate model-implied population means and covariance matrix
## of latent response variables (LRVs)
IB <- solve(diag(2) - Beta) # to save time and space
Mu_LRV <- Nu + Lambda %*% IB %*% Alpha
Sigma_LRV <- Lambda %*% IB %*% Psi %*% t(IB) %*% t(Lambda) + Theta

## Specify (unstandardized) thresholds to discretize normally distributed data
## generated from Mu_LRV and Sigma_LRV, based on marginal probabilities
PiList <- list(y1 = c(.25, .5, .25),
               y2 = c(.17, .33, .33, .17),
               y3 = c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .1),
               ## make final variable highly asymmetric
               y4 = c(.33, .25, .17, .12, .08, .05))
sapply(PiList, sum) # all sum to 100%
CumProbs <- sapply(PiList, cumsum)
## unstandardized thresholds
TauList <- mapply(qnorm, p = lapply(CumProbs, function(x) x[-length(x)]),
                  m = Mu_LRV, sd = sqrt(diag(Sigma_LRV)))
for (i in 1:4) names(TauList[[i]]) <- paste0(names(TauList)[i], "|t",

## assign numeric weights to each category (optional, see default)
NumCodes <- list(y1 = c(-0.5, 0, 0.5), y2 = 0:3, y3 = 1:5, y4 = 1:6)

## Calculate Population Moments for Numerically Coded Ordinal Variables
lrv2ord(Sigma = Sigma_LRV, Mu = Mu_LRV, thresholds = TauList, cWts = NumCodes)


data(datCat) # already stored as c("ordered","factor")
fit <- cfa(' f =~ 1*u1 + 1*u2 + 1*u3 + 1*u4 ', data = datCat)
lrv2ord(Sigma = fit, thresholds = fit) # use same fit for both
## or use estimated thresholds with specified parameters, but note that
## lrv2ord() will only extract standardized thresholds
dimnames(Sigma_LRV) <- list(paste0("u", 1:4), paste0("u", 1:4))
lrv2ord(Sigma = cov2cor(Sigma_LRV), thresholds = fit)

Finding Mardia's multivariate kurtosis


Finding Mardia's multivariate kurtosis of multiple variables


mardiaKurtosis(dat, use = "everything")



The target matrix or data frame with multiple variables


Missing data handling method from the stats::cov() function.


The Mardia's multivariate kurtosis formula (Mardia, 1970) is

b2,d=1ni=1n[(XiXˉ)S1(XiXˉ)]2,b_{2, d} = \frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}\left[ \left(\bold{X}_i - \bold{\bar{X}} \right)^{'} \bold{S}^{-1} \left(\bold{X}_i - \bold{\bar{X}} \right) \right]^2,

where dd is the number of variables, XX is the target dataset with multiple variables, nn is the sample size, S\bold{S} is the sample covariance matrix of the target dataset, and Xˉ\bold{\bar{X}} is the mean vectors of the target dataset binded in nn rows. When the population multivariate kurtosis is normal, the b2,db_{2,d} is asymptotically distributed as normal distribution with the mean of d(d+2)d(d + 2) and variance of 8d(d+2)/n8d(d + 2)/n.


A value of a Mardia's multivariate kurtosis with a test statistic


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Mardia, K. V. (1970). Measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis with applications. Biometrika, 57(3), 519–530. doi:10.2307/2334770

See Also

  • skew() Find the univariate skewness of a variable

  • kurtosis() Find the univariate excessive kurtosis of a variable

  • mardiaSkew() Find the Mardia's multivariate skewness of a set of variables


mardiaKurtosis(HolzingerSwineford1939[ , paste0("x", 1:9)])

Finding Mardia's multivariate skewness


Finding Mardia's multivariate skewness of multiple variables


mardiaSkew(dat, use = "everything")



The target matrix or data frame with multiple variables


Missing data handling method from the stats::cov() function.


The Mardia's multivariate skewness formula (Mardia, 1970) is

b1,d=1n2i=1nj=1n[(XiXˉ)S1(XjXˉ)]3,b_{1, d} = \frac{1}{n^2}\sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\left[ \left(\bold{X}_i - \bold{\bar{X}} \right)^{'} \bold{S}^{-1} \left(\bold{X}_j - \bold{\bar{X}} \right) \right]^3,

where dd is the number of variables, XX is the target dataset with multiple variables, nn is the sample size, S\bold{S} is the sample covariance matrix of the target dataset, and Xˉ\bold{\bar{X}} is the mean vectors of the target dataset binded in nn rows. When the population multivariate skewness is normal, the n6b1,d\frac{n}{6}b_{1,d} is asymptotically distributed as χ2\chi^2 distribution with d(d+1)(d+2)/6d(d + 1)(d + 2)/6 degrees of freedom.


A value of a Mardia's multivariate skewness with a test statistic


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Mardia, K. V. (1970). Measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis with applications. Biometrika, 57(3), 519–530. doi:10.2307/2334770

See Also

  • skew() Find the univariate skewness of a variable

  • kurtosis() Find the univariate excessive kurtosis of a variable

  • mardiaKurtosis() Find the Mardia's multivariate kurtosis of a set of variables


mardiaSkew(HolzingerSwineford1939[ , paste0("x", 1:9)])

Calculate maximal reliability


Calculate maximal reliability of a scale


maximalRelia(object, omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))



A lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object, expected to contain only exogenous common factors (i.e., a CFA model).


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


Given that a composite score (WW) is a weighted sum of item scores:

W=wx,W = \bold{w}^\prime \bold{x} ,

where x\bold{x} is a k×1k \times 1 vector of the scores of each item, w\bold{w} is a k×1k \times 1 weight vector of each item, and kk represents the number of items. Then, maximal reliability is obtained by finding w\bold{w} such that reliability attains its maximum (Li, 1997; Raykov, 2012). Note that the reliability can be obtained by

ρ=wSTwwSXw\rho = \frac{\bold{w}^\prime \bold{S}_T \bold{w}}{\bold{w}^\prime \bold{S}_X \bold{w}}

where ST\bold{S}_T is the covariance matrix explained by true scores and SX\bold{S}_X is the observed covariance matrix. Numerical method is used to find w\bold{w} in this function.

For continuous items, ST\bold{S}_T can be calculated by

ST=ΛΨΛ,\bold{S}_T = \Lambda \Psi \Lambda^\prime,

where Λ\Lambda is the factor loading matrix and Ψ\Psi is the covariance matrix among factors. SX\bold{S}_X is directly obtained by covariance among items.

For categorical items, Green and Yang's (2009) method is used for calculating ST\bold{S}_T and SX\bold{S}_X. The element ii and jj of ST\bold{S}_T can be calculated by

[ST]ij=ci=1Ci1cj1Cj1Φ2(τxci,τxcj,[ΛΨΛ]ij)ci=1Ci1Φ1(τxci)cj1Cj1Φ1(τxcj),\left[\bold{S}_T\right]_{ij} = \sum^{C_i - 1}_{c_i = 1} \sum^{C_j - 1}_{c_j - 1} \Phi_2\left( \tau_{x_{c_i}}, \tau_{x_{c_j}}, \left[ \Lambda \Psi \Lambda^\prime \right]_{ij} \right) - \sum^{C_i - 1}_{c_i = 1} \Phi_1(\tau_{x_{c_i}}) \sum^{C_j - 1}_{c_j - 1} \Phi_1(\tau_{x_{c_j}}),

where CiC_i and CjC_j represents the number of thresholds in Items ii and jj, τxci\tau_{x_{c_i}} represents the threshold cic_i of Item ii, τxcj\tau_{x_{c_j}} represents the threshold cic_i of Item jj, Φ1(τxci)\Phi_1(\tau_{x_{c_i}}) is the cumulative probability of τxci\tau_{x_{c_i}} given a univariate standard normal cumulative distribution and Φ2(τxci,τxcj,ρ)\Phi_2\left( \tau_{x_{c_i}}, \tau_{x_{c_j}}, \rho \right) is the joint cumulative probability of τxci\tau_{x_{c_i}} and τxcj\tau_{x_{c_j}} given a bivariate standard normal cumulative distribution with a correlation of ρ\rho

Each element of SX\bold{S}_X can be calculated by

[ST]ij=ci=1Ci1cj1Cj1Φ2(τVci,τVcj,ρij)ci=1Ci1Φ1(τVci)cj1Cj1Φ1(τVcj),\left[\bold{S}_T\right]_{ij} = \sum^{C_i - 1}_{c_i = 1} \sum^{C_j - 1}_{c_j - 1} \Phi_2\left( \tau_{V_{c_i}}, \tau_{V_{c_j}}, \rho^*_{ij} \right) - \sum^{C_i - 1}_{c_i = 1} \Phi_1(\tau_{V_{c_i}}) \sum^{C_j - 1}_{c_j - 1} \Phi_1(\tau_{V_{c_j}}),

where ρij\rho^*_{ij} is a polychoric correlation between Items ii and jj.


Maximal reliability values of each group. The maximal-reliability weights are also provided. Users may extracted the weighted by the attr function (see example below).


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Li, H. (1997). A unifying expression for the maximal reliability of a linear composite. Psychometrika, 62(2), 245–249. doi:10.1007/BF02295278

Raykov, T. (2012). Scale construction and development using structural equation modeling. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of structural equation modeling (pp. 472–494). New York, NY: Guilford.

See Also

reliability() for reliability of an unweighted composite score


total <- 'f =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 '
fit <- cfa(total, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

# Extract the weight
mr <- maximalRelia(fit)
attr(mr, "weight")

Syntax for measurement equivalence


Automatically generates lavaan model syntax to specify a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model with equality constraints imposed on user-specified measurement (or structural) parameters. Optionally returns the fitted model (if data are provided) representing some chosen level of measurement equivalence/invariance across groups and/or repeated measures.


measEq.syntax(configural.model, ..., ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016", ID.thr = c(1L, 2L), group = NULL,
  group.equal = "", group.partial = "", longFacNames = list(),
  longIndNames = list(), long.equal = "", long.partial = "",
  auto = "all", warn = TRUE, debug = FALSE, = FALSE)



A model with no measurement-invariance constraints (i.e., representing only configural invariance), unless required for model identification. configural.model can be either:

  • lavaan::model.syntax() or a lavaan::parTable() specifying the configural model. Using this option, the user can also provide either raw data or summary statistics via sample.cov and (optionally) sample.mean. See argument descriptions in lavaan::lavaan(). In order to include thresholds in the generated syntax, either users must provide raw data, or the configural.model syntax must specify all thresholds (see first example). If raw data are not provided, the number of blocks (groups, levels, or combination) must be indicated using an arbitrary sample.nobs argument (e.g., 3 groups could be specified using sample.nobs=rep(1, 3)).

  • a fitted lavaan::lavaan model (e.g., as returned by lavaan::cfa()) estimating the configural model

Note that the specified or fitted model must not contain any latent structural parameters (i.e., it must be a CFA model), unless they are higher-order constructs with latent indicators (i.e., a second-order CFA).


Additional arguments (e.g., data, ordered, or parameterization) passed to the lavaan::lavaan() function. See also lavaan::lavOptions().


character. The method for identifying common-factor variances and (if meanstructure = TRUE) means. Three methods are available, which go by different names in the literature:

  • Standardize the common factor (mean = 0, SD = 1) by specifying any of: "", "unit.variance", "UV", "fixed.factor", "fixed-factor"

  • Choose a reference indicator by specifying any of: "auto.fix.first", "unit.loading", "UL", "marker", "ref", "ref.indicator", "reference.indicator", "reference-indicator", "marker.variable", "marker-variable"

  • Apply effects-code constraints to loadings and intercepts by specifying any of: "FX", "EC", "effects", "effects.coding", "effects-coding", "effects.code", "effects-code"

See Kloessner & Klopp (2019) for details about all three methods.

character. The method for identifying (residual) variances and intercepts of latent item-responses underlying any ordered indicators. Four methods are available:

  • To follow Wu & Estabrook's (2016) guidelines (default), specify any of: "Wu.Estabrook.2016", "Wu.2016", "Wu.Estabrook", "Wu", "Wu2016". For consistency, specify ID.fac = "".

  • To use the default settings of Mplus and lavaan, specify any of: "default", "Mplus", "Muthen". Details provided in Millsap & Tein (2004).

  • To use the constraints recommended by Millsap & Tein (2004; see also Liu et al., 2017, for the longitudinal case) specify any of: "millsap", "millsap.2004", "millsap.tein.2004". For consistency, specify ID.fac = "marker" and parameterization = "theta".

  • To use the default settings of LISREL, specify "LISREL" or "Joreskog". Details provided in Millsap & Tein (2004). For consistency, specify parameterization = "theta".

See Details and References for more information.


integer. Only relevant when = "Millsap.Tein.2004". Used to indicate which thresholds should be constrained for identification. The first integer indicates the threshold used for all indicators, the second integer indicates the additional threshold constrained for a reference indicator (ignored if binary).


optional character indicating the name of a grouping variable. See lavaan::cfa().


optional character vector indicating type(s) of parameter to equate across groups. Ignored if is.null(group). See lavaan::lavOptions().


optional character vector or a parameter table indicating exceptions to group.equal (see lavaan::lavOptions()). Any variables not appearing in the configural.model will be ignored, and any parameter constraints needed for identification (e.g., two thresholds per indicator when = "Millsap") will be removed.


optional named list of character vectors, each indicating multiple factors in the model that are actually the same construct measured repeatedly. See Details and Examples.


optional named list of character vectors, each indicating multiple indicators in the model that are actually the same indicator measured repeatedly. See Details and Examples.


optional character vector indicating type(s) of parameter to equate across repeated measures. Ignored if no factors are indicated as repeatedly measured in longFacNames.


optional character vector or a parameter table indicating exceptions to long.equal. Any longitudinal variable names not appearing in names(longFacNames) or names(longIndNames) will be ignored, and any parameter constraints needed for identification will be removed.


Used to automatically included autocorrelated measurement errors among repeatedly measured indicators in longIndNames. Specify a single integer to set the maximum order (e.g., auto = 1L indicates that an indicator's unique factors should only be correlated between adjacently measured occasions). auto = TRUE or "all" will specify residual covariances among all possible lags per repeatedly measured indicator in longIndNames.

warn, debug

logical. Passed to lavaan::lavaan() and lavaan::lavParseModelString(). See lavaan::lavOptions().

logical indicating whether the generated syntax should be fitted to the provided data (or summary statistics, if provided via sample.cov). If configural.model is a fitted lavaan model, the generated syntax will be fitted using the update method (see lavaan::lavaan), and ... will be passed to lavaan::lavaan(). If neither data nor a fitted lavaan model were provided, this must be FALSE. If TRUE, the generated measEq.syntax object will be included in the lavaan object's ⁠@external⁠ slot, accessible by fit@external$measEq.syntax.


This function is a pedagogical and analytical tool to generate model syntax representing some level of measurement equivalence/invariance across any combination of multiple groups and/or repeated measures. Support is provided for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models with simple or complex structure (i.e., cross-loadings and correlated residuals are allowed). For any complexities that exceed the limits of automation, this function is intended to still be useful by providing a means to generate syntax that users can easily edit to accommodate their unique situations.

Limited support is provided for bifactor models and higher-order constructs. Because bifactor models have cross-loadings by definition, the option ID.fac = "effects.code" is unavailable. ID.fac = "UV" is recommended for bifactor models, but ID.fac = "UL" is available on the condition that each factor has a unique first indicator in the configural.model. In order to maintain generality, higher-order factors may include a mix of manifest and latent indicators, but they must therefore require ID.fac = "UL" to avoid complications with differentiating lower-order vs. higher-order (or mixed-level) factors. The keyword "loadings" in group.equal or long.equal constrains factor loadings of all manifest indicators (including loadings on higher-order factors that also have latent indicators), whereas the keyword "regressions" constrains factor loadings of latent indicators. Users can edit the model syntax manually to adjust constraints as necessary, or clever use of the group.partial or long.partial arguments could make it possible for users to still automated their model syntax. The keyword "intercepts" constrains the intercepts of all manifest indicators, and the keyword "means" constrains intercepts and means of all latent common factors, regardless of whether they are latent indicators of higher-order factors. To test equivalence of lower-order and higher-order intercepts/means in separate steps, the user can either manually edit their generated syntax or conscientiously exploit the group.partial or long.partial arguments as necessary.

ID.fac: If the configural.model fixes any (e.g., the first) factor loadings, the generated syntax object will retain those fixed values. This allows the user to retain additional constraints that might be necessary (e.g., if there are only 1 or 2 indicators). Some methods must be used in conjunction with other settings:

  • = "Millsap" requires ID.fac = "UL" and parameterization = "theta".

  • = "LISREL" requires parameterization = "theta".

  • ID.fac = "effects.code" is unavailable when there are any cross-loadings. Wu & Estabrook (2016) recommended constraining thresholds to equality first, and doing so should allow releasing any identification constraints no longer needed. For each ordered indicator, constraining one threshold to equality will allow the item's intercepts to be estimated in all but the first group or repeated measure. Constraining a second threshold (if applicable) will allow the item's (residual) variance to be estimated in all but the first group or repeated measure. For binary data, there is no independent test of threshold, intercept, or residual-variance equality. Equivalence of thresholds must also be assumed for three-category indicators. These guidelines provide the least restrictive assumptions and tests, and are therefore the default.

The default setting in Mplus is similar to Wu & Estabrook (2016), except that intercepts are always constrained to zero (so they are assumed to be invariant without testing them). Millsap & Tein (2004) recommended parameterization = "theta" and identified an item's residual variance in all but the first group (or occasion; Liu et al., 2017) by constraining its intercept to zero and one of its thresholds to equality. A second threshold for the reference indicator (so ID.fac = "UL") is used to identify the common-factor means in all but the first group/occasion. The LISREL software fixes the first threshold to zero and (if applicable) the second threshold to 1, and assumes any remaining thresholds to be equal across groups / repeated measures; thus, the intercepts are always identified, and residual variances (parameterization = "theta") are identified except for binary data, when they are all fixed to one.

Repeated Measures: If each repeatedly measured factor is measured by the same indicators (specified in the same order in the configural.model) on each occasion, without any cross-loadings, the user can let longIndNames be automatically generated. Generic names for the repeatedly measured indicators are created using the name of the repeatedly measured factors (i.e., names(longFacNames)) and the number of indicators. So the repeatedly measured first indicator ("ind") of a longitudinal construct called "factor" would be generated as "._factor_ind.1".

The same types of parameter can be specified for long.equal as for group.equal (see lavaan::lavOptions() for a list), except for "residual.covariances" or "lv.covariances". Instead, users can constrain autocovariances using keywords "resid.autocov" or "lv.autocov". Note that group.equal = "lv.covariances" or group.equal = "residual.covariances" will constrain any autocovariances across groups, along with any other covariances the user specified in the configural.model. Note also that autocovariances cannot be specified as exceptions in long.partial, so anything more complex than the auto argument automatically provides should instead be manually specified in the configural.model.

When users set orthogonal=TRUE in the configural.model (e.g., in bifactor models of repeatedly measured constructs), autocovariances of each repeatedly measured factor will still be freely estimated in the generated syntax.

Missing Data: If users wish to utilize the auxiliary() function to automatically include auxiliary variables in conjunction with missing = "FIML", they should first generate the hypothesized-model syntax, then submit that syntax as the model to auxiliary(). If users utilized lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi() to fit their configural.model to multiply imputed data, that model can also be passed to the configural.model argument, and if = TRUE, the generated model will be fitted to the multiple imputations.


By default, an object of class measEq.syntax. If = TRUE, a fitted lavaan::lavaan() model, with the measEq.syntax object stored in the ⁠@external⁠ slot, accessible by fit@external$measEq.syntax.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Kloessner, S., & Klopp, E. (2019). Explaining constraint interaction: How to interpret estimated model parameters under alternative scaling methods. Structural Equation Modeling, 26(1), 143–155. doi:10.1080/10705511.2018.1517356

Liu, Y., Millsap, R. E., West, S. G., Tein, J.-Y., Tanaka, R., & Grimm, K. J. (2017). Testing measurement invariance in longitudinal data with ordered-categorical measures. Psychological Methods, 22(3), 486–506. doi:10.1037/met0000075

Millsap, R. E., & Tein, J.-Y. (2004). Assessing factorial invariance in ordered-categorical measures. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 39(3), 479–515. doi:10.1207/S15327906MBR3903_4

Wu, H., & Estabrook, R. (2016). Identification of confirmatory factor analysis models of different levels of invariance for ordered categorical outcomes. Psychometrika, 81(4), 1014–1045. doi:10.1007/s11336-016-9506-0

See Also


Examples <- ' FU1 =~ u1 + u2 + u3 + u4
             FU2 =~ u5 + u6 + u7 + u8 '
## the 2 factors are actually the same factor (FU) measured twice
longFacNames <- list(FU = c("FU1","FU2"))

## CONFIGURAL model: no constraints across groups or repeated measures
syntax.config <- measEq.syntax(configural.model =,
                               # NOTE: data provides info about numbers of
                               #       groups and thresholds
                               data = datCat,
                               ordered = paste0("u", 1:8),
                               parameterization = "theta",
                               ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                               group = "g", longFacNames = longFacNames)
## print lavaan syntax to the Console
## print a summary of model features

## THRESHOLD invariance:
## only necessary to specify thresholds if you have no data <- '
  u1 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u2 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u3 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u4 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u5 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u6 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u7 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
  u8 | t1 + t2 + t3 + t4
syntax.thresh <- measEq.syntax(configural.model = c(,,
                               # NOTE: data not provided, so syntax must
                               #       include thresholds, and number of
                               #       groups == 2 is indicated by:
                               sample.nobs = c(1, 1),
                               parameterization = "theta",
                               ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                               group = "g", group.equal = "thresholds",
                               longFacNames = longFacNames,
                               long.equal = "thresholds")
## notice that constraining 4 thresholds allows intercepts and residual
## variances to be freely estimated in all but the first group & occasion
## print a summary of model features

## Fit a model to the data either in a subsequent step (recommended):
mod.config <- as.character(syntax.config)
fit.config <- cfa(mod.config, data = datCat, group = "g",
                  ordered = paste0("u", 1:8), parameterization = "theta")
## or in a single step (not generally recommended):
fit.thresh <- measEq.syntax(configural.model =, data = datCat,
                            ordered = paste0("u", 1:8),
                            parameterization = "theta",
                            ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                            group = "g", group.equal = "thresholds",
                            longFacNames = longFacNames,
                            long.equal = "thresholds", = TRUE)
## compare their fit to test threshold invariance
anova(fit.config, fit.thresh)

## --------------------------------------------------------
## RECOMMENDED PRACTICE: fit one invariance model at a time
## --------------------------------------------------------

## - A downside of setting is that if the model has trouble
##   converging, you don't have the opportunity to investigate the syntax,
##   or even to know whether an error resulted from the syntax-generator or
##   from lavaan itself.
## - A downside of automatically fitting an entire set of invariance models
##   (like the old measurementInvariance() function did) is that you might
##   end up testing models that shouldn't even be fitted because less
##   restrictive models already fail (e.g., don't test full scalar
##   invariance if metric invariance fails! Establish partial metric
##   invariance first, then test equivalent of intercepts ONLY among the
##   indicators that have invariate loadings.)

## The recommended sequence is to (1) generate and save each syntax object,
## (2) print it to the screen to verify you are fitting the model you expect
## to (and potentially learn which identification constraints should be
## released when equality constraints are imposed), and (3) fit that model
## to the data, as you would if you had written the syntax yourself.

## Continuing from the examples above, after establishing invariance of
## thresholds, we proceed to test equivalence of loadings and intercepts
##   (metric and scalar invariance, respectively)
## simultaneously across groups and repeated measures.

## metric invariance
syntax.metric <- measEq.syntax(configural.model =, data = datCat,
                               ordered = paste0("u", 1:8),
                               parameterization = "theta",
                               ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                               group = "g", longFacNames = longFacNames,
                               group.equal = c("thresholds","loadings"),
                               long.equal  = c("thresholds","loadings"))
summary(syntax.metric)                    # summarize model features
mod.metric <- as.character(syntax.metric) # save as text
cat(mod.metric)                           # print/view lavaan syntax
## fit model to data
fit.metric <- cfa(mod.metric, data = datCat, group = "g",
                  ordered = paste0("u", 1:8), parameterization = "theta")
## test equivalence of loadings, given equivalence of thresholds
anova(fit.thresh, fit.metric)

## scalar invariance
syntax.scalar <- measEq.syntax(configural.model =, data = datCat,
                               ordered = paste0("u", 1:8),
                               parameterization = "theta",
                               ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                               group = "g", longFacNames = longFacNames,
                               group.equal = c("thresholds","loadings",
                               long.equal  = c("thresholds","loadings",
summary(syntax.scalar)                    # summarize model features
mod.scalar <- as.character(syntax.scalar) # save as text
cat(mod.scalar)                           # print/view lavaan syntax
## fit model to data
fit.scalar <- cfa(mod.scalar, data = datCat, group = "g",
                  ordered = paste0("u", 1:8), parameterization = "theta")
## test equivalence of intercepts, given equal thresholds & loadings
anova(fit.metric, fit.scalar)

## For a single table with all results, you can pass the models to
## summarize to the compareFit() function
Comparisons <- compareFit(fit.config, fit.thresh, fit.metric, fit.scalar)

## ------------------------------------------------------
## NOT RECOMMENDED: fit several invariance models at once
## ------------------------------------------------------
test.seq <- c("thresholds","loadings","intercepts","means","residuals")
meq.list <- list()
for (i in 0:length(test.seq)) {
  if (i == 0L) {
    meq.label <- "configural"
    group.equal <- ""
    long.equal <- ""
  } else {
    meq.label <- test.seq[i]
    group.equal <- test.seq[1:i]
    long.equal <- test.seq[1:i]
  meq.list[[meq.label]] <- measEq.syntax(configural.model =,
                                         data = datCat,
                                         ordered = paste0("u", 1:8),
                                         parameterization = "theta",
                                         ID.fac = "",
                                = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                                         group = "g",
                                         group.equal = group.equal,
                                         longFacNames = longFacNames,
                                         long.equal = long.equal,
                                = TRUE)

evalMeasEq <- compareFit(meq.list)

## -----------------
## Binary indicators
## -----------------

## borrow example data from Mplus user guide
myData <- read.table("")
names(myData) <- c("u1","u2","u3","u4","u5","u6","x1","x2","x3","g")
bin.mod <- '
  FU1 =~ u1 + u2 + u3
  FU2 =~ u4 + u5 + u6
## Must SIMULTANEOUSLY constrain thresholds, loadings, and intercepts
test.seq <- list(strong = c("thresholds","loadings","intercepts"),
                 means = "means",
                 strict = "residuals")
meq.list <- list()
for (i in 0:length(test.seq)) {
  if (i == 0L) {
    meq.label <- "configural"
    group.equal <- ""
    long.equal <- ""
  } else {
    meq.label <- names(test.seq)[i]
    group.equal <- unlist(test.seq[1:i])
    # long.equal <- unlist(test.seq[1:i])
  meq.list[[meq.label]] <- measEq.syntax(configural.model = bin.mod,
                                         data = myData,
                                         ordered = paste0("u", 1:6),
                                         parameterization = "theta",
                                         ID.fac = "",
                                = "Wu.Estabrook.2016",
                                         group = "g",
                                         group.equal = group.equal,
                                         #longFacNames = longFacNames,
                                         #long.equal = long.equal,
                                = TRUE)

evalMeasEq <- compareFit(meq.list)

## ---------------------
## Multilevel Invariance
## ---------------------

## To test invariance across levels in a MLSEM, specify syntax as though
## you are fitting to 2 groups instead of 2 levels.

mlsem <- ' f1 =~ y1 + y2 + y3
           f2 =~ y4 + y5 + y6 '
## metric invariance
syntax.metric <- measEq.syntax(configural.model = mlsem, meanstructure = TRUE,
                               ID.fac = "", sample.nobs = c(1, 1),
                               group = "cluster", group.equal = "loadings")
## by definition, Level-1 means must be zero, so fix them
syntax.metric <- update(syntax.metric,
                        change.syntax = paste0("y", 1:6, " ~ c(0, NA)*1"))
## save as a character string
mod.metric <- as.character(syntax.metric, = TRUE)
## convert from multigroup to multilevel
mod.metric <- gsub(pattern = "group:", replacement = "level:",
                   x = mod.metric, fixed = TRUE)
## fit model to data
fit.metric <- lavaan(mod.metric, data = Demo.twolevel, cluster = "cluster")

Class for Representing a Measurement-Equivalence Model


This class of object stores information used to automatically generate lavaan model syntax to represent user-specified levels of measurement equivalence/invariance across groups and/or repeated measures. See measEq.syntax() for details.


## S4 method for signature 'measEq.syntax'
as.character(x, package = "lavaan",
  params = NULL, single = TRUE, = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'measEq.syntax'

## S4 method for signature 'measEq.syntax'
summary(object, verbose = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'measEq.syntax'
update(object, ..., evaluate = TRUE,
  change.syntax = NULL)


x, object

an object of class measEq.syntax


character indicating the package for which the model syntax should be generated. Currently, only "lavaan" and "mplus" are supported.


character vector indicating which type(s) of parameter to print syntax for. Must match a type that can be passed to group.equal or long.equal, but "residual.covariances" and "lv.covariances" will be silently ignored. Instead, requesting "residuals" or "lv.variances" will return covariances along with variances. By default (NULL), all types are printed.


logical indicating whether to concatenate lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() into a single character string. Setting FALSE will return a vector of strings, which may be convenient (or even necessary to prevent an error) in models with long variable names, many variables, or many groups.

logical indicating whether to write lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() using vectors of labels and values for multiple groups (the default: FALSE), or whether to write a separate "block" of syntax per group. The block structure could allow users to apply the generated multigroup syntax (after some editing) to test invariance across levels in a multilevel SEM (see final example on measEq.syntax() help page).


logical indicating whether to print a summary to the screen (default). If FALSE, only a pattern matrix is returned.


Additional arguments to the call, or arguments with changed values.


If TRUE, evaluate the new call; otherwise, return the new call.


lavaan::model.syntax() specifying labels or fixed/free values of parameters in object. These provide some flexibility to customize existing parameters without having to copy/paste the output of as.character(object) into an R script. For example, group.partial will free a parameter across all groups, but update allows users to free the parameter in just one group while maintaining equality constraints among other groups.



signature(object = "measEq.syntax", verbose = TRUE): A character matrix indicating the pattern of numeric, ordered, or latent indicators loading on common factors. By default (verbose = TRUE), summary also prints descriptive details about the model, including the numbers of indicators and factors, and which parameters are constrained to equality.


signature(object = "measEq.syntax"): Prints a message about how to use the object for model fitting. Invisibly returns the object.


signature(object = "measEq.syntax", ..., evaluate = TRUE, change.syntax = NULL): Creates a new object with updated arguments in ..., or updated parameter labels or fixed/free specifications in object.


signature(x = "measEq.syntax", package = "lavaan"): Converts the measEq.syntax object to model syntax that can be copy/pasted or written to a syntax file to be edited before analysis, or simply passed to lavaan::lavaan() to fit the model to data. Generated Mplus syntax could also be utilized using the MplusAuthomation package.



character indicating the software package used to represent the model. Currently, only "lavaan" is available, which uses the LISREL representation (see lavaan::lavOptions()). In the future, "OpenMx" may become available, using RAM representation.


character. Currently, only "cfa" is available. Future versions may allow for MIMIC / RFA models, where invariance can be tested across levels of exogenous variables explicitly included as predictors of indicators, controlling for their effects on (or correlation with) the common factors.


The function call as returned by, with some arguments updated if necessary for logical consistency.


logical indicating whether a mean structure is included in the model.


character vector naming numeric manifest indicators.


character vector naming ordered indicators.


character. See lavaan::lavOptions().


list of parameter matrices, similar in form to the output of lavInspect(fit, "free"). These matrices are logical, indicating whether each parameter should be specified in the model syntax.


list of parameter matrices, similar in form to the output of lavInspect(fit, "free"). These matrices are numeric, indicating whether each parameter should be freely estimated (indicated by NA) or fixed to a particular value.


list of parameter matrices, similar in form to the output of lavInspect(fit, "free"). These matrices contain character labels used to constrain parameters to equality.


character vector containing additional equality constraints used to identify the model when ID.fac = "fx".


integer indicating the number of groups.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


## See ?measEq.syntax help page for examples using lavaan

Modification indices and their power approach for model fit evaluation


The model fit evaluation approach using modification indices and expected parameter changes.


miPowerFit(lavaanObj, stdLoad = 0.4, cor = 0.1, stdBeta = 0.1,
  intcept = 0.2, stdDelta = NULL, delta = NULL, cilevel = 0.9, ...)



The lavaan model object used to evaluate model fit


The amount of standardized factor loading that one would like to be detected (rejected). The default value is 0.4, which is suggested by Saris and colleagues (2009, p. 571).


The amount of factor or error correlations that one would like to be detected (rejected). The default value is 0.1, which is suggested by Saris and colleagues (2009, p. 571).


The amount of standardized regression coefficients that one would like to be detected (rejected). The default value is 0.1, which is suggested by Saris and colleagues (2009, p. 571).


The amount of standardized intercept (similar to Cohen's d that one would like to be detected (rejected). The default value is 0.2, which is equivalent to a low effect size proposed by Cohen (1988, 1992).


The vector of the standardized parameters that one would like to be detected (rejected). If this argument is specified, the value here will overwrite the other arguments above. The order of the vector must be the same as the row order from modification indices from the lavaan object. If a single value is specified, the value will be applied to all parameters.


The vector of the unstandardized parameters that one would like to be detected (rejected). If this argument is specified, the value here will overwrite the other arguments above. The order of the vector must be the same as the row order from modification indices from the lavaan object. If a single value is specified, the value will be applied to all parameters.


The confidence level of the confidence interval of expected parameter changes. The confidence intervals are used in the equivalence testing.


arguments passed to lavaan::modificationIndices(), except for delta, which is already an argument (which can be substituted for stdDelta or specific sets of parameters using stdLoad, cor, stdBeta, and intcept).


To decide whether a parameter should be freed, one can inspect its modification index (MI) and expected parameter change (EPC). Those values can be used to evaluate model fit by 2 methods.

Method 1: Saris, Satorra, and van der Veld (2009, pp. 570–573) used power (probability of detecting a significant MI) and EPC to decide whether to free a parametr. First, one should evaluate whether a parameter's MI is significant. Second, one should evaluate whether the power to detect a target EPC is high enough. The combination of criteria leads to the so-called "JRule" first implemented with LISREL (van der Veld et al., 2008):

  • If the MI is not significant and the power is low, the test is inconclusive.

  • If the MI is not significant and the power is high, there is no misspecification.

  • If the MI is significant and the power is low, the fixed parameter is misspecified.

  • If the MI is significant and the power is high, the EPC is investigated. If the EPC is large (greater than the the target EPC), the parameter is misspecified. If the EPC is low (lower than the target EPC), the parameter is not misspecificied.

Method 2: The confidence interval (CI) of an EPC is calculated. These CIs are compared with the range of trivial misspecification, which could be (-delta, delta) or (0, delta) for nonnegative parameters.

  • If a CI overlaps with the range of trivial misspecification, the test is inconclusive.

  • If a CI completely exceeds the range of trivial misspecification, the fixed parameters are severely misspecified.

  • If a CI is completely within the range of trivial misspecification, the fixed parameters are trivially misspecified.


A data frame with these variables:

  1. lhs: The left-hand side variable, with respect to the operator in in the lavaan lavaan::model.syntax()

  2. op: The lavaan syntax operator: "~~" represents covariance, "=~" represents factor loading, "~" represents regression, and "~1" represents intercept.

  3. rhs: The right-hand side variable

  4. group: The level of the group variable for the parameter in question

  5. mi: The modification index of the fixed parameter

  6. epc: The EPC if the parameter is freely estimated

  7. target.epc: The target EPC that represents the minimum size of misspecification that one would like to be detected by the test with a high power

  8. std.epc: The standardized EPC if the parameter is freely estimated

  9. The standardized target expected parameter change

  10. significant.mi: Represents whether the modification index value is significant

  11. high.power: Represents whether the power is enough to detect the target expected parameter change

  12. decision.pow: The decision whether the parameter is misspecified or not based on Saris et al's method: "M" represents the parameter is misspecified, "NM" represents the parameter is not misspecified, "EPC:M" represents the parameter is misspecified decided by checking the expected parameter change value, "EPC:NM" represents the parameter is not misspecified decided by checking the expected parameter change value, and "I" represents the decision is inconclusive.

  13. se.epc: The standard errors of the expected parameter changes.

  14. lower.epc: The lower bound of the confidence interval of expected parameter changes.

  15. upper.epc: The upper bound of the confidence interval of expected parameter changes.

  16. lower.std.epc: Lower confidence limit of standardized EPCs

  17. upper.std.epc: Upper confidence limit of standardized EPCs

  18. Decision whether the parameter is misspecified based on the CI method: "M" represents the parameter is misspecified, "NM" represents the parameter is not misspecified, and "I" represents the decision is inconclusive.

The row numbers matches with the results obtained from the inspect(object, "mi") function.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155–159. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.112.1.155

Saris, W. E., Satorra, A., & van der Veld, W. M. (2009). Testing structural equation models or detection of misspecifications? Structural Equation Modeling, 16(4), 561–582. doi:10.1080/10705510903203433

van der Veld, W. M., Saris, W. E., & Satorra, A. (2008). JRule 3.0 Users Guide. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.13609.90729

See Also

moreFitIndices() For the additional fit indices information



HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3 '
fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939,
           group = "sex", group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"))
miPowerFit(fit, free.remove = FALSE, op = "=~") # loadings
miPowerFit(fit, free.remove = FALSE, op = "~1") # intercepts

model <- '
  # latent variable definitions
     ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
     dem60 =~ y1 + a*y2 + b*y3 + c*y4
     dem65 =~ y5 + a*y6 + b*y7 + c*y8

  # regressions
    dem60 ~ ind60
    dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60

  # residual correlations
    y1 ~~ y5
    y2 ~~ y4 + y6
    y3 ~~ y7
    y4 ~~ y8
    y6 ~~ y8
fit2 <- sem(model, data = PoliticalDemocracy, meanstructure = TRUE)
miPowerFit(fit2, stdLoad = 0.3, cor = 0.2, stdBeta = 0.2, intcept = 0.5)

Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals to Test Functions of Parameter Estimates


Robust confidence intervals for functions of parameter estimates, based on empirical sampling distributions of estimated model parameters.


monteCarloCI(object = NULL, expr, coefs, ACM, nRep = 20000,
  standardized = FALSE, fast = TRUE, level = 0.95, na.rm = TRUE,
  append.samples = FALSE, plot = FALSE,
  ask = getOption("device.ask.default"), ...)



A object of class lavaan::lavaan in which functions of parameters have already been defined using the ⁠:=⁠ operator in lavaan's lavaan::model.syntax(). When NULL, users must specify expr, coefs, and ACM.


Optional character vector specifying functions of model parameters (e.g., an indirect effect). Ideally, the vector should have names, which is necessary if any user-defined parameters refer to other user-defined parameters defined earlier in the vector (order matters!). All parameters appearing in the vector must be provided in coefs, or defined (as functions of coefs) earlier in expr. If length(expr) > 1L, nRep samples will be drawn simultaneously from a single multivariate distribution; thus, ACM must include all parameters in coefs.


numeric vector of parameter estimates used in expr. Ignored when object is used.


Symmetric matrix representing the asymptotic sampling covariance matrix (ACOV) of the parameter estimates in coefs. Ignored when object is used. Information on how to obtain the ACOV in popular SEM software is described in Details.


integer. The number of samples to draw, to obtain an empirical sampling distribution of model parameters. Many thousand are recommended to minimize Monte Carlo error of the estimated CIs.


logical indicating whether to obtain CIs for the fully standardized ("std.all") estimates, using their asymptotic sampling covariance matrix.


logical indicating whether to use a fast algorithm that assumes all functions of parameters (in object or expr) use standard operations. Set to FALSE if using (e.g.) c() to concatenate parameters in the definition, which would have unintended consequences when vectorizing functions in expr across sampled parameters.


numeric confidence level, between 0–1


logical passed to stats::quantile()


logical indicating whether to return the simulated empirical sampling distribution of parameters (in coefs) and functions (in expr) in a list with the results. This could be useful to calculate more precise highest-density intervals (see examples).


logical indicating whether to plot the empirical sampling distribution of each function in expr


whether to prompt user before printing each plot


arguments passed to graphics::hist() when plot = TRUE.


This function implements the Monte Carlo method of obtaining an empirical sampling distribution of estimated model parameters, as described by MacKinnon et al. (2004) for testing indirect effects in mediation models. This is essentially a parametric bootstrap method, which (re)samples parameters (rather than raw data) from a multivariate-normal distribution with mean vector equal to estimates in coef() and covariance matrix equal to the asymptotic covariance matrix vcov() of estimated parameters.

The easiest way to use the function is to fit a SEM to data with lavaan::lavaan(), using the ⁠:=⁠ operator in the lavaan::model.syntax() to specify user-defined parameters. All information is then available in the resulting lavaan::lavaan object. Alternatively (especially when using external SEM software to fit the model), the expression(s) can be explicitly passed to the function, along with the vector of estimated model parameters and their associated asymptotic sampling covariance matrix (ACOV). For further information on the Monte Carlo method, see MacKinnon et al. (2004) and Preacher & Selig (2012).

The asymptotic covariance matrix can be obtained easily from many popular SEM software packages.

  • LISREL: Including the EC option on the OU line will print the ACM to a seperate file. The file contains the lower triangular elements of the ACM in free format and scientific notation.

  • Mplus: Include the command TECH3; in the OUTPUT section. The ACM will be printed in the output.

  • lavaan: Use the vcov() method on the fitted lavaan::lavaan object to return the ACM.


A (to use lavaan's print method) with point estimates and confidence limits of each requested function of parameters in expr is returned. If append.samples = TRUE, output will be a list with the same ⁠$Results⁠ along with a second data.frame with the ⁠$Samples⁠ (in rows) of each parameter (in columns), and an additional column for each requested function of those parameters.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M., & Williams, J. (2004). Confidence limits for the indirect effect: Distribution of the product and resampling methods. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 39(1) 99–128. doi:10.1207/s15327906mbr3901_4

Preacher, K. J., & Selig, J. P. (2010, July). Monte Carlo method for assessing multilevel mediation: An interactive tool for creating confidence intervals for indirect effects in 1-1-1 multilevel models. Computer software available from

Preacher, K. J., & Selig, J. P. (2012). Advantages of Monte Carlo confidence intervals for indirect effects. Communication Methods and Measures, 6(2), 77–98. doi:10.1080/19312458.2012.679848

Selig, J. P., & Preacher, K. J. (2008, June). Monte Carlo method for assessing mediation: An interactive tool for creating confidence intervals for indirect effects. Computer software available from


## From the mediation tutorial:

X <- rnorm(100)
M <- 0.5*X + rnorm(100)
Y <- 0.7*M + rnorm(100)
dat <- data.frame(X = X, Y = Y, M = M)

mod <- ' # direct effect
  Y ~ c*X
  # mediator
  M ~ a*X
  Y ~ b*M
  # indirect effect (a*b)
  ind := a*b
  # total effect
  total := ind + c
fit <- sem(mod, data = dat)
summary(fit, ci = TRUE) # print delta-method CIs

## Automatically extract information from lavaan object
monteCarloCI(fit) # CIs more robust than delta method in smaller samples

## delta method for standardized solution
## compare to Monte Carlo CIs:
monteCarloCI(fit, standardized = TRUE)

## save samples to calculate more precise intervals:
foo <- monteCarloCI(fit, append.samples = TRUE)
# library(HDInterval) # not a dependency; must be installed
# hdi(foo$Samples)

## Parameters can also be obtained from an external analysis
myParams <- c("a","b","c")
(coefs <- coef(fit)[myParams]) # names must match those in the "expression"
## Asymptotic covariance matrix from an external analysis
(AsyCovMat <- vcov(fit)[myParams, myParams])
## Compute CI, include a plot
monteCarloCI(expr = c(ind = 'a*b', total = 'ind + c',
                      ## other arbitrary functions are also possible
                      meaningless = 'sqrt(a)^b / log(abs(c))'),
             coefs = coefs, ACM = AsyCovMat,
             plot = TRUE, ask = TRUE) # print a plot for each

Calculate more fit indices


Calculate more fit indices that are not already provided in lavaan.


moreFitIndices(object, fit.measures = "all", nPrior = 1)



The lavaan model object provided after running the cfa, sem, growth, or lavaan functions.


Additional fit measures to be calculated. All additional fit measures are calculated by default


The sample size on which prior is based. This argument is used to compute bic.priorN.


See nullRMSEA() for the further details of the computation of RMSEA of the null model.

Gamma-Hat (gammaHat; West, Taylor, & Wu, 2012) is a global goodness-of-fit index which can be computed (assuming equal number of indicators across groups) by

Γ^=pp+2×χk2dfkN,\hat{\Gamma} =\frac{p}{p + 2 \times \frac{\chi^{2}_{k} - df_{k}}{N}},

where pp is the number of variables in the model, χk2\chi^{2}_{k} is the χ2\chi^2 test statistic value of the target model, dfkdf_{k} is the degree of freedom when fitting the target model, and NN is the sample size (or sample size minus the number of groups if mimic is set to "EQS").

Adjusted Gamma-Hat (adjGammaHat; West, Taylor, & Wu, 2012) is a global fit index which can be computed by

Γ^adj=(1K×p×(p+1)2×dfk)×(1Γ^),\hat{\Gamma}_\textrm{adj} = \left(1 - \frac{K \times p \times (p + 1)}{2 \times df_{k}} \right) \times \left( 1 - \hat{\Gamma} \right),

where KK is the number of groups (please refer to Dudgeon, 2004, for the multiple-group adjustment for adjGammaHat).

Note that if Satorra–Bentler's or Yuan–Bentler's method is used, the fit indices using the scaled χ2\chi^2 values are also provided.

The remaining indices are information criteria calculated using the object's 2×-2 \times log-likelihood, abbreviated 2LL-2LL.

Corrected Akaike Information Criterion (aic.smallN; Burnham & Anderson, 2003) is a corrected version of AIC for small sample size, often abbreviated AICc:

AICsmallN=AIC+2q(q+1)Nq1,\textrm{AIC}_{\textrm{small}-N} = AIC + \frac{2q(q + 1)}{N - q - 1},

where AICAIC is the original AIC: 2LL+2q-2LL + 2q (where qq = the number of estimated parameters in the target model). Note that AICc is a small-sample correction derived for univariate regression models, so it is probably not appropriate for comparing SEMs.

Corrected Bayesian Information Criterion (bic.priorN; Kuha, 2004) is similar to BIC but explicitly specifying the sample size on which the prior is based (NpriorN_{prior}) using the nPrior argument.

BICpriorN=2LL+qlog(1+NNprior).\textrm{BIC}_{\textrm{prior}-N} = -2LL + q\log{( 1 + \frac{N}{N_{prior}} )}.

Bollen et al. (2012, 2014) discussed additional BICs that incorporate more terms from a Taylor series expansion, which the standard BIC drops. The "Scaled Unit-Information Prior" BIC is calculated depending on whether the product of the vector of estimated model parameters (θ^\hat{\theta}) and the observed information matrix (FIM) exceeds the number of estimated model parameters (Case 1) or not (Case 2), which is checked internally:

SPBICCase 1=2LL+q(1qθ^FIMθ^), or\textrm{SPBIC}_{\textrm{Case 1}} = -2LL + q(1 - \frac{q}{\hat{\theta}^{'} \textrm{FIM} \hat{\theta}}), \textrm{ or}

SPBICCase 2=2LL+θ^FIMθ^,\textrm{SPBIC}_{\textrm{Case 2}} = -2LL + \hat{\theta}^{'} \textrm{FIM} \hat{\theta},

Note that this implementation of SPBIC is calculated on the assumption that priors for all estimated parameters are centered at zero, which is inappropriate for most SEMs (e.g., variances should not have priors centered at the lowest possible value; Bollen, 2014, p. 6).

Bollen et al. (2014, eq. 14) credit the HBIC to Haughton (1988):

HBIC=2LL+qlogN2π.\textrm{HBIC} = -2LL + q\log{\frac{N}{2 \pi}}.

Bollen et al. (2012, p. 305) proposed the information matrix (II)-based BIC by adding another term:

IBIC=2LL+qlogN2π+logdetFIM,\textrm{IBIC} = -2LL + q\log{\frac{N}{2 \pi}} + \log{\det{\textrm{FIM}}},

or equivalently, using the inverse information (the asymptotic sampling covariance matrix of estimated parameters: ACOV):

IBIC=2LLqlog2πlogdetACOV.\textrm{IBIC} = -2LL - q\log{2 \pi} - \log{\det{\textrm{ACOV}}}.

Stochastic information criterion (SIC; see Preacher, 2006, for details) is similar to IBIC but does not include the qlog2πq\log{2 \pi} term that is also in HBIC. SIC and IBIC both account for model complexity in a model's functional form, not merely the number of free parameters. The SIC can be computed as:

SIC=2LL+qlogN+logdetFIM=2LLlogdetACOV.\textrm{SIC} = -2LL + q\log{N} + \log{\det{\textrm{FIM}}} = -2LL - \log{\det{\textrm{ACOV}}}.

Hannan–Quinn Information Criterion (HQC; Hannan & Quinn, 1979) is used for model selection, similar to AIC or BIC.

HQC=2LL+2qlog(logN),\textrm{HQC} = -2LL + 2q\log{(\log{N})},

Bozdogan Information Complexity (ICOMP) Criteria (Howe et al., 2011), instead of penalizing the number of free parameters directly, ICOMP penalizes the covariance complexity of the model.

ICOMP=2LL+s×log(λaˉλgˉ)\textrm{ICOMP} = -2LL + s \times log(\frac{\bar{\lambda_a}}{\bar{\lambda_g}})


A numeric lavaan.vector including any of the following requested via ⁠fit.measures=⁠

  1. gammaHat: Gamma-Hat

  2. adjGammaHat: Adjusted Gamma-Hat

  3. baseline.rmsea: RMSEA of the default baseline (i.e., independence) model

  4. gammaHat.scaled: Gamma-Hat using scaled χ2\chi^2

  5. adjGammaHat.scaled: Adjusted Gamma-Hat using scaled χ2\chi^2

  6. baseline.rmsea.scaled: RMSEA of the default baseline (i.e., independence) model using scaled χ2\chi^2

  7. aic.smallN: Corrected (for small sample size) AIC

  8. bic.priorN: BIC with specified prior sample size

  9. spbic: Scaled Unit-Information Prior BIC (SPBIC)

  10. hbic: Haughton's BIC (HBIC)

  11. ibic: Information-matrix-based BIC (IBIC)

  12. sic: Stochastic Information Criterion (SIC)

  13. hqc: Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion (HQC)

  14. icomp: Bozdogan Information Complexity (ICOMP) Criteria


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

Aaron Boulton (University of Delaware)

Ruben Arslan (Humboldt-University of Berlin, [email protected])

Yves Rosseel (Ghent University; [email protected])

Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; [email protected])

A great deal of feedback was provided by Kris Preacher regarding Bollen et al.'s (2012, 2014) extensions of BIC.


Bollen, K. A., Ray, S., Zavisca, J., & Harden, J. J. (2012). A comparison of Bayes factor approximation methods including two new methods. Sociological Methods & Research, 41(2), 294–324. doi:10.1177/0049124112452393

Bollen, K. A., Harden, J. J., Ray, S., & Zavisca, J. (2014). BIC and alternative Bayesian information criteria in the selection of structural equation models. Structural Equation Modeling, 21(1), 1–19. doi:10.1080/10705511.2014.856691

Burnham, K., & Anderson, D. (2003). Model selection and multimodel inference: A practical–theoretic approach. New York, NY: Springer–Verlag.

Dudgeon, P. (2004). A note on extending Steiger's (1998) multiple sample RMSEA adjustment to other noncentrality parameter-based statistic. Structural Equation Modeling, 11(3), 305–319. doi:10.1207/s15328007sem1103_1

Howe, E. D., Bozdogan, H., & Katragadda, S. (2011). Structural equation modeling (SEM) of categorical and mixed-data using the novel Gifi transformations and information complexity (ICOMP) criterion. Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business Administration, 40(1), 86–123.

Kuha, J. (2004). AIC and BIC: Comparisons of assumptions and performance. Sociological Methods Research, 33(2), 188–229. doi:10.1177/0049124103262065

Preacher, K. J. (2006). Quantifying parsimony in structural equation modeling. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 43(3), 227–259. doi:10.1207/s15327906mbr4103_1

West, S. G., Taylor, A. B., & Wu, W. (2012). Model fit and model selection in structural equation modeling. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of structural equation modeling (pp. 209–231). New York, NY: Guilford.

See Also

  • miPowerFit() For the modification indices and their power approach for model fit evaluation

  • nullRMSEA() For RMSEA of the default independence model


HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

fit2 <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, estimator = "mlr")

Generate Non-normal Data using Vale and Maurelli (1983) method


Generate Non-normal Data using Vale and Maurelli (1983) method. The function is designed to be as similar as the popular mvrnorm function in the MASS package. The codes are copied from mvrnorm function in the MASS package for argument checking and lavaan package for data generation using Vale and Maurelli (1983) method.


mvrnonnorm(n, mu, Sigma, skewness = NULL, kurtosis = NULL,
  empirical = FALSE)



Sample size


A mean vector. If elements are named, those will be used as variable names in the returned data matrix.


A positive-definite symmetric matrix specifying the covariance matrix of the variables. If rows or columns are named (and mu is unnamed), those will be used as variable names in the returned data matrix.


A vector of skewness of the variables


A vector of excessive kurtosis of the variables


deprecated, ignored.


A data matrix


The original function is the lavaan::simulateData() function written by Yves Rosseel in the lavaan package. The function is adjusted for a convenient usage by Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected]). Terrence D. Jorgensen added the feature to retain variable names from mu or Sigma.


Vale, C. D. & Maurelli, V. A. (1983). Simulating multivariate nonormal distributions. Psychometrika, 48(3), 465–471. doi:10.1007/BF02293687


mvrnonnorm(20, c(1, 2), matrix(c(10, 2, 2, 5), 2, 2),
	skewness = c(5, 2), kurtosis = c(3, 3))
## again, with variable names specified in mu
mvrnonnorm(20, c(a = 1, b = 2), matrix(c(10, 2, 2, 5), 2, 2),
	skewness = c(5, 2), kurtosis = c(3, 3))

Nesting and Equivalence Testing


This test examines whether pairs of SEMs are nested or equivalent.


net(..., crit = 1e-04)



The lavaan objects used for test of nesting and equivalence


The upper-bound criterion for testing the equivalence of models. Models are considered nested (or equivalent) if the difference between their χ2\chi^2 fit statistics is less than this criterion.


The concept of nesting/equivalence should be the same regardless of estimation method. However, the particular method of testing nesting/equivalence (as described in Bentler & Satorra, 2010) employed by the net function analyzes summary statistics (model-implied means and covariance matrices, not raw data). In the case of robust methods like MLR, the raw data is only utilized for the robust adjustment to SE and chi-sq, and the net function only checks the unadjusted chi-sq for the purposes of testing nesting/equivalence. This method also applies to models for categorical data, following the procedure described by Asparouhov & Muthen (2019).


The Net object representing the outputs for nesting and equivalent testing, including a logical matrix of test results and a vector of degrees of freedom for each model.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Bentler, P. M., & Satorra, A. (2010). Testing model nesting and equivalence. Psychological Methods, 15(2), 111–123. doi:10.1037/a0019625

Asparouhov, T., & Muthen, B. (2019). Nesting and equivalence testing for structural equation models. Structural Equation Modeling, 26(2), 302–309. doi:10.1080/10705511.2018.1513795


m1 <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
	       textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
	       speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

m2 <- ' f1  =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
	       f2 =~ x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 '

m3 <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
	       textual =~ eq*x4 + eq*x5 + eq*x6
	       speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit1 <- cfa(m1, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
fit1a <- cfa(m1, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, = TRUE) # Equivalent to fit1
fit2 <- cfa(m2, data = HolzingerSwineford1939) # Not equivalent to or nested in fit1
fit3 <- cfa(m3, data = HolzingerSwineford1939) # Nested in fit1 and fit1a

tests <- net(fit1, fit1a, fit2, fit3)

Class For the Result of Nesting and Equivalence Testing


This class contains the results of nesting and equivalence testing among multiple models


## S4 method for signature 'Net'

## S4 method for signature 'Net'



An object of class Net.



signature(object = "Net"): prints the logical matrix of test results. NA indicates a model did not converge.


signature(object = "Net"): prints a narrative description of results. The original object is invisibly returned.



Logical matrix indicating nesting/equivalence among models


The degrees of freedom of tested models

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the net() function.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

See Also



# See the example in the net function.

Calculate the RMSEA of the null model


Calculate the RMSEA of the null (baseline) model


nullRMSEA(object, scaled = FALSE, silent = FALSE)



The lavaan model object provided after running the cfa, sem, growth, or lavaan functions.


If TRUE, the scaled (or robust, if available) RMSEA is returned. Ignored if a robust test statistic was not requested.


If TRUE, do not print anything on the screen.


RMSEA of the null model is calculated similar to the formula provided in the lavaan package. The standard formula of RMSEA is

RMSEA=χ2N×df1N×GRMSEA =\sqrt{\frac{\chi^2}{N \times df} - \frac{1}{N}} \times \sqrt{G}

where χ2\chi^2 is the chi-square test statistic value of the target model, NN is the total sample size, dfdf is the degree of freedom of the hypothesized model, GG is the number of groups. Kenny proposed in his website that

"A reasonable rule of thumb is to examine the RMSEA for the null model and make sure that is no smaller than 0.158. An RMSEA for the model of 0.05 and a TLI of .90, implies that the RMSEA of the null model is 0.158. If the RMSEA for the null model is less than 0.158, an incremental measure of fit may not be that informative."

See also


A value of RMSEA of the null model (a numeric vector) returned invisibly.


Ruben Arslan (Humboldt-University of Berlin, [email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Kenny, D. A., Kaniskan, B., & McCoach, D. B. (2015). The performance of RMSEA in models with small degrees of freedom. Sociological Methods Research, 44(3), 486–507. doi:10.1177/0049124114543236

See Also


HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

Class for a lavaan Model Fitted to Multiple Imputations


This class extends the lavaan::lavaanList class, created by fitting a lavaan model to a list of data sets. In this case, the list of data sets are multiple imputations of missing data.


## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
summary(object, se = TRUE, ci = FALSE,
  level = 0.95, standardized = FALSE, rsquare = FALSE, fmi = FALSE,
  scale.W = !asymptotic, omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""),
  asymptotic = FALSE, header = TRUE, output = "text",
  fit.measures = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
nobs(object, total = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
coef(object, type = "free", labels = TRUE,
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
vcov(object, type = c("pooled", "between", "within",
  "ariv"), scale.W = TRUE, omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
anova(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
fitMeasures(object, fit.measures = "all",
  baseline.model = NULL, output = "vector", omit.imps = c("no.conv",
  ""), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
fitmeasures(object, fit.measures = "all",
  baseline.model = NULL, output = "vector", omit.imps = c("no.conv",
  ""), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
fitted(object, omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
fitted.values(object, omit.imps = c("no.conv",

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
residuals(object, type = c("raw", "cor"),
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))

## S4 method for signature 'OLDlavaan.mi'
resid(object, type = c("raw", "cor"),
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))



An object of class OLDlavaan.mi

se, ci, level, standardized, rsquare, header, output

See lavaan::parameterEstimates(). The ⁠output=⁠ argument can also be passed to lavaan::fitMeasures().


logical indicating whether to include the Fraction Missing Information (FMI) for parameter estimates in the summary output (see Value section).


logical. If TRUE (default), the vcov method will calculate the pooled covariance matrix by scaling the within-imputation component by the ARIV (see Enders, 2010, p. 235, for definition and formula). Otherwise, the pooled matrix is calculated as the weighted sum of the within-imputation and between-imputation components (see Enders, 2010, ch. 8, for details). This in turn affects how the summary() method calculates its pooled standard errors, as well as lavTestWald.mi().


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation. Specific imputation numbers can also be included in this argument, in case users want to apply their own custom omission criteria (or simulations can use different numbers of imputations without redundantly refitting the model).


logical. If FALSE (typically a default, but see Value section for details using various methods), pooled tests (of fit or pooled estimates) will be F or t statistics with associated degrees of freedom (df). If TRUE, the (denominator) df are assumed to be sufficiently large for a t statistic to follow a normal distribution, so it is printed as a z statisic; likewise, F times its numerator df is printed, assumed to follow a χ2\chi^2 distribution.

fit.measures, baseline.model

See lavaan::fitMeasures(). summary(object, fit.measures = TRUE) will print (but not return) a table of fit measures to the console.


Additional arguments passed to lavTestLRT.mi(), or subsequently to lavaan::lavTestLRT().


logical (default: TRUE) indicating whether the nobs method should return the total sample size or (if FALSE) a vector of group sample sizes.


The meaning of this argument varies depending on which method it it used for. Find detailed descriptions in the Value section under coef, vcov, and residuals.


logical indicating whether the coef output should include parameter labels. Default is TRUE.



signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", type = "free", labels = TRUE, omit.imps = c("no.conv","")): See lavaan::lavaan. Returns the pooled point estimates (i.e., averaged across imputed data sets; see Rubin, 1987).


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", scale.W = TRUE, omit.imps = c("no.conv",""), type = c("pooled","between","within","ariv")): By default, returns the pooled covariance matrix of parameter estimates (type = "pooled"), the within-imputations covariance matrix (type = "within"), the between-imputations covariance matrix (type = "between"), or the average relative increase in variance (type = "ariv") due to missing data.


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", omit.imps = c("no.conv","")): See lavaan::lavaan. Returns model-implied moments, evaluated at the pooled point estimates.


alias for fitted.values


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", type = c("raw","cor"), omit.imps = c("no.conv","")): See lavaan::lavaan. By default (type = "raw"), returns the difference between the model-implied moments from fitted.values and the pooled observed moments (i.e., averaged across imputed data sets). Standardized residuals are also available, using Bollen's (type = "cor" or "cor.bollen") or Bentler's (type = "cor.bentler") formulas.


alias for residuals


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", total = TRUE): either the total (default) sample size or a vector of group sample sizes (total = FALSE).


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", ...): Returns a test of model fit for a single model (object) or test(s) of the difference(s) in fit between nested models passed via .... See lavTestLRT.mi() and compareFit() for details.


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", fit.measures = "all", baseline.model = NULL, output = "vector", omit.imps = c("no.conv",""), ...): See lavaan's lavaan::fitMeasures() for details. Pass additional arguments to lavTestLRT.mi() via ....


alias for fitMeasures.


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi"): returns a message about convergence rates and estimation problems (if applicable) across imputed data sets.


signature(object = "OLDlavaan.mi", se = TRUE, ci = FALSE, level = .95, standardized = FALSE, rsquare = FALSE, fmi = FALSE, scale.W = !asymptotic, omit.imps = c("no.conv",""), asymptotic = FALSE, header = TRUE, output = "text", fit.measures = FALSE, ...): See lavaan::parameterEstimates() for details. By default, summary() returns pooled point and SE estimates, along with t test statistics and their associated df and p values. If ci = TRUE, confidence intervals are returned with the specified confidence level (default 95\ If asymptotic = TRUE, z instead of t tests are returned. standardized solution(s) can also be requested by name ("" or "std.all") or both are returned with TRUE. R-squared for endogenous variables can be requested, as well as the Fraction Missing Information (FMI) for parameter estimates. By default, the output will appear like lavaan's summary() output, but if output == "data.frame", the returned data.frame will resemble the parameterEstimates() output. The scale.W argument is passed to vcov (see description above). Setting fit.measures=TRUE will additionally print fit measures to the console, but they will not be returned; additional arguments may be passed via ... to lavaan::fitMeasures() and subsequently to lavTestLRT.mi().



list of estimated coefficients in matrix format (one per imputation) as output by lavInspect(fit, "est")


list of model-implied latent-variable covariance matrices (one per imputation) as output by lavInspect(fit, "")


list of modification indices output by lavaan::modindices()


integer seed set before running imputations


call to lavaan::lavaanList() used to fit the model to the list of imputed data sets in ⁠@DataList⁠, stored as a list of arguments


call to imputation function (if used), stored as a list of arguments


list of logical vectors indicating whether, for each imputed data set, (1) the model converged on a solution, (2) SEs could be calculated, (3) the (residual) covariance matrix of latent variables (Ψ\Psi) is non-positive-definite, and (4) the residual covariance matrix of observed variables (Θ\Theta) is non-positive-definite.


All remaining slots are from lavaan::lavaanList, but runMI() only populates a subset of the list slots, two of them with custom information:


The list of imputed data sets


List of output from lavInspect(fit, "sampstat") applied to each fitted model


See lavaan::lavaanList


See lavaan::lavaanList


See lavaan::lavaanList


See lavaan::lavaanList. An additional element is added to the list: ⁠$PT⁠ is the "saturated" model's parameter table, returned by lavaan::lav_partable_unrestricted().


See lavaan::lavaanList

Objects from the Class

See the runMI() function for details.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Asparouhov, T., & Muthen, B. (2010). Chi-square statistics with multiple imputation. Technical Report. Retrieved from

Enders, C. K. (2010). Applied missing data analysis. New York, NY: Guilford.

Li, K.-H., Meng, X.-L., Raghunathan, T. E., & Rubin, D. B. (1991). Significance levels from repeated p-values with multiply-imputed data. Statistica Sinica, 1(1), 65–92. Retrieved from

Meng, X.-L., & Rubin, D. B. (1992). Performing likelihood ratio tests with multiply-imputed data sets. Biometrika, 79(1), 103–111. doi:10.2307/2337151

Rubin, D. B. (1987). Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. New York, NY: Wiley.


## See the new lavaan.mi package

Random Allocation of Items to Parcels in a Structural Equation Model


This function generates a given number of randomly generated item-to-parcel allocations, fits a model to each allocation, and provides averaged results over all allocations.


parcelAllocation(model, data, parcel.names, item.syntax, nAlloc = 100,
  fun = "sem", alpha = 0.05, fit.measures = c("chisq", "df", "cfi",
  "tli", "rmsea", "srmr"), ..., show.progress = FALSE, iseed = 12345, = TRUE, = FALSE, warn = FALSE)



lavaan::lavaan() model syntax specifying the model fit to (at least some) parceled data. Note that there can be a mixture of items and parcels (even within the same factor), in case certain items should never be parceled. Can be a character string or parameter table. Also see lavaan::lavaanify() for more details.


A data.frame containing all observed variables appearing in the model, as well as those in the item.syntax used to create parcels. If the data have missing values, multiple imputation before parceling is recommended: submit a stacked data set (with a variable for the imputation number, so they can be separateed later) and set = FALSE to return the list of data.frames (one per allocation), each of which is a stacked, imputed data set with parcels.


character vector containing names of all parcels appearing as indicators in model.


lavaan::model.syntax() specifying the model that would be fit to all of the unparceled items, including items that should be randomly allocated to parcels appearing in model.


The number of random items-to-parcels allocations to generate.


character string indicating the name of the lavaan::lavaan() function used to fit model to data. Can only take the values "lavaan", "sem", "cfa", or "growth".


Alpha level used as criterion for significance.


character vector containing names of fit measures to request from each fitted lavaan::lavaan() model. See the output of lavaan::fitMeasures() for a list of available measures.


Additional arguments to be passed to lavaan::lavaanList(). See also lavaan::lavOptions()


If TRUE, show a utils::txtProgressBar() indicating how fast the model-fitting iterates over allocations.


(Optional) Random seed used for parceling items. When the same random seed is specified and the program is re-run, the same allocations will be generated. Using the same iseed argument will ensure the any model is fit to the same parcel allocations. Note: When using parallel options, you must first type RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") into the R Console, so that the seed will be controlled across cores.

If TRUE (default), the model is fitted to each parceled data set, and the summary of results is returned (see the Value section below). If FALSE, the items are randomly parceled, but the model is not fit; instead, the list of data.frames is returned (so assign it to an object).

If TRUE, a lavaan::lavaanList object is returned with the list of results across allocations


Whether to print warnings when fitting model to each allocation


This function implements the random item-to-parcel allocation procedure described in Sterba (2011) and Sterba and MacCallum (2010). The function takes a single data set with item-level data, randomly assigns items to parcels, fits a structural equation model to the parceled data using lavaan::lavaanList(), and repeats this process for a user-specified number of random allocations. Results from all fitted models are summarized in the output. For further details on the benefits of randomly allocating items to parcels, see Sterba (2011) and Sterba and MacCallum (2010).



A data.frame containing results related to parameter estimates with columns corresponding to their names; average and standard deviation across allocations; minimum, maximum, and range across allocations; and the proportion of allocations in which each parameter estimate was significant.


A data.frame containing results similar to Estimates, but related to the standard errors of parameter estimates.


A data.frame containing results related to model fit, with columns corresponding to fit index names; their average and standard deviation across allocations; the minimum, maximum, and range across allocations; and (if the test statistic or RMSEA is included in fit.measures) the proportion of allocations in which each test of (exact or close) fit was significant.


A lavaan::lavaanList object containing results of the model fitted to each parcel allocation. Only returned if = TRUE.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Sterba, S. K. (2011). Implications of parcel-allocation variability for comparing fit of item-solutions and parcel-solutions. Structural Equation Modeling, 18(4), 554–577. doi:10.1080/10705511.2011.607073

Sterba, S. K. & MacCallum, R. C. (2010). Variability in parameter estimates and model fit across random allocations of items to parcels. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 45(2), 322–358. doi:10.1080/00273171003680302

Sterba, S. K., & Rights, J. D. (2016). Accounting for parcel-allocation variability in practice: Combining sources of uncertainty and choosing the number of allocations. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(2–3), 296–313. doi:10.1080/00273171.2016.1144502

Sterba, S. K., & Rights, J. D. (2017). Effects of parceling on model selection: Parcel-allocation variability in model ranking. Psychological Methods, 22(1), 47–68. doi:10.1037/met0000067

See Also

PAVranking() for comparing 2 models, poolMAlloc() for choosing the number of allocations


## Fit 2-factor CFA to simulated data. Each factor has 9 indicators.

## Specify the item-level model (if NO parcels were created)
item.syntax <- c(paste0("f1 =~ f1item", 1:9),
                 paste0("f2 =~ f2item", 1:9))
cat(item.syntax, sep = "\n")
## Below, we reduce the size of this same model by
## applying different parceling schemes

## 3-indicator parcels
mod.parcels <- '
f1 =~ par1 + par2 + par3
f2 =~ par4 + par5 + par6
## names of parcels
(parcel.names <- paste0("par", 1:6))

## override default random-number generator to use parallel options

parcelAllocation(mod.parcels, data = simParcel, nAlloc = 100,
                 parcel.names = parcel.names, item.syntax = item.syntax,
               # parallel = "multicore",  # parallel available in Mac/Linux
        = TRUE)           # any addition lavaan arguments

## POOL RESULTS by treating parcel allocations as multiple imputations
## Details provided in Sterba & Rights (2016); see ?poolMAlloc.

## save list of data sets instead of fitting model yet
dataList <- parcelAllocation(mod.parcels, data = simParcel, nAlloc = 100,
                             parcel.names = parcel.names,
                             item.syntax = item.syntax,
                    = FALSE)
## now fit the model to each data set
fit.parcels <- cfa.mi(mod.parcels, data = dataList, = TRUE)
summary(fit.parcels)        # pooled using Rubin's rules
anova(fit.parcels)          # pooled test statistic
help(package = "lavaan.mi") # find more methods for pooling results

## multigroup example
simParcel$group <- 0:1 # arbitrary groups for example <- '
f1 =~ par1 + c(L2, L2)*par2 + par3
f2 =~ par4 + par5 + par6
## names of parcels
(parcel.names <- paste0("par", 1:6))

parcelAllocation(, data = simParcel, parcel.names, item.syntax,
        = TRUE, group = "group", group.equal = "loadings",
                 nAlloc = 20, show.progress = TRUE)

## parcels for first factor, items for second factor
mod.items <- '
f1 =~ par1 + par2 + par3
f2 =~ f2item2 + f2item7 + f2item8
## names of parcels
(parcel.names <- paste0("par", 1:3))

parcelAllocation(mod.items, data = simParcel, parcel.names, item.syntax,
                 nAlloc = 20, = TRUE)

## mixture of 1- and 3-indicator parcels for second factor
mod.mix <- '
f1 =~ par1 + par2 + par3
f2 =~ f2item2 + f2item7 + f2item8 + par4 + par5 + par6
## names of parcels
(parcel.names <- paste0("par", 1:6))

parcelAllocation(mod.mix, data = simParcel, parcel.names, item.syntax,
                 nAlloc = 20, = TRUE)

Partial Measurement Invariance Testing Across Groups


This test will provide partial invariance testing by (a) freeing a parameter one-by-one from nested model and compare with the original nested model or (b) fixing (or constraining) a parameter one-by-one from the parent model and compare with the original parent model. This function only works with congeneric models. The partialInvariance is used for continuous variable. The partialInvarianceCat is used for categorical variables.


partialInvariance(fit, type, free = NULL, fix = NULL, refgroup = 1,
  poolvar = TRUE, p.adjust = "none", fbound = 2, = FALSE,
  method = "satorra.bentler.2001")

partialInvarianceCat(fit, type, free = NULL, fix = NULL, refgroup = 1,
  poolvar = TRUE, p.adjust = "none", = FALSE,
  method = "satorra.bentler.2001")



A list of models for invariance testing. Each model should be assigned by appropriate names (see details). The result from measurementInvariance() or measurementInvarianceCat() could be used in this argument directly.


The types of invariance testing: "metric", "scalar", "strict", or "means"


A vector of variable names that are free across groups in advance. If partial mean invariance is tested, this argument represents a vector of factor names that are free across groups.


A vector of variable names that are constrained to be equal across groups in advance. If partial mean invariance is tested, this argument represents a vector of factor names that are fixed across groups.


The reference group used to make the effect size comparison with the other groups.


If TRUE, the variances are pooled across group for standardization. Otherwise, the variances of the reference group are used for standardization.


The method used to adjust p values. See stats::p.adjust() for the options for adjusting p values. The default is to not use any corrections.


The z-scores of factor that is used to calculate the effect size of the loading difference proposed by Millsap and Olivera-Aguilar (2012).

Return the submodels fitted by this function


The method used to calculate likelihood ratio test. See lavaan::lavTestLRT() for available options


There are four types of partial invariance testing:

  • Partial weak invariance. The model named 'fit.configural' from the list of models is compared with the model named 'fit.loadings'. Each loading will be freed or fixed from the metric and configural invariance models respectively. The modified models are compared with the original model. Note that the objects in the list of models must have the names of "fit.configural" and "fit.loadings". Users may use "metric", "weak", "loading", or "loadings" in the type argument. Note that, for testing invariance on marker variables, other variables will be assigned as marker variables automatically.

  • Partial strong invariance. The model named 'fit.loadings' from the list of models is compared with the model named either 'fit.intercepts' or 'fit.thresholds'. Each intercept will be freed or fixed from the scalar and metric invariance models respectively. The modified models are compared with the original model. Note that the objects in the list of models must have the names of "fit.loadings" and either "fit.intercepts" or "fit.thresholds". Users may use "scalar", "strong", "intercept", "intercepts", "threshold", or "thresholds" in the type argument. Note that, for testing invariance on marker variables, other variables will be assigned as marker variables automatically. Note that if all variables are dichotomous, scalar invariance testing is not available.

  • Partial strict invariance. The model named either 'fit.intercepts' or 'fit.thresholds' (or 'fit.loadings') from the list of models is compared with the model named 'fit.residuals'. Each residual variance will be freed or fixed from the strict and scalar (or metric) invariance models respectively. The modified models are compared with the original model. Note that the objects in the list of models must have the names of "fit.residuals" and either "fit.intercepts", "fit.thresholds", or "fit.loadings". Users may use "strict", "residual", "residuals", "error", or "errors" in the type argument.

  • Partial mean invariance. The model named either 'fit.intercepts' or 'fit.thresholds' (or 'fit.residuals' or 'fit.loadings') from the list of models is compared with the model named 'fit.means'. Each factor mean will be freed or fixed from the means and scalar (or strict or metric) invariance models respectively. The modified models are compared with the original model. Note that the objects in the list of models must have the names of "fit.means" and either "fit.residuals", "fit.intercepts", "fit.thresholds", or "fit.loadings". Users may use "means" or "mean" in the type argument.

Two types of comparisons are used in this function:

  1. free: The nested model is used as a template. Then, one parameter indicating the differences between two models is free. The new model is compared with the nested model. This process is repeated for all differences between two models. The likelihood-ratio test and the difference in CFI are provided.

  2. fix: The parent model is used as a template. Then, one parameter indicating the differences between two models is fixed or constrained to be equal to other parameters. The new model is then compared with the parent model. This process is repeated for all differences between two models. The likelihood-ratio test and the difference in CFI are provided.

  3. wald: This method is similar to the fix method. However, instead of building a new model and compare them with likelihood-ratio test, multivariate wald test is used to compare equality between parameter estimates. See lavaan::lavTestWald() for further details. Note that if any rows of the contrast cannot be summed to 0, the Wald test is not provided, such as comparing two means where one of the means is fixed as 0. This test statistic is not as accurate as likelihood-ratio test provided in fix. I provide it here in case that likelihood-ratio test fails to converge.

Note that this function does not adjust for the inflated Type I error rate from multiple tests. The degree of freedom of all tests would be the number of groups minus 1.

The details of standardized estimates and the effect size used for each parameters are provided in the vignettes by running vignette("partialInvariance").


A list of results are provided. The list will consists of at least two elements:

  1. estimates: The results of parameter estimates including pooled estimates (poolest), the estimates for each group, standardized estimates for each group (std), the difference in standardized values, and the effect size statistic (q for factor loading difference and h for error variance difference). See the details of this effect size statistic by running vignette("partialInvariance"). In the partialInvariance function, the additional effect statistics proposed by Millsap and Olivera-Aguilar (2012) are provided. For factor loading, the additional outputs are the observed mean difference (diff_mean), the mean difference if factor scores are low (low_fscore), and the mean difference if factor scores are high (high_fscore). The low factor score is calculated by (a) finding the factor scores that its z score equals -bound (the default is 2-2) from all groups and (b) picking the minimum value among the factor scores. The high factor score is calculated by (a) finding the factor scores that its z score equals bound (default = 2) from all groups and (b) picking the maximum value among the factor scores. For measurement intercepts, the additional outputs are the observed means difference (diff_mean) and the proportion of the differences in the intercepts over the observed means differences (propdiff). For error variances, the additional outputs are the proportion of the difference in error variances over the difference in observed variances (propdiff).

  2. results: Statistical tests as well as the change in CFI are provided. χ2\chi^2 and p value are provided for all methods.

  3. models: The submodels used in the free and fix methods, as well as the nested and parent models. The nested and parent models will be changed from the original models if free or fit arguments are specified.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Millsap, R. E., & Olivera-Aguilar, M. (2012). Investigating measurement invariance using confirmatory factor analysis. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of structural equation modeling (pp. 380–392). New York, NY: Guilford.

See Also

measurementInvariance() for measurement invariance for continuous variables; measurementInvarianceCat() for measurement invariance for categorical variables; lavaan::lavTestWald() for multivariate Wald test


## Conduct weak invariance testing manually by using fixed-factor
## method of scale identification


conf <- "
f1 =~ NA*x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ NA*x4 + x5 + x6
f1 ~~ c(1, 1)*f1
f2 ~~ c(1, 1)*f2

weak <- "
f1 =~ NA*x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ NA*x4 + x5 + x6
f1 ~~ c(1, NA)*f1
f2 ~~ c(1, NA)*f2

configural <- cfa(conf, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, = TRUE, group="school")
weak <- cfa(weak, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group="school", group.equal="loadings")
models <- list(fit.configural = configural, fit.loadings = weak)
partialInvariance(models, "metric")

partialInvariance(models, "metric", free = "x5") # "x5" is free across groups in advance
partialInvariance(models, "metric", fix = "x4") # "x4" is fixed across groups in advance

## Use the result from the measurementInvariance function
HW.model <- ' visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

models2 <- measurementInvariance(model = HW.model, data=HolzingerSwineford1939,
partialInvariance(models2, "scalar")

## Conduct weak invariance testing manually by using fixed-factor
## method of scale identification for dichotomous variables

f <- rnorm(1000, 0, 1)
u1 <- 0.9*f + rnorm(1000, 1, sqrt(0.19))
u2 <- 0.8*f + rnorm(1000, 1, sqrt(0.36))
u3 <- 0.6*f + rnorm(1000, 1, sqrt(0.64))
u4 <- 0.7*f + rnorm(1000, 1, sqrt(0.51))
u1 <- as.numeric(cut(u1, breaks = c(-Inf, 0, Inf)))
u2 <- as.numeric(cut(u2, breaks = c(-Inf, 0.5, Inf)))
u3 <- as.numeric(cut(u3, breaks = c(-Inf, 0, Inf)))
u4 <- as.numeric(cut(u4, breaks = c(-Inf, -0.5, Inf)))
g <- rep(c(1, 2), 500)
dat2 <- data.frame(u1, u2, u3, u4, g)

configural2 <- "
f1 =~ NA*u1 + u2 + u3 + u4
u1 | c(t11, t11)*t1
u2 | c(t21, t21)*t1
u3 | c(t31, t31)*t1
u4 | c(t41, t41)*t1
f1 ~~ c(1, 1)*f1
f1 ~ c(0, NA)*1
u1 ~~ c(1, 1)*u1
u2 ~~ c(1, NA)*u2
u3 ~~ c(1, NA)*u3
u4 ~~ c(1, NA)*u4

outConfigural2 <- cfa(configural2, data = dat2, group = "g",
                      parameterization = "theta", estimator = "wlsmv",
                      ordered = c("u1", "u2", "u3", "u4"))

weak2 <- "
f1 =~ NA*u1 + c(f11, f11)*u1 + c(f21, f21)*u2 + c(f31, f31)*u3 + c(f41, f41)*u4
u1 | c(t11, t11)*t1
u2 | c(t21, t21)*t1
u3 | c(t31, t31)*t1
u4 | c(t41, t41)*t1
f1 ~~ c(1, NA)*f1
f1 ~ c(0, NA)*1
u1 ~~ c(1, 1)*u1
u2 ~~ c(1, NA)*u2
u3 ~~ c(1, NA)*u3
u4 ~~ c(1, NA)*u4

outWeak2 <- cfa(weak2, data = dat2, group = "g", parameterization = "theta",
                estimator = "wlsmv", ordered = c("u1", "u2", "u3", "u4"))
modelsCat <- list(fit.configural = outConfigural2, fit.loadings = outWeak2)

partialInvarianceCat(modelsCat, type = "metric")

partialInvarianceCat(modelsCat, type = "metric", free = "u2")
partialInvarianceCat(modelsCat, type = "metric", fix = "u3")

## Use the result from the measurementInvarianceCat function

model <- ' f1 =~ u1 + u2 + u3 + u4
           f2 =~ u5 + u6 + u7 + u8'

modelsCat2 <- measurementInvarianceCat(model = model, data = datCat, group = "g",
	                                      parameterization = "theta",
	                                      estimator = "wlsmv", strict = TRUE)

partialInvarianceCat(modelsCat2, type = "scalar")

Parcel-Allocation Variability in Model Ranking


This function quantifies and assesses the consequences of parcel-allocation variability for model ranking of structural equation models (SEMs) that differ in their structural specification but share the same parcel-level measurement specification (see Sterba & Rights, 2016). This function calls parcelAllocation()—which can be used with only one SEM in isolation—to fit two (assumed) nested models to each of a specified number of random item-to-parcel allocations. Output includes summary information about the distribution of model selection results (including plots) and the distribution of results for each model individually, across allocations within-sample. Note that this function can be used when selecting among more than two competing structural models as well (see instructions below involving the ⁠seed=⁠ argument).


PAVranking(model0, model1, data, parcel.names, item.syntax, nAlloc = 100,
  fun = "sem", alpha = 0.05, bic.crit = 10, fit.measures = c("chisq",
  "df", "cfi", "tli", "rmsea", "srmr", "logl", "aic", "bic", "bic2"), ...,
  show.progress = FALSE, iseed = 12345, warn = FALSE)


model0, model1

lavaan::lavaan() model syntax specifying nested models (model0 within model1) to be fitted to the same parceled data. Note that there can be a mixture of items and parcels (even within the same factor), in case certain items should never be parceled. Can be a character string or parameter table. Also see lavaan::lavaanify() for more details.


A data.frame containing all observed variables appearing in ⁠model0=⁠ and ⁠model1=⁠, as well as those in the ⁠item.syntax=⁠ used to create parcels. If the data have missing values, multiple imputation before parceling is recommended: submit a stacked data set (with a variable for the imputation number, so they can be separated later) and set to return the list of data.frames (one per allocation), each of which is a stacked, multiply imputed data set with parcels created using the same allocation scheme.


character vector containing names of all parcels appearing as indicators in ⁠model0=⁠ or ⁠model1=⁠.


lavaan::lavaan() model syntax specifying the model that would be fit to all of the unparceled items, including items that should be randomly allocated to parcels appearing in ⁠model0=⁠ and ⁠model1=⁠.


The number of random items-to-parcels allocations to generate.


character string indicating the name of the lavaan::lavaan() function used to fit ⁠model0=⁠ and ⁠model1=⁠ to ⁠data=⁠. Can only take the values "lavaan", "sem", "cfa", or "growth".


Alpha level used as criterion for significance.


Criterion for assessing evidence in favor of one model over another. See Rafferty (1995) for guidelines (default is "very strong evidence" in favor of the model with lower BIC).


character vector containing names of fit measures to request from each fitted lavaan::lavaan model. See the output of lavaan::fitMeasures() for a list of available measures.


Additional arguments to be passed to lavaan::lavaanList(). See also lavaan::lavOptions()


If TRUE, show a utils::txtProgressBar() indicating how fast each model-fitting iterates over allocations.


(Optional) Random seed used for parceling items. When the same random seed is specified and the program is re-run, the same allocations will be generated. The seed argument can be used to assess parcel-allocation variability in model ranking when considering more than two models. For each pair of models under comparison, the program should be rerun using the same random seed. Doing so ensures that multiple model comparisons will employ the same set of parcel datasets. Note: When using parallel options, you must first type RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") into the R Console, so that the seed will be controlled across cores.


Whether to print warnings when fitting models to each allocation


This is based on a SAS macro ParcelAlloc (Sterba & MacCallum, 2010). The PAVranking() function produces results discussed in Sterba and Rights (2016) relevant to the assessment of parcel-allocation variability in model selection and model ranking. Specifically, the PAVranking() function first calls parcelAllocation() to generate a given number (⁠nAlloc=⁠) of item-to-parcel allocations, fitting both specified models to each allocation, and providing summaryies of PAV for each model. Additionally, PAVranking() provides the following new summaries:

  • PAV in model selection index values and model ranking between Models ⁠model0=⁠ and ⁠model1=⁠.

  • The proportion of allocations that converged and the proportion of proper solutions (results are summarized for allocations with both converged and proper allocations only).

For further details on the benefits of the random allocation of items to parcels, see Sterba (2011) and Sterba and MacCallum (2010).

To test whether nested models have equivalent fit, results can be pooled across allocations using the same methods available for pooling results across multiple imputations of missing data (see Examples).

Note: This function requires the lavaan package. Missing data must be coded as NA. If the function returns "Error in : figure margins too large", the user may need to increase size of the plot window (e.g., in RStudio) and rerun the function.


A list with 3 elements. The first two (model0.results and model1.results) are results returned by parcelAllocation() for model0 and model1, respectively. The third element (model0.v.model1) is a list of model-comparison results, including the following:


The average likelihood ratio test across allocations, as well as the SD, minimum, maximum, range, and the proportion of allocations for which the test was significant.


Differences in fit indices, organized by what proportion favored each model and among those, what the average difference was.


The proportion of allocations in which each model met the criterion (bic.crit) for a substantial difference in fit.


The proportion of allocations in which each model (and both models) converged on a solution.

Histograms are also printed to the current plot-output device.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Raftery, A. E. (1995). Bayesian model selection in social research. Sociological Methodology, 25, 111–163. doi:10.2307/271063

Sterba, S. K. (2011). Implications of parcel-allocation variability for comparing fit of item-solutions and parcel-solutions. Structural Equation Modeling, 18(4), 554–577.doi:10.1080/10705511.2011.607073

Sterba, S. K., & MacCallum, R. C. (2010). Variability in parameter estimates and model fit across repeated allocations of items to parcels. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 45(2), 322–358. doi:10.1080/00273171003680302

Sterba, S. K., & Rights, J. D. (2016). Accounting for parcel-allocation variability in practice: Combining sources of uncertainty and choosing the number of allocations. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(2–3), 296–313. doi:10.1080/00273171.2016.1144502

Sterba, S. K., & Rights, J. D. (2017). Effects of parceling on model selection: Parcel-allocation variability in model ranking. Psychological Methods, 22(1), 47–68. doi:10.1037/met0000067

See Also

parcelAllocation() for fitting a single model, poolMAlloc() for choosing the number of allocations


## Specify the item-level model (if NO parcels were created)
## This must apply to BOTH competing models

item.syntax <- c(paste0("f1 =~ f1item", 1:9),
                 paste0("f2 =~ f2item", 1:9))
cat(item.syntax, sep = "\n")
## Below, we reduce the size of this same model by
## applying different parceling schemes

## Specify a 2-factor CFA with correlated factors, using 3-indicator parcels
mod1 <- '
f1 =~ par1 + par2 + par3
f2 =~ par4 + par5 + par6
## Specify a more restricted model with orthogonal factors
mod0 <- '
f1 =~ par1 + par2 + par3
f2 =~ par4 + par5 + par6
f1 ~~ 0*f2
## names of parcels (must apply to BOTH models)
(parcel.names <- paste0("par", 1:6))

## override default random-number generator to use parallel options

PAVranking(model0 = mod0, model1 = mod1, data = simParcel, nAlloc = 100,
           parcel.names = parcel.names, item.syntax = item.syntax,
           # parallel = "multicore",   # parallel available on Mac/Linux
  = TRUE)       # any addition lavaan arguments

## POOL RESULTS by treating parcel allocations as multiple imputations.
## Details provided in Sterba & Rights (2016); see ?poolMAlloc.

## save list of data sets instead of fitting model yet
dataList <- parcelAllocation(mod0, # or mod1 (either uses same allocations)
                             data = simParcel, nAlloc = 100,
                             parcel.names = parcel.names,
                             item.syntax = item.syntax,
                    = FALSE)
## now fit each model to each data set
  fit0 <- cfa.mi(mod0, data = dataList, = TRUE)
  fit1 <- cfa.mi(mod1, data = dataList, = TRUE)
  anova(fit0, fit1)           # Pooled test statistic comparing models.
  help(package = "lavaan.mi") # Find more methods for pooling results.

Permutation Randomization Tests of Measurement Equivalence and Differential Item Functioning (DIF)


The function permuteMeasEq provides tests of hypotheses involving measurement equivalence, in one of two frameworks: multigroup CFA or MIMIC models.


permuteMeasEq(nPermute, modelType = c("mgcfa", "mimic"), con, uncon = NULL,
  null = NULL, param = NULL, freeParam = NULL, covariates = NULL,
  AFIs = NULL, moreAFIs = NULL, maxSparse = 10, maxNonconv = 10,
  showProgress = TRUE, warn = -1, datafun, extra,
  parallelType = c("none", "multicore", "snow"), ncpus = NULL, cl = NULL,
  iseed = 12345)



An integer indicating the number of random permutations used to form empirical distributions under the null hypothesis.


A character string indicating type of model employed: multiple-group CFA ("mgcfa") or MIMIC ("mimic").


The constrained lavaan object, in which the parameters specified in param are constrained to equality across all groups when modelType = "mgcfa", or which regression paths are fixed to zero when modelType = "mimic". In the case of testing configural invariance when modelType = "mgcfa", con is the configural model (implicitly, the unconstrained model is the saturated model, so use the defaults uncon = NULL and param = NULL). When modelType = "mimic", con is the MIMIC model in which the covariate predicts the latent construct(s) but no indicators (unless they have already been identified as DIF items).


Optional. The unconstrained lavaan object, in which the parameters specified in param are freely estimated in all groups. When modelType = "mgcfa", only in the case of testing configural invariance should uncon = NULL. When modelType = "mimic", any non-⁠NULL uncon⁠ is silently set to NULL.


Optional. A lavaan object, in which an alternative null model is fit (besides the default independence model specified by lavaan) for the calculation of incremental fit indices. See Widamin & Thompson (2003) for details. If NULL, lavaan's default independence model is used.


An optional character vector or list of character vectors indicating which parameters the user would test for DIF following a rejection of the omnibus null hypothesis tested using (more)AFIs. Note that param does not guarantee certain parameters are constrained in con; that is for the user to specify when fitting the model. If users have any "anchor items" that they would never intend to free across groups (or levels of a covariate), these should be excluded from param; exceptions to a type of parameter can be specified in freeParam. When modelType = "mgcfa", param indicates which parameters of interest are constrained across groups in con and are unconstrained in uncon. Parameter names must match those returned by names(coef(con)), but omitting any group-specific suffixes (e.g., "f1~1" rather than "f1~1.g2") or user-specified labels (that is, the parameter names must follow the rules of lavaan's lavaan::model.syntax()). Alternatively (or additionally), to test all constraints of a certain type (or multiple types) of parameter in con, param may take any combination of the following values: "loadings", "intercepts", "thresholds", "residuals", "residual.covariances", "means", "lv.variances", and/or "lv.covariances". When modelType = "mimic", param must be a vector of individual parameters or a list of character strings to be passed one-at-a-time to lavaan::lavTestScore(object = con, add = param[i]), indicating which (sets of) regression paths fixed to zero in con that the user would consider freeing (i.e., exclude anchor items). If modelType = "mimic" and param is a list of character strings, the multivariate test statistic will be saved for each list element instead of 1-df modification indices for each individual parameter, and names(param) will name the rows of the MI.obs slot (see permuteMeasEq). Set param = NULL (default) to avoid collecting modification indices for any follow-up tests.


An optional character vector, silently ignored when modelType = "mimic". If param includes a type of parameter (e.g., "loadings"), freeParam indicates exceptions (i.e., anchor items) that the user would not intend to free across groups and should therefore be ignored when calculating p values adjusted for the number of follow-up tests. Parameter types that are already unconstrained across groups in the fitted con model (i.e., a partial invariance model) will automatically be ignored, so they do not need to be specified in freeParam. Parameter names must match those returned by names(coef(con)), but omitting any group-specific suffixes (e.g., "f1~1" rather than "f1~1.g2") or user-specified labels (that is, the parameter names must follow the rules of lavaan lavaan::model.syntax()).


An optional character vector, only applicable when modelType = "mimic". The observed data are partitioned into columns indicated by covariates, and the rows are permuted simultaneously for the entire set before being merged with the remaining data. Thus, the covariance structure is preserved among the covariates, which is necessary when (e.g.) multiple dummy codes are used to represent a discrete covariate or when covariates interact. If covariates = NULL when modelType = "mimic", the value of covariates is inferred by searching param for predictors (i.e., variables appearing after the "~" operator).


A character vector indicating which alternative fit indices (or chi-squared itself) are to be used to test the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis that the constraints specified in con hold in the population. Any fit measures returned by lavaan::fitMeasures() may be specified (including constants like "df", which would be nonsensical). If both AFIs and moreAFIs are NULL, only "chisq" will be returned.


Optional. A character vector indicating which (if any) alternative fit indices returned by moreFitIndices() are to be used to test the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis that the constraints specified in con hold in the population.


Only applicable when modelType = "mgcfa" and at least one indicator is ordered. An integer indicating the maximum number of consecutive times that randomly permuted group assignment can yield a sample in which at least one category (of an ordered indicator) is unobserved in at least one group, such that the same set of parameters cannot be estimated in each group. If such a sample occurs, group assignment is randomly permuted again, repeatedly until a sample is obtained with all categories observed in all groups. If maxSparse is exceeded, NA will be returned for that iteration of the permutation distribution.


An integer indicating the maximum number of consecutive times that a random permutation can yield a sample for which the model does not converge on a solution. If such a sample occurs, permutation is attempted repeatedly until a sample is obtained for which the model does converge. If maxNonconv is exceeded, NA will be returned for that iteration of the permutation distribution, and a warning will be printed when using show or summary.


Logical. Indicating whether to display a progress bar while permuting. Silently set to FALSE when using parallel options.


Sets the handling of warning messages when fitting model(s) to permuted data sets. See base::options().


An optional function that can be applied to the data (extracted from con) after each permutation, but before fitting the model(s) to each permutation. The datafun function must have an argument named data that accepts a data.frame, and it must return a data.frame containing the same column names. The column order may differ, the values of those columns may differ (so be careful!), and any additional columns will be ignored when fitting the model, but an error will result if any column names required by the model syntax do not appear in the transformed data set. Although available for any modelType, datafun may be useful when using the MIMIC method to test for nonuniform DIF (metric/weak invariance) by using product indicators for a latent factor representing the interaction between a factor and one of the covariates, in which case the product indicators would need to be recalculated after each permutation of the covariates. To access other R objects used within permuteMeasEq, the arguments to datafun may also contain any subset of the following: "con", "uncon", "null", "param", "freeParam", "covariates", "AFIs", "moreAFIs", "maxSparse", "maxNonconv", and/or "iseed". The values for those arguments will be the same as the values supplied to permuteMeasEq.


An optional function that can be applied to any (or all) of the fitted lavaan objects (con, uncon, and/or null). This function will also be applied after fitting the model(s) to each permuted data set. To access the R objects used within permuteMeasEq, the arguments to extra must be any subset of the following: "con", "uncon", "null", "param", "freeParam", "covariates", "AFIs", "moreAFIs", "maxSparse", "maxNonconv", and/or "iseed". The values for those arguments will be the same as the values supplied to permuteMeasEq. The extra function must return a named numeric vector or a named list of scalars (i.e., a list of numeric vectors of length == 1). Any unnamed elements (e.g., "" or NULL) of the returned object will result in an error.


The type of parallel operation to be used (if any). The default is "none". Forking is not possible on Windows, so if "multicore" is requested on a Windows machine, the request will be changed to "snow" with a message.


Integer: number of processes to be used in parallel operation. If NULL (the default) and parallelType %in% c("multicore","snow"), the default is one less than the maximum number of processors detected by parallel::detectCores(). This default is also silently set if the user specifies more than the number of processors detected.


An optional parallel or snow cluster for use when parallelType = "snow". If NULL, a "PSOCK" cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the permuteMeasEq call. If a valid parallel::makeCluster() object is supplied, parallelType is silently set to "snow", and ncpus is silently set to length(cl).


Integer: Only used to set the states of the RNG when using parallel options, in which case base::RNGkind() is set to "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" with a message. See parallel::clusterSetRNGStream() and Section 6 of vignette("parallel", "parallel") for more details. If user supplies an invalid value, iseed is silently set to the default (12345). To set the state of the RNG when not using parallel options, call base::set.seed() before calling permuteMeasEq.


The function permuteMeasEq provides tests of hypotheses involving measurement equivalence, in one of two frameworks:

  1. 1 For multiple-group CFA models, provide a pair of nested lavaan objects, the less constrained of which (uncon) freely estimates a set of measurement parameters (e.g., factor loadings, intercepts, or thresholds; specified in param) in all groups, and the more constrained of which (con) constrains those measurement parameters to equality across groups. Group assignment is repeatedly permuted and the models are fit to each permutation, in order to produce an empirical distribution under the null hypothesis of no group differences, both for (a) changes in user-specified fit measures (see AFIs and moreAFIs) and for (b) the maximum modification index among the user-specified equality constraints. Configural invariance can also be tested by providing that fitted lavaan object to con and leaving uncon = NULL, in which case param must be NULL as well.

  2. 2 In MIMIC models, one or a set of continuous and/or discrete covariates can be permuted, and a constrained model is fit to each permutation in order to provide a distribution of any fit measures (namely, the maximum modification index among fixed parameters in param) under the null hypothesis of measurement equivalence across levels of those covariates.

In either framework, modification indices for equality constraints or fixed parameters specified in param are calculated from the constrained model (con) using the function lavaan::lavTestScore().

For multiple-group CFA models, the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis of measurement equivalence/invariance is that there are no group differences in any measurement parameters (of a particular type). This can be tested using the anova method on nested lavaan objects, as seen in the output of measurementInvariance(), or by inspecting the change in alternative fit indices (AFIs) such as the CFI. The permutation randomization method employed by permuteMeasEq generates an empirical distribution of any AFIs under the null hypothesis, so the user is not restricted to using fixed cutoffs proposed by Cheung & Rensvold (2002), Chen (2007), or Meade, Johnson, & Braddy (2008).

If the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis is rejected, partial invariance can still be established by freeing invalid equality constraints, as long as equality constraints are valid for at least two indicators per factor. Modification indices can be calculated from the constrained model (con), but multiple testing leads to inflation of Type I error rates. The permutation randomization method employed by permuteMeasEq creates a distribution of the maximum modification index if the null hypothesis is true, which allows the user to control the familywise Type I error rate in a manner similar to Tukey's q (studentized range) distribution for the Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) post hoc test.

For MIMIC models, DIF can be tested by comparing modification indices of regression paths to the permutation distribution of the maximum modification index, which controls the familywise Type I error rate. The MIMIC approach could also be applied with multiple-group models, but the grouping variable would not be permuted; rather, the covariates would be permuted separately within each group to preserve between-group differences. So whether parameters are constrained or unconstrained across groups, the MIMIC approach is only for testing null hypotheses about the effects of covariates on indicators, controlling for common factors.

In either framework, lavaan::lavaan()'s group.label argument is used to preserve the order of groups seen in con when permuting the data.


The permuteMeasEq object representing the results of testing measurement equivalence (the multiparameter omnibus test) and DIF (modification indices), as well as diagnostics and any extra output.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Papers about permutation tests of measurement equivalence:

Jorgensen, T. D., Kite, B. A., Chen, P.-Y., & Short, S. D. (2018). Permutation randomization methods for testing measurement equivalence and detecting differential item functioning in multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis. Psychological Methods, 23(4), 708–728. doi:10.1037/met0000152

Kite, B. A., Jorgensen, T. D., & Chen, P.-Y. (2018). Random permutation testing applied to measurement invariance testing with ordered-categorical indicators. Structural Equation Modeling 25(4), 573–587. doi:10.1080/10705511.2017.1421467

Jorgensen, T. D. (2017). Applying permutation tests and multivariate modification indices to configurally invariant models that need respecification. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1455). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01455

Additional reading:

Chen, F. F. (2007). Sensitivity of goodness of fit indexes to lack of measurement invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 14(3), 464–504. doi:10.1080/10705510701301834

Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B. (2002). Evaluating goodness-of-fit indexes for testing measurement invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 233–255. doi:10.1207/S15328007SEM0902_5

Meade, A. W., Johnson, E. C., & Braddy, P. W. (2008). Power and sensitivity of alternative fit indices in tests of measurement invariance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(3), 568–592. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.93.3.568

Widamin, K. F., & Thompson, J. S. (2003). On specifying the null model for incremental fit indices in structural equation modeling. Psychological Methods, 8(1), 16–37. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.8.1.16

See Also

stats::TukeyHSD(), lavaan::lavTestScore(), measurementInvariance(), measurementInvarianceCat()


## Multiple-Group CFA ##

## create 3-group data in lavaan example(cfa) data
HS <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939
HS$ageGroup <- ifelse(HS$ageyr < 13, "preteen",
                      ifelse(HS$ageyr > 13, "teen", "thirteen"))

## specify and fit an appropriate null model for incremental fit indices
mod.null <- c(paste0("x", 1:9, " ~ c(T", 1:9, ", T", 1:9, ", T", 1:9, ")*1"),
              paste0("x", 1:9, " ~~ c(L", 1:9, ", L", 1:9, ", L", 1:9, ")*x", 1:9))
fit.null <- cfa(mod.null, data = HS, group = "ageGroup")

## fit target model with varying levels of measurement equivalence
mod.config <- '
visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9
fit.config <- cfa(mod.config, data = HS, = TRUE, group = "ageGroup")
fit.metric <- cfa(mod.config, data = HS, = TRUE, group = "ageGroup",
                  group.equal = "loadings")
fit.scalar <- cfa(mod.config, data = HS, = TRUE, group = "ageGroup",
                  group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"))

####################### Permutation Method

## fit indices of interest for multiparameter omnibus test
myAFIs <- c("chisq","cfi","rmsea","mfi","aic")
moreAFIs <- c("gammaHat","adjGammaHat")

## Use only 20 permutations for a demo.  In practice,
## use > 1000 to reduce sampling variability of estimated p values

## test configural invariance
out.config <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, con = fit.config)

## test metric equivalence
set.seed(12345) # same permutations
out.metric <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.config, con = fit.metric,
                            param = "loadings", AFIs = myAFIs,
                            moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null)
summary(out.metric, nd = 4)

## test scalar equivalence
set.seed(12345) # same permutations
out.scalar <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.metric, con = fit.scalar,
                            param = "intercepts", AFIs = myAFIs,
                            moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null)

## Not much to see without significant DIF.
## Try using an absurdly high alpha level for illustration.
outsum <- summary(out.scalar, alpha = .50)

## notice that the returned object is the table of DIF tests

## visualize permutation distribution
hist(out.config, AFI = "chisq")
hist(out.metric, AFI = "chisq", nd = 2, alpha = .01,
     legendArgs = list(x = "topright"))
hist(out.scalar, AFI = "cfi", printLegend = FALSE)

####################### Extra Output

## function to calculate expected change of Group-2 and -3 latent means if
## each intercept constraint were released
extra <- function(con) {
  output <- list()
  output["x1.vis2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 19:20, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[70]
  output["x1.vis3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 19:20, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[106]
  output["x2.vis2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 21:22, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[70]
  output["x2.vis3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 21:22, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[106]
  output["x3.vis2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 23:24, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[70]
  output["x3.vis3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 23:24, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[106]
  output["x4.txt2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 25:26, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[71]
  output["x4.txt3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 25:26, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[107]
  output["x5.txt2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 27:28, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[71]
  output["x5.txt3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 27:28, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[107]
  output["x6.txt2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 29:30, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[71]
  output["x6.txt3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 29:30, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[107]
  output["x7.spd2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 31:32, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[72]
  output["x7.spd3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 31:32, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[108]
  output["x8.spd2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 33:34, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[72]
  output["x8.spd3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 33:34, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[108]
  output["x9.spd2"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 35:36, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[72]
  output["x9.spd3"] <- lavTestScore(con, release = 35:36, univariate = FALSE,
                                    epc = TRUE, warn = FALSE)$epc$epc[108]

## observed EPC

## permutation results, including extra output
set.seed(12345) # same permutations
out.scalar <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.metric, con = fit.scalar,
                            param = "intercepts", AFIs = myAFIs,
                            moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null, extra = extra)
## summarize extra output
summary(out.scalar, extra = TRUE)

## MIMIC ##

## Specify Restricted Factor Analysis (RFA) model, equivalent to MIMIC, but
## the factor covaries with the covariate instead of being regressed on it.
## The covariate defines a single-indicator construct, and the
## double-mean-centered products of the indicators define a latent
## interaction between the factor and the covariate.
mod.mimic <- '
visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
age =~ ageyr =~ x1.ageyr + x2.ageyr + x3.ageyr

x1 ~~ x1.ageyr
x2 ~~ x2.ageyr
x3 ~~ x3.ageyr

HS.orth <- indProd(var1 = paste0("x", 1:3), var2 = "ageyr", match = FALSE,
                   data = HS[ , c("ageyr", paste0("x", 1:3))] )
fit.mimic <- cfa(mod.mimic, data = HS.orth, meanstructure = TRUE)
summary(fit.mimic, stand = TRUE)

## Whereas MIMIC models specify direct effects of the covariate on an indicator,
## DIF can be tested in RFA models by specifying free loadings of an indicator
## on the covariate's construct (uniform DIF, scalar invariance) and the
## interaction construct (nonuniform DIF, metric invariance).
param <- as.list(paste0("age + =~ x", 1:3))
names(param) <- paste0("x", 1:3)
# param <- as.list(paste0("x", 1:3, " ~ age +")) # equivalent

## test both parameters simultaneously for each indicator, lapply(param, function(x) lavTestScore(fit.mimic, add = x)$test))
## or test each parameter individually
lavTestScore(fit.mimic, add = as.character(param))

####################### Permutation Method

## function to recalculate interaction terms after permuting the covariate
datafun <- function(data) {
  d <- data[, c(paste0("x", 1:3), "ageyr")]
  indProd(var1 = paste0("x", 1:3), var2 = "ageyr", match = FALSE, data = d)

perm.mimic <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, modelType = "mimic",
                            con = fit.mimic, param = param,
                            covariates = "ageyr", datafun = datafun)

Class for the Results of Permutation Randomization Tests of Measurement Equivalence and DIF


This class contains the results of tests of Measurement Equivalence and Differential Item Functioning (DIF).


## S4 method for signature 'permuteMeasEq'

## S4 method for signature 'permuteMeasEq'
summary(object, alpha = 0.05, nd = 3,
  extra = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'permuteMeasEq'
hist(x, ..., AFI, alpha = 0.05, nd = 3,
  printLegend = TRUE, legendArgs = list(x = "topleft"))


object, x

object of class permuteMeasEq


alpha level used to draw confidence limits in hist and flag significant statistics in summary output


number of digits to display


logical indicating whether the summary output should return permutation-based p values for each statistic returned by the extra function. If FALSE (default), summary will return permutation-based p values for each modification index.


Additional arguments to pass to graphics::hist()


character indicating the fit measure whose permutation distribution should be plotted


logical. If TRUE (default), a legend will be printed with the histogram


list of arguments passed to the graphics::legend() function. The default argument is a list placing the legend at the top-left of the figure.


  • The show method prints a summary of the multiparameter omnibus test results, using the user-specified AFIs. The parametric (Δ\Delta)χ2\chi^2 test is also displayed.

  • The summary method prints the same information from the show method, but when extra = FALSE (the default) it also provides a table summarizing any requested follow-up tests of DIF using modification indices in slot MI.obs. The user can also specify an alpha level for flagging modification indices as significant, as well as nd (the number of digits displayed). For each modification index, the p value is displayed using a central χ2\chi^2 distribution with the df shown in that column. Additionally, a p value is displayed using the permutation distribution of the maximum index, which controls the familywise Type I error rate in a manner similar to Tukey's studentized range test. If any indices are flagged as significant using the tukey.p.value, then a message is displayed for each flagged index. The invisibly returned data.frame is the displayed table of modification indices, unless permuteMeasEq() was called with param = NULL, in which case the invisibly returned object is object. If extra = TRUE, the permutation-based p values for each statistic returned by the extra function are displayed and returned in a data.frame instead of the modification indices requested in the param argument.

  • The hist method returns a list of length == 2, containing the arguments for the call to hist and the arguments to the call for legend, respectively. This list may facilitate creating a customized histogram of AFI.dist, MI.dist, or extra.dist



A data.frame returned by a call to lavaan::parTable() on the constrained model


A character indicating the specified modelType in the call to permuteMeasEq


A numeric vector indicating the results of the observed (Δ\Delta)χ2\chi^2 test, based on the central χ2\chi^2 distribution


A vector of observed (changes in) user-selected fit measures


The permutation distribution(s) of user-selected fit measures. A data.frame with n.Permutations rows and one column for each AFI.obs.


A vector of p values (one for each element in slot AFI.obs) calculated using slot AFI.dist, indicating the probability of observing a change at least as extreme as AFI.obs if the null hypothesis were true


A data.frame of observed Lagrange Multipliers (modification indices) associated with the equality constraints or fixed parameters specified in the param argument. This is a subset of the output returned by a call to lavaan::lavTestScore() on the constrained model.


The permutation distribution of the maximum modification index (among those seen in slot MI.obs$X2) at each permutation of group assignment or of covariates


If permuteMeasEq was called with an extra function, the output when applied to the original data is concatenated into this vector


A data.frame, each column of which contains the permutation distribution of the corresponding statistic in slot extra.obs


An integer indicating the number of permutations requested by the user


An integer indicating the number of permuation iterations which yielded a converged solution


An integer vector of length n.Permutations indicating how many times group assignment was randomly permuted (at each iteration) before converging on a solution


Only relevant with ordered indicators when modelType == "mgcfa". An integer vector of length n.Permutations indicating how many times group assignment was randomly permuted (at each iteration) before obtaining a sample with all categories observed in all groups.


An integer vector storing the value of .Random.seed before running permuteMeasEq. Only relevant when using a parallel/multicore option and the original RNGkind() != "L'Ecuyer-CMRG". This enables users to restore their previous .Random.seed state, if desired, by running: .Random.seed[-1] <- permutedResults@oldSeed[-1]

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the permuteMeasEq() function.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

See Also



# See the example from the permuteMeasEq function

Plausible-Values Imputation of Factor Scores Estimated from a lavaan Model


Draw plausible values of factor scores estimated from a fitted lavaan::lavaan() model, then treat them as multiple imputations of missing data using lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi().


plausibleValues(object, nDraws = 20L, seed = 12345,
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""), ...)



A fitted model of class lavaan::lavaan, blavaan::blavaan, or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi


integer specifying the number of draws, analogous to the number of imputed data sets. If object is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi, this will be the number of draws taken per imputation. If object is of class blavaan::blavaan, nDraws cannot exceed blavInspect(object, "niter") * blavInspect(bfitc, "n.chains") (number of MCMC samples from the posterior). The drawn samples will be evenly spaced (after permutation for target="stan"), using ceiling() to resolve decimals.


integer passed to set.seed().


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations when object is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd").


Optional arguments to pass to lavaan::lavPredict(). assemble will be ignored because multiple groups are always assembled into a single data.frame per draw. type will be ignored because it is set internally to type="lv".


Because latent variables are unobserved, they can be considered as missing data, which can be imputed using Monte Carlo methods. This may be of interest to researchers with sample sizes too small to fit their complex structural models. Fitting a factor model as a first step, lavaan::lavPredict() provides factor-score estimates, which can be treated as observed values in a path analysis (Step 2). However, the resulting standard errors and test statistics could not be trusted because the Step-2 analysis would not take into account the uncertainty about the estimated factor scores. Using the asymptotic sampling covariance matrix of the factor scores provided by lavaan::lavPredict(), plausibleValues draws a set of nDraws imputations from the sampling distribution of each factor score, returning a list of data sets that can be treated like multiple imputations of incomplete data. If the data were already imputed to handle missing data, plausibleValues also accepts an object of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi, and will draw nDraws plausible values from each imputation. Step 2 would then take into account uncertainty about both missing values and factor scores. Bayesian methods can also be used to generate factor scores, as available with the blavaan package, in which case plausible values are simply saved parameters from the posterior distribution. See Asparouhov and Muthen (2010) for further technical details and references.

Each returned data.frame includes a case.idx column that indicates the corresponding rows in the data set to which the model was originally fitted (unless the user requests only Level-2 variables). This can be used to merge the plausible values with the original observed data, but users should note that including any new variables in a Step-2 model might not accurately account for their relationship(s) with factor scores because they were not accounted for in the Step-1 model from which factor scores were estimated.

If object is a multilevel lavaan model, users can request plausible values for latent variables at particular levels of analysis by setting the lavaan::lavPredict() argument level=1 or level=2. If the level argument is not passed via ..., then both levels are returned in a single merged data set per draw. For multilevel models, each returned data.frame also includes a column indicating to which cluster each row belongs (unless the user requests only Level-2 variables).


A list of length nDraws, each of which is a data.frame containing plausible values, which can be treated as a list of imputed data sets to be passed to runMI() (see Examples). If object is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi, the list will be of length nDraws*m, where m is the number of imputations.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Asparouhov, T. & Muthen, B. O. (2010). Plausible values for latent variables using Mplus. Technical Report. Retrieved from

See Also

lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi(), lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi


## example from ?cfa and ?lavPredict help pages
HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit1 <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
fs1 <- plausibleValues(fit1, nDraws = 3,
                       ## lavPredict() can add only the modeled data
              = TRUE)
lapply(fs1, head)

## To merge factor scores to original data.frame (not just modeled data)
fs1 <- plausibleValues(fit1, nDraws = 3)
idx <- lavInspect(fit1, "case.idx")      # row index for each case
if (is.list(idx)) idx <-, idx) # for multigroup models
data(HolzingerSwineford1939)             # copy data to workspace
HolzingerSwineford1939$case.idx <- idx   # add row index as variable
## loop over draws to merge original data with factor scores
for (i in seq_along(fs1)) {
  fs1[[i]] <- merge(fs1[[i]], HolzingerSwineford1939, by = "case.idx")
lapply(fs1, head)

## multiple-group analysis, in 2 steps
step1 <- cfa(HS.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
            group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"))
PV.list <- plausibleValues(step1)

## subsequent path analysis
path.model <- ' visual ~ c(t1, t2)*textual + c(s1, s2)*speed '
  step2 <- sem.mi(path.model, data = PV.list, group = "school")
  ## test equivalence of both slopes across groups
  lavTestWald.mi(step2, constraints = 't1 == t2 ; s1 == s2')

## multilevel example from ?Demo.twolevel help page
model <- '
  level: 1
    fw =~ y1 + y2 + y3
    fw ~ x1 + x2 + x3
  level: 2
    fb =~ y1 + y2 + y3
    fb ~ w1 + w2
msem <- sem(model, data = Demo.twolevel, cluster = "cluster")
mlPVs <- plausibleValues(msem, nDraws = 3) # both levels by default
lapply(mlPVs, head, n = 10)
## only Level 1
mlPV1 <- plausibleValues(msem, nDraws = 3, level = 1)
lapply(mlPV1, head)
## only Level 2
mlPV2 <- plausibleValues(msem, nDraws = 3, level = 2)
lapply(mlPV2, head)

## example with 20 multiple imputations of missing data:
nPVs <- 5
nImps <- 20

  data(HS20imps, package = "lavaan.mi")

  ## specify CFA model from lavaan's ?cfa help page
  HS.model <- '
    visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
    textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
    speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9
  out2 <- cfa.mi(HS.model, data = HS20imps)
  PVs <- plausibleValues(out2, nDraws = nPVs)

  idx <- out2@Data@case.idx # can't use lavInspect() on lavaan.mi
  ## empty list to hold expanded imputations
  impPVs <- list()
  for (m in 1:nImps) {
    HS20imps[[m]]["case.idx"] <- idx
    for (i in 1:nPVs) {
      impPVs[[ nPVs*(m - 1) + i ]] <- merge(HS20imps[[m]],
                                            PVs[[ nPVs*(m - 1) + i ]],
                                            by = "case.idx")
  lapply(impPVs, head)

Plot a latent interaction


This function will plot the line graphs representing the simple effect of the independent variable given the values of the moderator. For multigroup models, it will only generate a plot for 1 group, as specified in the function used to obtain the first argument.


plotProbe(object, xlim, xlab = "Indepedent Variable",
  ylab = "Dependent Variable", legend = TRUE, legendArgs = list(), ...)



A list, typically the result of probing a latent 2-way or 3-way interaction obtained from the probe2WayMC(), probe2WayRC(), probe3WayMC(), or probe3WayRC() functions.


The vector of two numbers: the minimum and maximum values of the independent variable


The label of the x-axis


The label of the y-axis


logical. If TRUE (default), a legend is printed.


list of arguments passed to legend() function if legend=TRUE.


Any additional argument for the plot() function


None. This function will plot the simple main effect only.


If the object does not contain simple intercepts (i.e., if the object$SimpleIntcept element is NULL), then all simple intercepts are arbitrarily set to zero in order to plot the simple slopes. This may not be consistent with the fitted model, but was (up until version 0.5-7) the default behavior when the y-intercept was fixed to 0. In this case, although the relative steepness of simple slopes can still meaningfully be compared, the relative vertical positions of lines at any point along the x-axis should not be interpreted.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Schoemann, A. M., & Jorgensen, T. D. (2021). Testing and interpreting latent variable interactions using the semTools package. Psych, 3(3), 322–335. doi:10.3390/psych3030024

See Also

  • indProd() For creating the indicator products with no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering.

  • probe2WayMC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe3WayMC() For probing the three-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe2WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • probe3WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.



dat2wayMC <- indProd(dat2way, 1:3, 4:6)

model1 <- "
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
f3 ~ f1 + f2 + f12
f12 ~~ 0*f1
f12 ~~ 0*f2
x1 ~ 0*1
x4 ~ 0*1
x1.x4 ~ 0*1
x7 ~ 0*1
f1 ~ NA*1
f2 ~ NA*1
f12 ~ NA*1
f3 ~ NA*1

fitMC2way <- sem(model1, data = dat2wayMC, meanstructure = TRUE)
result2wayMC <- probe2WayMC(fitMC2way, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"),
                            nameY = "f3", modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1))
plotProbe(result2wayMC, xlim = c(-2, 2))

dat3wayMC <- indProd(dat3way, 1:3, 4:6, 7:9)

model3 <- "
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f13 =~ x1.x7 + x2.x8 + x3.x9
f23 =~ x4.x7 + x5.x8 + x6.x9
f123 =~ x1.x4.x7 + x2.x5.x8 + x3.x6.x9
f4 =~ x10 + x11 + x12
f4 ~ f1 + f2 + f3 + f12 + f13 + f23 + f123
f1 ~~ 0*f12
f1 ~~ 0*f13
f1 ~~ 0*f123
f2 ~~ 0*f12
f2 ~~ 0*f23
f2 ~~ 0*f123
f3 ~~ 0*f13
f3 ~~ 0*f23
f3 ~~ 0*f123
f12 ~~ 0*f123
f13 ~~ 0*f123
f23 ~~ 0*f123
x1 ~ 0*1
x4 ~ 0*1
x7 ~ 0*1
x10 ~ 0*1
x1.x4 ~ 0*1
x1.x7 ~ 0*1
x4.x7 ~ 0*1
x1.x4.x7 ~ 0*1
f1 ~ NA*1
f2 ~ NA*1
f3 ~ NA*1
f12 ~ NA*1
f13 ~ NA*1
f23 ~ NA*1
f123 ~ NA*1
f4 ~ NA*1

fitMC3way <- sem(model3, data = dat3wayMC, = FALSE,
                 meanstructure = TRUE)
result3wayMC <- probe3WayMC(fitMC3way, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f3", "f12",
                                                 "f13", "f23", "f123"),
                            nameY = "f4", modVar = c("f1", "f2"),
                            valProbe1 = c(-1, 0, 1), valProbe2 = c(-1, 0, 1))
plotProbe(result3wayMC, xlim = c(-2, 2))

Plot the sampling distributions of RMSEA


Plots the sampling distributions of RMSEA based on the noncentral chi-square distributions


plotRMSEAdist(rmsea, n, df, ptile = NULL, caption = NULL,
  rmseaScale = TRUE, group = 1)



The vector of RMSEA values to be plotted


Sample size of a dataset


Model degrees of freedom


The percentile rank of the distribution of the first RMSEA that users wish to plot a vertical line in the resulting graph


The name vector of each element of rmsea


If TRUE, the RMSEA scale is used in the x-axis. If FALSE, the chi-square scale is used in the x-axis.


The number of group that is used to calculate RMSEA.


This function creates overlappling plots of the sampling distribution of RMSEA based on noncentral χ2\chi^2 distribution (MacCallum, Browne, & Suguwara, 1996). First, the noncentrality parameter (λ\lambda) is calculated from RMSEA (Steiger, 1998; Dudgeon, 2004) by

λ=(N1)dε2/K,\lambda = (N - 1)d\varepsilon^2 / K,

where NN is sample size, dd is the model degree of freedom, KK is the number of group, and ε\varepsilon is the population RMSEA. Next, the noncentral χ2\chi^2 distribution with a specified df and noncentrality parameter is plotted. Thus, the x-axis represents the sample χ2\chi^2 value. The sample χ2\chi^2 value can be transformed to the sample RMSEA scale (ε^\hat{\varepsilon}) by

ε^=Kχ2d(N1)d,\hat{\varepsilon} = \sqrt{K}\sqrt{\frac{\chi^2 - d}{(N - 1)d}},

where χ2\chi^2 is the χ2\chi^2 value obtained from the noncentral χ2\chi^2 distribution.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Dudgeon, P. (2004). A note on extending Steiger's (1998) multiple sample RMSEA adjustment to other noncentrality parameter-based statistic. Structural Equation Modeling, 11(3), 305–319. doi:10.1207/s15328007sem1103_1

MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Sugawara, H. M. (1996). Power analysis and determination of sample size for covariance structure modeling. Psychological Methods, 1(2), 130–149. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.1.2.130

Steiger, J. H. (1998). A note on multiple sample extensions of the RMSEA fit index. Structural Equation Modeling, 5(4), 411–419. doi:10.1080/10705519809540115

See Also

  • plotRMSEApower() to plot the statistical power based on population RMSEA given the sample size

  • findRMSEApower() to find the statistical power based on population RMSEA given a sample size

  • findRMSEAsamplesize() to find the minium sample size for a given statistical power based on population RMSEA


plotRMSEAdist(c(.05, .08), n = 200, df = 20, ptile = .95, rmseaScale = TRUE)
plotRMSEAdist(c(.05, .01), n = 200, df = 20, ptile = .05, rmseaScale = FALSE)

Plot power curves for RMSEA


Plots power of RMSEA over a range of sample sizes


plotRMSEApower(rmsea0, rmseaA, df, nlow, nhigh, steps = 1, alpha = 0.05,
  group = 1, ...)





Alternative RMSEA


Model degrees of freedom


Lower sample size


Upper sample size


Increase in sample size for each iteration. Smaller values of steps will lead to more precise plots. However, smaller step sizes means a longer run time.


Alpha level used in power calculations


The number of group that is used to calculate RMSEA.


The additional arguments for the plot function.


This function creates plot of power for RMSEA against a range of sample sizes. The plot places sample size on the horizontal axis and power on the vertical axis. The user should indicate the lower and upper values for sample size and the sample size between each estimate ("step size") We strongly urge the user to read the sources below (see References) before proceeding. A web version of this function is available at: This function is also implemented in the web application "power4SEM":


Plot of power for RMSEA against a range of sample sizes


Alexander M. Schoemann (East Carolina University; [email protected])

Kristopher J. Preacher (Vanderbilt University; [email protected])

Donna L. Coffman (Pennsylvania State University; [email protected])


MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Cai, L. (2006). Testing differences between nested covariance structure models: Power analysis and null hypotheses. Psychological Methods, 11(1), 19–35. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.11.1.19

MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Sugawara, H. M. (1996). Power analysis and determination of sample size for covariance structure modeling. Psychological Methods, 1(2), 130–149. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.1.2.130

MacCallum, R. C., Lee, T., & Browne, M. W. (2010). The issue of isopower in power analysis for tests of structural equation models. Structural Equation Modeling, 17(1), 23–41. doi:10.1080/10705510903438906

Preacher, K. J., Cai, L., & MacCallum, R. C. (2007). Alternatives to traditional model comparison strategies for covariance structure models. In T. D. Little, J. A. Bovaird, & N. A. Card (Eds.), Modeling contextual effects in longitudinal studies (pp. 33–62). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Steiger, J. H. (1998). A note on multiple sample extensions of the RMSEA fit index. Structural Equation Modeling, 5(4), 411–419. doi:10.1080/10705519809540115

Steiger, J. H., & Lind, J. C. (1980, June). Statistically based tests for the number of factors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Iowa City, IA.

Jak, S., Jorgensen, T. D., Verdam, M. G., Oort, F. J., & Elffers, L. (2021). Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: A tutorial and Shiny app. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1385–1406. doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01479-0

See Also


plotRMSEApower(rmsea0 = .025, rmseaA = .075, df = 23,
               nlow = 100, nhigh = 500, steps = 10)

Plot power of nested model RMSEA


Plot power of nested model RMSEA over a range of possible sample sizes.


plotRMSEApowernested(rmsea0A = NULL, rmsea0B = NULL, rmsea1A,
  rmsea1B = NULL, dfA, dfB, nlow, nhigh, steps = 1, alpha = 0.05,
  group = 1, ...)



The H0H_0 baseline RMSEA


The H0H_0 alternative RMSEA (trivial misfit)


The H1H_1 baseline RMSEA


The H1H_1 alternative RMSEA (target misfit to be rejected)


degree of freedom of the more-restricted model


degree of freedom of the less-restricted model


Lower bound of sample size


Upper bound of sample size


Step size


The alpha level


The number of group in calculating RMSEA


The additional arguments for the plot function.


Bell Clinton

Pavel Panko (Texas Tech University; [email protected])

Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


MacCallum, R. C., Browne, M. W., & Cai, L. (2006). Testing differences between nested covariance structure models: Power analysis and null hypotheses. Psychological Methods, 11(1), 19–35. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.11.1.19

See Also

  • findRMSEApowernested() to find the power for a given sample size in nested model comparison based on population RMSEA

  • findRMSEAsamplesizenested() to find the minium sample size for a given statistical power in nested model comparison based on population RMSEA


plotRMSEApowernested(rmsea0A = 0, rmsea0B = 0, rmsea1A = 0.06,
                     rmsea1B = 0.05, dfA = 22, dfB = 20, nlow = 50,
                     nhigh = 500, steps = 1, alpha = .05, group = 1)

Combine sampling variability with parcel-allocation variability by pooling results across M parcel-allocations


This function employs an iterative algorithm to pick the number of random item-to-parcel allocations needed to meet user-defined stability criteria for a fitted structural equation model (SEM) (see Details below for more information). Pooled point and standard-error estimates from this SEM can be outputted at this final selected number of allocations (however, it is more efficient to save the allocations and treat them as multiple imputations using lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi(); see See Also for links with examples). Additionally, new indices (see Sterba & Rights, 2016) are outputted for assessing the relative contributions of parcel-allocation variability vs. sampling variability in each estimate. At each iteration, this function generates a given number of random item-to-parcel allocations, fits a SEM to each allocation, pools estimates across allocations from that iteration, and then assesses whether stopping criteria are met. If stopping criteria are not met, the algorithm increments the number of allocations used (generating all new allocations).


poolMAlloc(nPerPar, facPlc, nAllocStart, nAllocAdd = 0,
  parceloutput = NULL, syntax, dataset, stopProp, stopValue,
  selectParam = NULL, indices = "default", double = FALSE,
  checkConv = FALSE, names = "default", leaveout = 0,
  useTotalAlloc = FALSE, ...)



A list in which each element is a vector, corresponding to each factor, indicating sizes of parcels. If variables are left out of parceling, they should not be accounted for here (i.e., there should not be parcels of size "1").


A list of vectors, each corresponding to a factor, specifying the item indicators of that factor (whether included in parceling or not). Either variable names or column numbers. Variables not listed will not be modeled or included in output datasets.


The number of random allocations of items to parcels to generate in the first iteration of the algorithm.


The number of allocations to add with each iteration of the algorithm. Note that if only one iteration is desired, nAllocAdd can be set to 00 and results will be output for nAllocStart allocations only.


Optional character. Path (folder/directory) where M (the final selected number of allocations) parceled data sets will be outputted from the iteration where the algorithm met stopping criteria. Note for Windows users: file path must be specified using forward slashes (/), not backslashes (⁠\\⁠). See base::path.expand() for details. If NULL (default), nothing is saved to disk.


lavaan syntax that defines the model.


Item-level dataset


Value used in defining stopping criteria of the algorithm (δa\delta_a in Sterba & Rights, 2016). This is the minimum proportion of change (in any pooled parameter or pooled standard error estimate listed in selectParam) that is allowable from one iteration of the algorithm to the next. That is, change in pooled estimates and pooled standard errors from one iteration to the next must all be less than (stopProp) ×\times (value from former iteration). Note that stopValue can override this criterion (see below). Also note that values less than .01 are unlikely to lead to more substantively meaningful precision. Also note that if only stopValue is a desired criterion, stopProp can be set to 0.


Value used in defining stopping criteria of the algorithm (δb\delta_b in Sterba & Rights, 2016). stopValue is a minimum allowable amount of absolute change (in any pooled parameter or pooled standard error estimate listed in selectParam) from one iteration of the algorithm to the next. For a given pooled estimate or pooled standard error, stopValue is only invoked as a stopping criteria when the minimum change required by stopProp is less than stopValue. Note that values less than .01 are unlikely to lead to more substantively meaningful precision. Also note that if only stopProp is a desired criterion, stopValue can be set to 0.


(Optional) A list of the pooled parameters to be used in defining stopping criteria (i.e., stopProp and stopValue). These parameters should appear in the order they are listed in the lavaan syntax. By default, all pooled parameters are used. Note that selectParam should only contain freely-estimated parameters. In one example from Sterba & Rights (2016) selectParam included all free parameters except item intercepts and in another example selectParam included only structural parameters.


Optional character vector indicating the names of available lavaan::fitMeasures() to be included in the output. The first and second elements should be a chi-squared test statistic and its associated degrees of freedom, both of which will be added if missing. If "default", the indices will be c("chisq", "df", "cfi", "tli", "rmsea","srmr"). If a robust test statistic is requested (see lavaan::lavOptions()), c("chisq","df") will be replaced by c("chisq.scaled","df.scaled"). For the output to include both the naive and robust test statistics, indices should include both, but put the scaled test statistics first, as in indices = c("chisq.scaled", "df.scaled", "chisq", "df")


(Optional) If set to TRUE, requires stopping criteria (stopProp and stopValue) to be met for all parameters (in selectParam) for two consecutive iterations of the algorithm. By default, this is set to FALSE, meaning stopping criteria need only be met at one iteration of the algorithm.


(Optional) If set to TRUE, function will output pooled estimates and standard errors from 10 iterations post-convergence.


(Optional) A character vector containing the names of parceled variables.


(Optional) A vector of variables to be left out of randomized parceling. Either variable names or column numbers are allowed.


(Optional) If set to TRUE, function will output a separate set of results that uses all allocations created by the algorithm, rather than M allocations (see "Allocations needed for stability" below). This distinction is further discussed in Sterba and Rights (2016).


Additional arguments to be passed to lavaan::lavaan(). See also lavaan::lavOptions()


This function implements an algorithm for choosing the number of allocations (M; described in Sterba & Rights, 2016), pools point and standard-error estimates across these M allocations, and produces indices for assessing the relative contributions of parcel-allocation variability vs. sampling variability in each estimate.

To obtain pooled test statistics for model fit or model comparison, the list or parcel allocations can be passed to lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi() (find Examples on the help pages for parcelAllocation() and PAVranking()).

This function randomly generates a given number (nAllocStart) of item-to-parcel allocations, fits a SEM to each allocation, and then increments the number of allocations used (by nAllocAdd) until the pooled point and standard-error estimates fulfill stopping criteria (stopProp and stopValue, defined above). A summary of results from the model that was fit to the M allocations are returned.

Additionally, this function outputs the proportion of allocations with solutions that converged (using a maximum likelihood estimator) as well as the proportion of allocations with solutions that were converged and proper. The converged and proper solutions among the final M allocations are used in computing pooled results.

Additionally, after each iteration of the algorithm, information useful in monitoring the algorithm is outputted. The number of allocations used at that iteration, the proportion of pooled parameter estimates meeting stopping criteria at the previous iteration, the proportion of pooled standard errors meeting stopping criteria at the previous iteration, and the runtime of that iteration are outputted. When stopping criteria are satisfied, the full set of results are outputted.

For further details on the benefits of the random allocation of items to parcels, see Sterba (2011) and Sterba & MacCallum (2010).



A table containing pooled results across M allocations at the iteration where stopping criteria were met. Columns correspond to individual parameter name, pooled estimate, pooled standard error, p value for a z test of the parameter, normal-theory 95%95\% CI, p value for a t test of the parameter (using dfdf described in Sterba & Rights, 2016), and t-based 95%95\% CI for the parameter.


A table containing results related to model fit from the M allocations at the iteration where stopping criteria were met. Columns correspond to fit index names, the mean of each index across allocations, the SD of each fit index across allocations, the minimum, maximum and range of each fit index across allocations, and the percent of the M allocations where the chi-square test of absolute fit was significant.


A table containing the proportion of the final M allocations that (a) met the optimizer convergence criteria) and (b) converged to proper solutions. Note that pooled estimates, pooled standard errors, and other results are computed using only the converged, proper allocations.


The number of allocations (M) needed for stability, at which point the algorithm's stopping criteria (defined above) were met.


Indices used to quantify uncertainty in estimates due to sample vs. allocation variability. A table containing individual parameter names, an estimate of the proportion of total variance of a pooled parameter estimate that is attributable to parcel-allocation variability (PPAV), and an estimate of the ratio of the between-allocation variance of a pooled parameter estimate to the within-allocation variance (RPAV). See Sterba & Rights (2016) for more detail.


The total runtime of the function, in minutes. Note that the total runtime will be greater when the specified model encounters convergence problems for some allocations, as is the case with the simParcel() dataset used below.


Jason D. Rights (Vanderbilt University; [email protected])

The author would also like to credit Corbin Quick and Alexander Schoemann for providing the original parcelAllocation() function (prior to its revision by Terrence D. Jorgensen) on which this function is based.


Sterba, S. K. (2011). Implications of parcel-allocation variability for comparing fit of item-solutions and parcel-solutions. Structural Equation Modeling, 18(4), 554–577. doi:10.1080/10705511.2011.607073

Sterba, S. K., & MacCallum, R. C. (2010). Variability in parameter estimates and model fit across random allocations of items to parcels. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 45(2), 322–358. doi:10.1080/00273171003680302

Sterba, S. K., & Rights, J. D. (2016). Accounting for parcel-allocation variability in practice: Combining sources of uncertainty and choosing the number of allocations. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(2–3), 296–313. doi:10.1080/00273171.2016.1144502

Sterba, S. K., & Rights, J. D. (2017). Effects of parceling on model selection: Parcel-allocation variability in model ranking. Psychological Methods, 22(1), 47–68. doi:10.1037/met0000067

See Also

lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi() for treating allocations as multiple imputations to pool results across allocations. See Examples on help pages for parcelAllocation() (when fitting a single model) and PAVranking() (when comparing 2 models).


## lavaan syntax: A 2 Correlated
## factor CFA model to be fit to parceled data

parmodel <- '
   f1 =~ NA*p1f1 + p2f1 + p3f1
   f2 =~ NA*p1f2 + p2f2 + p3f2
   p1f1 ~ 1
   p2f1 ~ 1
   p3f1 ~ 1
   p1f2 ~ 1
   p2f2 ~ 1
   p3f2 ~ 1
   p1f1 ~~ p1f1
   p2f1 ~~ p2f1
   p3f1 ~~ p3f1
   p1f2 ~~ p1f2
   p2f2 ~~ p2f2
   p3f2 ~~ p3f2
   f1 ~~ 1*f1
   f2 ~~ 1*f2
   f1 ~~ f2

## specify items for each factor
f1name <- colnames(simParcel)[1:9]
f2name <- colnames(simParcel)[10:18]

## run function
poolMAlloc(nPerPar = list(c(3,3,3), c(3,3,3)),
           facPlc = list(f1name, f2name), nAllocStart = 10, nAllocAdd = 10,
           syntax = parmodel, dataset = simParcel, stopProp = .03,
           stopValue = .03, selectParam = c(1:6, 13:18, 21),
           names = list("p1f1","p2f1","p3f1","p1f2","p2f2","p3f2"),
           double = FALSE, useTotalAlloc = FALSE)

## See examples on ?parcelAllocation and ?PAVranking for how to obtain
## pooled test statistics and other pooled lavaan output.
## Details provided in Sterba & Rights (2016).

Probing two-way interaction on the no-centered or mean-centered latent interaction


Probing interaction for simple intercept and simple slope for the no-centered or mean-centered latent two-way interaction


probe2WayMC(fit, nameX, nameY, modVar, valProbe, group = 1L,
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))



A fitted lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object with a latent 2-way interaction.


character vector of all 3 factor names used as the predictors. The lower-order factors must be listed first, and the final name must be the latent interaction factor.


The name of factor that is used as the dependent variable.


The name of factor that is used as a moderator. The effect of the other independent factor will be probed at each value of the moderator variable listed in valProbe.


The values of the moderator that will be used to probe the effect of the focal predictor.


In multigroup models, the label of the group for which the results will be returned. Must correspond to one of lavInspect(fit, "group.label"), or an integer corresponding to which of those group labels.


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Ignored unless fit is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


Before using this function, researchers need to make the products of the indicators between the first-order factors using mean centering (Marsh, Wen, & Hau, 2004). Note that the double-mean centering may not be appropriate for probing interaction if researchers are interested in simple intercepts. The mean or double-mean centering can be done by the indProd() function. The indicator products can be made for all possible combination or matched-pair approach (Marsh et al., 2004). Next, the hypothesized model with the regression with latent interaction will be used to fit all original indicators and the product terms. See the example for how to fit the product term below. Once the lavaan result is obtained, this function will be used to probe the interaction.

Let that the latent interaction model regressing the dependent variable (YY) on the independent variable (XX) and the moderator (ZZ) be

Y=b0+b1X+b2Z+b3XZ+r,Y = b_0 + b_1X + b_2Z + b_3XZ + r,

where b0b_0 is the estimated intercept or the expected value of YY when both XX and ZZ are 0, b1b_1 is the effect of XX when ZZ is 0, b2b_2 is the effect of ZZ when XX is 0, b3b_3 is the interaction effect between XX and ZZ, and rr is the residual term.

To probe a two-way interaction, the simple intercept of the independent variable at each value of the moderator (Aiken & West, 1991; Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003; Preacher, Curran, & Bauer, 2006) can be obtained by

b0X=0,Z=b0+b2Z.b_{0|X = 0, Z} = b_0 + b_2 Z.

The simple slope of the independent varaible at each value of the moderator can be obtained by

bXZ=b1+b3Z.b_{X|Z} = b_1 + b_3 Z.

The variance of the simple intercept formula is

Var(b0X=0,Z)=Var(b0)+2Z×Cov(b0,b2)+Z2×Var(b2)Var\left(b_{0|X = 0, Z}\right) = Var\left(b_0\right) + 2Z \times Cov\left(b_0, b_2\right) + Z^2 \times Var\left(b_2\right)

, where VarVar denotes the variance of a parameter estimate and CovCov denotes the covariance of two parameter estimates.

The variance of the simple slope formula is

Var(bXZ)=Var(b1)+2Z×Cov(b1,b3)+Z2×Var(b3)Var\left(b_{X|Z}\right) = Var\left(b_1\right) + 2Z \times Cov\left(b_1, b_3\right) + Z^2 \times Var\left(b_3\right)

Wald z statistic is used for test statistic (even for objects of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi).


A list with two elements:

  1. SimpleIntercept: The simple intercepts given each value of the moderator.

  2. SimpleSlope: The simple slopes given each value of the moderator.

In each element, the first column represents the values of the moderator specified in the valProbe argument. The second column is the simple intercept or simple slope. The third column is the SE of the simple intercept or simple slope. The fourth column is the Wald (z) statistic, and the fifth column is the associated p value testing the null hypothesis that each simple intercept or slope is 0.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])



Schoemann, A. M., & Jorgensen, T. D. (2021). Testing and interpreting latent variable interactions using the semTools package. Psych, 3(3), 322–335. doi:10.3390/psych3030024

Background literature:

Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Marsh, H. W., Wen, Z., & Hau, K. T. (2004). Structural equation models of latent interactions: Evaluation of alternative estimation strategies and indicator construction. Psychological Methods, 9(3), 275–300. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.3.275

Preacher, K. J., Curran, P. J., & Bauer, D. J. (2006). Computational tools for probing interactions in multiple linear regression, multilevel modeling, and latent curve analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 31(4), 437–448. doi:10.3102/10769986031004437

See Also

  • indProd() For creating the indicator products with no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering.

  • probe3WayMC() For probing the three-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe2WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • probe3WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • plotProbe() Plot the simple intercepts and slopes of the latent interaction.


dat2wayMC <- indProd(dat2way, 1:3, 4:6) # double mean centered by default

model1 <- "
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
f3 ~ f1 + f2 + f12
f12 ~~ 0*f1 + 0*f2 # not necessary, but implied by double mean centering

fitMC2way <- sem(model1, data = dat2wayMC, meanstructure = TRUE)

probe2WayMC(fitMC2way, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
            modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1))

## can probe multigroup models, one group at a time
dat2wayMC$g <- 1:2

model2 <- "
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
f3 ~ c(b1.g1, b1.g2)*f1 + c(b2.g1, b2.g2)*f2 + c(b12.g1, b12.g2)*f12
f12 ~~ 0*f1 + 0*f2
fit2 <- sem(model2, data = dat2wayMC, group = "g")
probe2WayMC(fit2, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
            modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1)) # group = 1 by default
probe2WayMC(fit2, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
            modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1), group = 2)

Probing two-way interaction on the residual-centered latent interaction


Probing interaction for simple intercept and simple slope for the residual-centered latent two-way interaction (Geldhof et al., 2013)


probe2WayRC(fit, nameX, nameY, modVar, valProbe, group = 1L,
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))



A fitted lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object with a latent 2-way interaction.


character vector of all 3 factor names used as the predictors. The lower-order factors must be listed first, and the final name must be the latent interaction factor.


The name of factor that is used as the dependent variable.


The name of factor that is used as a moderator. The effect of the other independent factor will be probed at each value of the moderator variable listed in valProbe.


The values of the moderator that will be used to probe the effect of the focal predictor.


In multigroup models, the label of the group for which the results will be returned. Must correspond to one of lavInspect(fit, "group.label"), or an integer corresponding to which of those group labels.


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Ignored unless fit is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


Before using this function, researchers need to make the products of the indicators between the first-order factors and residualize the products by the original indicators (Lance, 1988; Little, Bovaird, & Widaman, 2006). The process can be automated by the indProd() function. Note that the indicator products can be made for all possible combination or matched-pair approach (Marsh et al., 2004). Next, the hypothesized model with the regression with latent interaction will be used to fit all original indicators and the product terms. To use this function the model must be fit with a mean structure. See the example for how to fit the product term below. Once the lavaan result is obtained, this function will be used to probe the interaction.

The probing process on residual-centered latent interaction is based on transforming the residual-centered result into the no-centered result. See Geldhof et al. (2013) for further details. Note that this approach is based on a strong assumption that the first-order latent variables are normally distributed. The probing process is applied after the no-centered result (parameter estimates and their covariance matrix among parameter estimates) has been computed. See the probe2WayMC() for further details.


A list with two elements:

  1. SimpleIntercept: The simple intercepts given each value of the moderator.

  2. SimpleSlope: The simple slopes given each value of the moderator.

In each element, the first column represents the values of the moderators specified in the valProbe argument. The second column is the simple intercept or simple slope. The third column is the standard error of the simple intercept or slope. The fourth column is the Wald (z) statistic, and the fifth column is the associated p value testing the null hypothesis that each simple intercept or slope is 0.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])



Schoemann, A. M., & Jorgensen, T. D. (2021). Testing and interpreting latent variable interactions using the semTools package. Psych, 3(3), 322–335. doi:10.3390/psych3030024

Background literature:

Lance, C. E. (1988). Residual centering, exploratory and confirmatory moderator analysis, and decomposition of effects in path models containing interactions. Applied Psychological Measurement, 12(2), 163–175. doi:10.1177/014662168801200205

Little, T. D., Bovaird, J. A., & Widaman, K. F. (2006). On the merits of orthogonalizing powered and product terms: Implications for modeling interactions. Structural Equation Modeling, 13(4), 497–519. doi:10.1207/s15328007sem1304_1

Marsh, H. W., Wen, Z., & Hau, K. T. (2004). Structural equation models of latent interactions: Evaluation of alternative estimation strategies and indicator construction. Psychological Methods, 9(3), 275–300. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.3.275

Geldhof, G. J., Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A. M., & Little, T. D. (2013). Orthogonalizing through residual centering: Extended applications and caveats. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(1), 27–46. doi:10.1177/0013164412445473

See Also

  • indProd() For creating the indicator products with no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering.

  • probe2WayMC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe3WayMC() For probing the three-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe3WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • plotProbe() Plot the simple intercepts and slopes of the latent interaction.


dat2wayRC <- orthogonalize(dat2way, 1:3, 4:6)

model1 <- "
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
f3 ~ f1 + f2 + f12
f12 ~~ 0*f1 + 0*f2
x1 + x4 + x1.x4 + x7 ~ 0*1 # identify latent means
f1 + f2 + f12 + f3 ~ NA*1

fitRC2way <- sem(model1, data = dat2wayRC, meanstructure = TRUE)

probe2WayRC(fitRC2way, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
            modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1))

## can probe multigroup models, one group at a time
dat2wayRC$g <- 1:2

model2 <- "
f1  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2  =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f3  =~ x7 + x8 + x9
f3 ~ c(b1.g1, b1.g2)*f1 + c(b2.g1, b2.g2)*f2 + c(b12.g1, b12.g2)*f12
f12 ~~ 0*f1 + 0*f2
x1 + x4 + x1.x4 + x7 ~ 0*1 # identify latent means
f1 + f2 + f12 ~ NA*1
f3 ~ NA*1 + c(b0.g1, b0.g2)*1
fit2 <- sem(model2, data = dat2wayRC, group = "g")
probe2WayRC(fit2, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
            modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1)) # group = 1 by default
probe2WayRC(fit2, nameX = c("f1", "f2", "f12"), nameY = "f3",
            modVar = "f2", valProbe = c(-1, 0, 1), group = 2)

Probing three-way interaction on the no-centered or mean-centered latent interaction


Probing interaction for simple intercept and simple slope for the no-centered or mean-centered latent two-way interaction


probe3WayMC(fit, nameX, nameY, modVar, valProbe1, valProbe2, group = 1L,
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))



A fitted lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object with a latent 2-way interaction.


character vector of all 7 factor names used as the predictors. The 3 lower-order factors must be listed first, followed by the 3 second-order factors (specifically, the 4th element must be the interaction between the factors listed first and second, the 5th element must be the interaction between the factors listed first and third, and the 6th element must be the interaction between the factors listed second and third). The final name will be the factor representing the 3-way interaction.


The name of factor that is used as the dependent variable.


The name of two factors that are used as the moderators. The effect of the independent factor will be probed at each combination of the moderator variables' chosen values.


The values of the first moderator that will be used to probe the effect of the independent factor.


The values of the second moderator that will be used to probe the effect of the independent factor.


In multigroup models, the label of the group for which the results will be returned. Must correspond to one of lavInspect(fit, "group.label").


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Ignored unless fit is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


Before using this function, researchers need to make the products of the indicators between the first-order factors using mean centering (Marsh, Wen, & Hau, 2004). Note that the double-mean centering may not be appropriate for probing interaction if researchers are interested in simple intercepts. The mean or double-mean centering can be done by the indProd() function. The indicator products can be made for all possible combination or matched-pair approach (Marsh et al., 2004). Next, the hypothesized model with the regression with latent interaction will be used to fit all original indicators and the product terms. See the example for how to fit the product term below. Once the lavaan result is obtained, this function will be used to probe the interaction.

Let that the latent interaction model regressing the dependent variable (YY) on the independent variable (XX) and two moderators (ZZ and WW) be

Y=b0+b1X+b2Z+b3W+b4XZ+b5XW+b6ZW+b7XZW+r,Y = b_0 + b_1X + b_2Z + b_3W + b_4XZ + b_5XW + b_6ZW + b_7XZW + r,

where b0b_0 is the estimated intercept or the expected value of YY when XX, ZZ, and WW are 0, b1b_1 is the effect of XX when ZZ and WW are 0, b2b_2 is the effect of ZZ when XX and WW is 0, b3b_3 is the effect of WW when XX and ZZ are 0, b4b_4 is the interaction effect between XX and ZZ when WW is 0, b5b_5 is the interaction effect between XX and WW when ZZ is 0, b6b_6 is the interaction effect between ZZ and WW when XX is 0, b7b_7 is the three-way interaction effect between XX, ZZ, and WW, and rr is the residual term.

To probe a three-way interaction, the simple intercept of the independent variable at the specific values of the moderators (Aiken & West, 1991) can be obtained by

b0X=0,Z,W=b0+b2Z+b3W+b6ZW.b_{0|X = 0, Z, W} = b_0 + b_2Z + b_3W + b_6ZW.

The simple slope of the independent variable at the specific values of the moderators can be obtained by

bXZ,W=b1+b3Z+b4W+b7ZW.b_{X|Z, W} = b_1 + b_3Z + b_4W + b_7ZW.

The variance of the simple intercept formula is

Var(b0X=0,Z,W)=Var(b0)+Z2Var(b2)+W2Var(b3)+Z2W2Var(b6)Var\left(b_{0|X = 0, Z, W}\right) = Var\left(b_0\right) + Z^2Var\left(b_2\right) + W^2Var\left(b_3\right) + Z^2W^2Var\left(b_6\right)

+2ZCov(b0,b2)+2WCov(b0,b3)+2ZWCov(b0,b6)+2ZWCov(b2,b3)+2Z2WCov(b2,b6)+2ZW2Cov(b3,b6),+ 2ZCov\left(b_0, b_2\right) + 2WCov\left(b_0, b_3\right) + 2ZWCov\left(b_0, b_6\right) + 2ZWCov\left(b_2, b_3\right) + 2Z^2WCov\left(b_2, b_6\right) + 2ZW^2Cov\left(b_3, b_6\right),

where VarVar denotes the variance of a parameter estimate and CovCov denotes the covariance of two parameter estimates.

The variance of the simple slope formula is

Var(bXZ,W)=Var(b1)+Z2Var(b4)+W2Var(b5)+Z2W2Var(b7)Var\left(b_{X|Z, W}\right) = Var\left(b_1\right) + Z^2Var\left(b_4\right) + W^2Var\left(b_5\right) + Z^2W^2Var\left(b_7\right)

+2ZCov(b1,b4)+2WCov(b1,b5)+2ZWCov(b1,b7)+2ZWCov(b4,b5)+2Z2WCov(b4,b7)+2ZW2Cov(b5,b7).+ 2ZCov\left(b_1, b_4\right) + 2WCov\left(b_1, b_5\right) + 2ZWCov\left(b_1, b_7\right) + 2ZWCov\left(b_4, b_5\right) + 2Z^2WCov\left(b_4, b_7\right) + 2ZW^2Cov\left(b_5, b_7\right).

Wald z statistics are calculated (even for objects of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi) to test null hypotheses that simple intercepts or slopes are 0.


A list with two elements:

  1. SimpleIntercept: The model-implied intercepts given each combination of moderator values.

  2. SimpleSlope: The model-implied slopes given each combination of moderator values.

In each element, the first column represents values of the first moderator specified in the valProbe1 argument. The second column represents values of the second moderator specified in the valProbe2 argument. The third column is the simple intercept or simple slope. The fourth column is the standard error of the simple intercept or simple slope. The fifth column is the Wald (z) statistic, and the sixth column is its associated p value to test the null hypothesis that each simple intercept or simple slope equals 0.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])



Schoemann, A. M., & Jorgensen, T. D. (2021). Testing and interpreting latent variable interactions using the semTools package. Psych, 3(3), 322–335. doi:10.3390/psych3030024

Background literature:

Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Marsh, H. W., Wen, Z., & Hau, K. T. (2004). Structural equation models of latent interactions: Evaluation of alternative estimation strategies and indicator construction. Psychological Methods, 9(3), 275–300. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.3.275

See Also

  • indProd() For creating the indicator products with no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering.

  • probe2WayMC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe2WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • probe3WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • plotProbe() Plot the simple intercepts and slopes of the latent interaction.


dat3wayMC <- indProd(dat3way, 1:3, 4:6, 7:9)

model3 <- " ## define latent variables
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
## 2-way interactions
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f13 =~ x1.x7 + x2.x8 + x3.x9
f23 =~ x4.x7 + x5.x8 + x6.x9
## 3-way interaction
f123 =~ x1.x4.x7 + x2.x5.x8 + x3.x6.x9
## outcome variable
f4 =~ x10 + x11 + x12

## latent regression model
f4 ~ b1*f1 + b2*f2 + b3*f3 + b12*f12 + b13*f13 + b23*f23 + b123*f123

## orthogonal terms among predictors
## (not necessary, but implied by double mean centering)
f1 ~~ 0*f12 + 0*f13 + 0*f123
f2 ~~ 0*f12 + 0*f23 + 0*f123
f3 ~~ 0*f13 + 0*f23 + 0*f123
f12 + f13 + f23 ~~ 0*f123

fitMC3way <- sem(model3, data = dat3wayMC, meanstructure = TRUE)

probe3WayMC(fitMC3way, nameX = c("f1" ,"f2" ,"f3",
                                 "f12","f13","f23", # this order matters!
                                 "f123"),           # 3-way interaction
            nameY = "f4", modVar = c("f1", "f2"),
            valProbe1 = c(-1, 0, 1), valProbe2 = c(-1, 0, 1))

Probing three-way interaction on the residual-centered latent interaction


Probing interaction for simple intercept and simple slope for the residual-centered latent three-way interaction (Geldhof et al., 2013)


probe3WayRC(fit, nameX, nameY, modVar, valProbe1, valProbe2, group = 1L,
  omit.imps = c("no.conv", ""))



A fitted lavaan::lavaan or lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi object with a latent 2-way interaction.


character vector of all 7 factor names used as the predictors. The 3 lower-order factors must be listed first, followed by the 3 second-order factors (specifically, the 4th element must be the interaction between the factors listed first and second, the 5th element must be the interaction between the factors listed first and third, and the 6th element must be the interaction between the factors listed second and third). The final name will be the factor representing the 3-way interaction.


The name of factor that is used as the dependent variable.


The name of two factors that are used as the moderators. The effect of the independent factor on each combination of the moderator variable values will be probed.


The values of the first moderator that will be used to probe the effect of the independent factor.


The values of the second moderator that will be used to probe the effect of the independent factor.


In multigroup models, the label of the group for which the results will be returned. Must correspond to one of lavInspect(fit, "group.label").


character vector specifying criteria for omitting imputations from pooled results. Ignored unless fit is of class lavaan.mi::lavaan.mi. Can include any of c("no.conv", "", "no.npd"), the first 2 of which are the default setting, which excludes any imputations that did not converge or for which standard errors could not be computed. The last option ("no.npd") would exclude any imputations which yielded a nonpositive definite covariance matrix for observed or latent variables, which would include any "improper solutions" such as Heywood cases. NPD solutions are not excluded by default because they are likely to occur due to sampling error, especially in small samples. However, gross model misspecification could also cause NPD solutions, users can compare pooled results with and without this setting as a sensitivity analysis to see whether some imputations warrant further investigation.


Before using this function, researchers need to make the products of the indicators between the first-order factors and residualize the products by the original indicators (Lance, 1988; Little, Bovaird, & Widaman, 2006). The process can be automated by the indProd() function. Note that the indicator products can be made for all possible combination or matched-pair approach (Marsh et al., 2004). Next, the hypothesized model with the regression with latent interaction will be used to fit all original indicators and the product terms (Geldhof et al., 2013). To use this function the model must be fit with a mean structure. See the example for how to fit the product term below. Once the lavaan result is obtained, this function will be used to probe the interaction.

The probing process on residual-centered latent interaction is based on transforming the residual-centered result into the no-centered result. See Geldhof et al. (2013) for further details. Note that this approach based on a strong assumption that the first-order latent variables are normally distributed. The probing process is applied after the no-centered result (parameter estimates and their covariance matrix among parameter estimates) has been computed. See the probe3WayMC() for further details.


A list with two elements:

  1. SimpleIntercept: The model-implied intercepts given each combination of moderator values.

  2. SimpleSlope: The model-implied slopes given each combination of moderator values.

In each element, the first column represents values of the first moderator specified in the valProbe1 argument. The second column represents values of the second moderator specified in the valProbe2 argument. The third column is the simple intercept or simple slope. The fourth column is the SE of the simple intercept or simple slope. The fifth column is the Wald (z) statistic, and the sixth column is its associated p value to test the null hypothesis that each simple intercept or simple slope equals 0.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])



Schoemann, A. M., & Jorgensen, T. D. (2021). Testing and interpreting latent variable interactions using the semTools package. Psych, 3(3), 322–335. doi:10.3390/psych3030024

Background literature:

Geldhof, G. J., Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A., & Little, T. D. (2013). Orthogonalizing through residual centering: Extended applications and caveats. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(1), 27–46. doi:10.1177/0013164412445473

Lance, C. E. (1988). Residual centering, exploratory and confirmatory moderator analysis, and decomposition of effects in path models containing interactions. Applied Psychological Measurement, 12(2), 163–175. doi:10.1177/014662168801200205

Little, T. D., Bovaird, J. A., & Widaman, K. F. (2006). On the merits of orthogonalizing powered and product terms: Implications for modeling interactions. Structural Equation Modeling, 13(4), 497–519. doi:10.1207/s15328007sem1304_1

Marsh, H. W., Wen, Z., & Hau, K. T. (2004). Structural equation models of latent interactions: Evaluation of alternative estimation strategies and indicator construction. Psychological Methods, 9(3), 275–300. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.3.275

Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A. M., Geldhof, G. J., & Little, T. D. (submitted). Probing latent interaction estimated with a residual centering approach.

See Also

  • indProd() For creating the indicator products with no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering.

  • probe2WayMC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe3WayMC() For probing the three-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from mean-centering, or double-mean centering

  • probe2WayRC() For probing the two-way latent interaction when the results are obtained from residual-centering approach.

  • plotProbe() Plot the simple intercepts and slopes of the latent interaction.


dat3wayRC <- orthogonalize(dat3way, 1:3, 4:6, 7:9)

model3 <- " ## define latent variables
f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
f2 =~ x4 + x5 + x6
f3 =~ x7 + x8 + x9
## 2-way interactions
f12 =~ x1.x4 + x2.x5 + x3.x6
f13 =~ x1.x7 + x2.x8 + x3.x9
f23 =~ x4.x7 + x5.x8 + x6.x9
## 3-way interaction
f123 =~ x1.x4.x7 + x2.x5.x8 + x3.x6.x9
## outcome variable
f4 =~ x10 + x11 + x12

## latent regression model
f4 ~ b1*f1 + b2*f2 + b3*f3 + b12*f12 + b13*f13 + b23*f23 + b123*f123

## orthogonal terms among predictors
f1 ~~ 0*f12 + 0*f13 + 0*f123
f2 ~~ 0*f12 + 0*f23 + 0*f123
f3 ~~ 0*f13 + 0*f23 + 0*f123
f12 + f13 + f23 ~~ 0*f123

## identify latent means
x1 + x4 + x7 + x1.x4 + x1.x7 + x4.x7 + x1.x4.x7 + x10 ~ 0*1
f1 + f2 + f3 + f12 + f13 + f23 + f123 + f4 ~ NA*1

fitRC3way <- sem(model3, data = dat3wayRC, meanstructure = TRUE)

probe3WayMC(fitRC3way, nameX = c("f1" ,"f2" ,"f3",
                                 "f12","f13","f23", # this order matters!
                                 "f123"),           # 3-way interaction
            nameY = "f4", modVar = c("f1", "f2"),
            valProbe1 = c(-1, 0, 1), valProbe2 = c(-1, 0, 1))



The quark function provides researchers with the ability to calculate and include component scores calculated by taking into account the variance in the original dataset and all of the interaction and polynomial effects of the data in the dataset.


quark(data, id, order = 1, silent = FALSE, ...)



The data frame is a required component for quark. In order for quark to process a data frame, it must not contain any factors or text-based variables. All variables must be in numeric format. Identifiers and dates can be left in the data; however, they will need to be identified under the id argument.


Identifiers and dates within the dataset will need to be acknowledged as quark cannot process these. By acknowledging the identifiers and dates as a vector of column numbers or variable names, quark will remove them from the data temporarily to complete its main processes. Among many potential issues of not acknowledging identifiers and dates are issues involved with imputation, product and polynomial effects, and principal component analysis.


Order is an optional argument provided by quark that can be used when the imputation procedures in mice fail. Under some circumstances, mice cannot calculate missing values due to issues with extreme missingness. Should an error present itself stating a failure due to not having any columns selected, set the argument order = 2 in order to reorder the imputation method procedure. Otherwise, use the default order = 1.


If FALSE, the details of the quark process are printed.


additional arguments to pass to mice::mice().


The quark function calculates these component scores by first filling in the data via means of multiple imputation methods and then expanding the dataset by aggregating the non-overlapping interaction effects between variables by calculating the mean of the interactions and polynomial effects. The multiple imputation methods include one of iterative sampling and group mean substitution and multiple imputation using a polytomous regression algorithm (mice). During the expansion process, the dataset is expanded to three times its normal size (in width). The first third of the dataset contains all of the original data post imputation, the second third contains the means of the polynomial effects (squares and cubes), and the final third contains the means of the non-overlapping interaction effects. A full principal componenent analysis is conducted and the individual components are retained. The subsequent combinequark() function provides researchers the control in determining how many components to extract and retain. The function returns the dataset as submitted (with missing values) and the component scores as requested for a more accurate multiple imputation in subsequent steps.


The output value from using the quark function is a list. It will return a list with 7 components.

ID Columns

Is a vector of the identifier columns entered when running quark.

ID Variables

Is a subset of the dataset that contains the identifiers as acknowledged when running quark.

Used Data

Is a matrix / dataframe of the data provided by user as the basis for quark to process.

Imputed Data

Is a matrix / dataframe of the data after the multiple method imputation process.

Big Matrix

Is the expanded product and polynomial matrix.

Principal Components

Is the entire dataframe of principal components for the dataset. This dataset will have the same number of rows of the big matrix, but will have 1 less column (as is the case with principal component analyses).

Percent Variance Explained

Is a vector of the percent variance explained with each column of principal components.


Steven R. Chesnut (University of Southern Mississippi; [email protected])

Danny Squire (Texas Tech University)

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam)

The PCA code is copied and modified from the FactoMineR package.


Howard, W. J., Rhemtulla, M., & Little, T. D. (2015). Using Principal Components as Auxiliary Variables in Missing Data Estimation. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(3), 285–299. doi:10.1080/00273171.2014.999267

See Also




dat <- HolzingerSwineford1939[,7:15]
misspat <- matrix(runif(nrow(dat) * 9) < 0.3, nrow(dat))
dat[misspat] <- NA
dat <- cbind(HolzingerSwineford1939[,1:3], dat)

quark.list <- quark(data = dat, id = c(1, 2)) <- combinequark(quark = quark.list, percent = 80)

## Example to rerun quark after imputation failure:
quark.list <- quark(data = dat, id = c(1, 2), order = 2)

Residual-center all target indicators by covariates


This function will regress target variables on the covariate and replace the target variables by the residual of the regression analysis. This procedure is useful to control the covariate from the analysis model (Geldhof, Pornprasertmanit, Schoemann, & Little, 2013).


residualCovariate(data, targetVar, covVar)



The desired data to be transformed.


Varible names or the position of indicators that users wish to be residual centered (as dependent variables)


Covariate names or the position of the covariates using for residual centering (as independent variables) onto target variables


The data that the target variables replaced by the residuals


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Geldhof, G. J., Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A. M., & Little, T. D. (2013). Orthogonalizing through residual centering: Extended applications and caveats. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(1), 27–46. doi:10.1177/0013164412445473

See Also

indProd() For creating the indicator products with no centering, mean centering, double-mean centering, or residual centering.


dat <- residualCovariate(attitude, 2:7, 1)

semTools: Useful Tools for Structural Equation Modeling


The semTools package provides many miscellaneous functions that are useful for statistical analysis involving SEM in R. Many functions extend the funtionality of the lavaan package. Some sets of functions in semTools correspond to the same theme. We call such a collection of functions a suite. Our suites include:

All users of R (or SEM) are invited to submit functions or ideas for functions by contacting the maintainer, Terrence Jorgensen ([email protected]). Contributors are encouraged to use Roxygen comments to document their contributed code, which is consistent with the rest of semTools. Read the vignette from the roxygen2 package for details: vignette("rd", package = "roxygen2")

Simulated Data set to Demonstrate Random Allocations of Parcels


A simulated data set with 2 factors with 9 indicators for each factor




A data.frame with 800 observations of 18 variables.


Item 1 loading on factor 1


Item 2 loading on factor 1


Item 3 loading on factor 1


Item 4 loading on factor 1


Item 5 loading on factor 1


Item 6 loading on factor 1


Item 7 loading on factor 1


Item 8 loading on factor 1


Item 9 loading on factor 1


Item 1 loading on factor 2


Item 2 loading on factor 2


Item 3 loading on factor 2


Item 4 loading on factor 2


Item 5 loading on factor 2


Item 6 loading on factor 2


Item 7 loading on factor 2


Item 8 loading on factor 2


Item 9 loading on factor 2


Data were generated using the simsem package.



Single Parameter Test Divided from Nested Model Comparison


In comparing two nested models, Δχ2\Delta\chi^2 test may indicate that two models are different. However, like other omnibus tests, researchers do not know which fixed parameters or constraints make these two models different. This function will help researchers identify the significant parameter.


singleParamTest(model1, model2, = FALSE,
  method = "satorra.bentler.2001")



Model 1.


Model 2. Note that two models must be nested models. Further, the order of parameters in their parameter tables are the same. That is, nested models with different scale identifications may not be able to test by this function.

Return the submodels fitted by this function


The method used to calculate likelihood ratio test. See lavaan::lavTestLRT() for available options


This function first identifies the differences between these two models. The model with more free parameters is referred to as parent model and the model with fewer free parameters is referred to as nested model. Two tests are implemented here:

  1. free: The nested model is used as a template. Then, one parameter indicating the differences between two models is freed. The new model is compared with the nested model. This process is repeated for all differences between two models.

  2. fix: The parent model is used as a template. Then, one parameter indicating the differences between two models is fixed or constrained to be equal to other parameters. The new model is then compared with the parent model. This process is repeated for all differences between two models.

  3. mi: No longer available because the test of modification indices is not consistent. For example, if two parameters are equality constrained, the modification index from the first parameter is not equal to the second parameter.

Note that this function does not adjust for the inflated Type I error rate from multiple tests.


If = FALSE, the result tables are provided. χ2\chi^2 and p value are provided for all methods. Note that the χ2\chi^2 is all based on 1 df. Expected parameter changes and their standardized forms are also provided.

If = TRUE, a list with two elements are provided. The first element is the tabular result. The second element is the submodels used in the free and fix methods.


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])



# Nested model comparison by hand
HS.model1 <- ' visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6'
HS.model2 <- ' visual =~ a*x1 + a*x2 + a*x3
              textual =~ b*x4 + b*x5 + b*x6'

m1 <- cfa(HS.model1, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, = TRUE,
          estimator = "MLR")
m2 <- cfa(HS.model2, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, = TRUE,
          estimator = "MLR")
anova(m1, m2)
singleParamTest(m1, m2)

## Nested model comparison from the measurementInvariance function
HW.model <- ' visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

models <- measurementInvariance(model = HW.model, data = HolzingerSwineford1939,
                                group = "school")
singleParamTest(models[[1]], models[[2]])

## Note that the comparison between metric (Model 2) and scalar invariance
## (Model 3) cannot be done by this function because the metric invariance
## model fixes factor means as 0 in Group 2 but the strong invariance model
## frees the factor means in Group 2. Users may use this function to compare
## scalar invariance (Model 3) to a homogeneous-means model.

Finding skewness


Finding skewness (g1g_{1}) of an object


skew(object, population = FALSE)



A vector used to find a skewness


TRUE to compute the parameter formula. FALSE to compute the sample statistic formula.


The skewness computed by default is g1g_{1}, the third standardized moment of the empirical distribution of object. The population parameter skewness γ1\gamma_{1} formula is

γ1=μ3μ23/2,\gamma_{1} = \frac{\mu_{3}}{\mu^{3/2}_{2}},

where μi\mu_{i} denotes the ii order central moment.

The skewness formula for sample statistic g1g_{1} is

g1=k3k22,g_{1} = \frac{k_{3}}{k^{2}_{2}},

where kik_{i} are the ii order k-statistic.

The standard error of the skewness is

Var(g^1)=6NVar(\hat{g}_1) = \frac{6}{N}

where NN is the sample size.


A value of a skewness with a test statistic if the population is specified as FALSE


Sunthud Pornprasertmanit ([email protected])


Weisstein, Eric W. (n.d.). Skewness. Retrived from MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource:

See Also

  • kurtosis() Find the univariate excessive kurtosis of a variable

  • mardiaSkew() Find Mardia's multivariate skewness of a set of variables

  • mardiaKurtosis() Find the Mardia's multivariate kurtosis of a set of variables



Randomly Split a Data Set into Halves


This function randomly splits a data set into two halves, and saves the resulting data sets to the same folder as the original.


splitSample(dataset, path = "default", div = 2, type = "default",
  name = "splitSample")



The original data set to be divided. Can be a file path to a *.csv or *.dat file (headers will automatically be detected) or an R object (matrix or dataframe). (Windows users: file path must be specified using FORWARD SLASHES (/) ONLY.)


File path to folder for output data sets. NOT REQUIRED if dataset is a filename. Specify ONLY if dataset is an R object, or desired output folder is not that of original data set. If path is specified as "object", output data sets will be returned as a list, and not saved to hard drive.


Number of output data sets. NOT REQUIRED if default, 2 halves.


Output file format ("dat" or "csv"). NOT REQUIRED unless desired output formatting differs from that of input, or dataset is an R object and csv formatting is desired.


Output file name. NOT REQUIRED unless desired output name differs from that of input, or input dataset is an R object. (If input is an R object and name is not specified, name will be "splitSample".)


This function randomly orders the rows of a data set, divides the data set into two halves, and saves the halves to the same folder as the original data set, preserving the original formatting. Data set type (*.csv or .dat) and formatting (headers) are automatically detected, and output data sets will preserve input type and formatting unless specified otherwise. Input can be in the form of a file path (.dat or *.csv), or an R object (matrix or dataframe). If input is an R object and path is default, output data sets will be returned as a list object.


If path = "object", list of output data sets. Otherwise, output will saved to hard drive in the same format as input.


Corbin Quick (University of Michigan; [email protected])


#### Input is .dat file
#### Output saved to "C:/Users/Default/Desktop/" in .dat format
#### Names are "MYDATA_s1.dat" and "MYDATA_s2.dat"

#### Input is R object
## Split C02 dataset from the datasets package
splitMyData <- splitSample(CO2, path = "object")
#### Output object splitMyData becomes list of output data sets

#### Input is .dat file in "C:/" folder
#splitSample("C:/testdata.dat", path = "C:/Users/Default/Desktop/", type = "csv")
#### Output saved to "C:/Users/Default/Desktop/" in *.csv format
#### Names are "testdata_s1.csv" and "testdata_s2.csv"

#### Input is R object
#splitSample(myData, path = "C:/Users/Default/Desktop/", name = "splitdata")
#### Output saved to "C:/Users/Default/Desktop/" in *.dat format
#### Names are "splitdata_s1.dat" and "splitdata_s2.dat"

Power for model parameters


Apply Satorra & Saris (1985) method for chi-squared power analysis.


SSpower(powerModel, n, nparam, popModel, mu, Sigma, fun = "sem",
  alpha = 0.05, ...)



lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() for the model to be analyzed. This syntax should constrain at least one nonzero parameter to 0 (or another number).


integer. Sample size used in power calculation, or a vector of sample sizes if analyzing a multigroup model. If length(n) < length(Sigma) when Sigma is a list, n will be recycled. If popModel is used instead of Sigma, n must specify a sample size for each group, because that is used to infer the number of groups.


integer. Number of invalid constraints in powerModel.


lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() specifying the data-generating model. This syntax should specify values for all nonzero parameters in the model. If length(n) > 1, the same population values will be used for each group, unless different population values are specified per group, either in the lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() or by utilizing a list of Sigma (and optionally mu).


numeric or list. For a single-group model, a vector of population means. For a multigroup model, a list of vectors (one per group). If mu and popModel are missing, mean structure will be excluded from the analysis.


matrix or list. For a single-group model, a population covariance matrix. For a multigroup model, a list of matrices (one per group). If missing, popModel will be used to generate a model-implied Sigma.


character. Name of lavaan function used to fit powerModel (i.e., "cfa", "sem", "growth", or "lavaan").


Type I error rate used to set a criterion for rejecting H0.


additional arguments to pass to lavaan::lavaan(). See also lavaan::lavOptions().


Specify all non-zero parameters in a population model, either by using lavaan syntax (popModel) or by submitting a population covariance matrix (Sigma) and optional mean vector (mu) implied by the population model. Then specify an analysis model that places at least one invalid constraint (note the number in the nparam argument).

There is also a Shiny app called "power4SEM" that provides a graphical user interface for this functionality (Jak et al., in press). It can be accessed at


Alexander M. Schoemann (East Carolina University; [email protected])

Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Satorra, A., & Saris, W. E. (1985). Power of the likelihood ratio test in covariance structure analysis. Psychometrika, 50(1), 83–90. doi:10.1007/BF02294150

Jak, S., Jorgensen, T. D., Verdam, M. G., Oort, F. J., & Elffers, L. (2021). Analytical power calculations for structural equation modeling: A tutorial and Shiny app. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1385–1406. doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01479-0


## Specify population values. Note every parameter has a fixed value.
modelP <- '
  f1 =~ .7*V1 + .7*V2 + .7*V3 + .7*V4
  f2 =~ .7*V5 + .7*V6 + .7*V7 + .7*V8
  f1 ~~ .3*f2
  f1 ~~ 1*f1
  f2 ~~ 1*f2
  V1 ~~ .51*V1
  V2 ~~ .51*V2
  V3 ~~ .51*V3
  V4 ~~ .51*V4
  V5 ~~ .51*V5
  V6 ~~ .51*V6
  V7 ~~ .51*V7
  V8 ~~ .51*V8
## Specify analysis model. Note parameter of interest f1~~f2 is fixed to 0.
modelA <- '
  f1 =~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4
  f2 =~ V5 + V6 + V7 + V8
  f1 ~~ 0*f2
## Calculate power
SSpower(powerModel = modelA, popModel = modelP, n = 150, nparam = 1, = TRUE)

## Get power for a range of sample sizes
Ns <- seq(100, 500, 40)
Power <- rep(NA, length(Ns))
for(i in 1:length(Ns)) {
  Power[i] <- SSpower(powerModel = modelA, popModel = modelP,
                      n = Ns[i], nparam = 1, = TRUE)
plot(x = Ns, y = Power, type = "l", xlab = "Sample Size")

## Optionally specify different values for multiple populations

modelP2 <- '
  f1 =~ .7*V1 + .7*V2 + .7*V3 + .7*V4
  f2 =~ .7*V5 + .7*V6 + .7*V7 + .7*V8
  f1 ~~ c(-.3, .3)*f2                  # DIFFERENT ACROSS GROUPS
  f1 ~~ 1*f1
  f2 ~~ 1*f2
  V1 ~~ .51*V1
  V2 ~~ .51*V2
  V3 ~~ .51*V3
  V4 ~~ .51*V4
  V5 ~~ .51*V5
  V6 ~~ .51*V6
  V7 ~~ .51*V7
  V8 ~~ .51*V8
modelA2 <- '
  f1 =~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4
  f2 =~ V5 + V6 + V7 + V8
  f1 ~~ c(psi21, psi21)*f2        # EQUALITY CONSTRAINT ACROSS GROUPS
## Calculate power
SSpower(powerModel = modelA2, popModel = modelP2, n = c(100, 100), nparam = 1, = TRUE)
## Get power for a range of sample sizes
Ns2 <- cbind(Group1 = seq(10, 100, 10), Group2 = seq(10, 100, 10))
Power2 <- apply(Ns2, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(nn) {
  SSpower(powerModel = modelA2, popModel = modelP2, n = nn,
          nparam = 1, = TRUE)
plot(x = rowSums(Ns2), y = Power2, type = "l", xlab = "Total Sample Size",
     ylim = 0:1)
abline(h = c(.8, .9), lty = c("dotted","dashed"))
legend("bottomright", c("80% Power","90% Power"), lty = c("dotted","dashed"))

Tukey's WSD post-hoc test of means for unequal variance and sample size


This function computes Tukey's WSD post hoc test of means when variances and sample sizes are not equal across groups. It can be used as a post hoc test when comparing latent means in multiple group SEM.


tukeySEM(m1, m2, var1, var2, n1, n2, ng)



Mean of group 1.


Mean of group 2.


Variance of group 1.


Variance of group 2.


Sample size of group 1.


Sample size of group 2.


Total number of groups to be compared (i.e., the number of groups compared in the omnibus test).


After conducting an omnibus test of means across three of more groups, researchers often wish to know which sets of means differ at a particular Type I error rate. Tukey's WSD test holds the error rate stable across multiple comparisons of means. This function implements an adaptation of Tukey's WSD test from Maxwell & Delaney (2004), that allows variances and sample sizes to differ across groups.


A vector with three elements:

  1. q: The q statistic

  2. df: The degrees of freedom for the q statistic

  3. p: A p value based on the q statistic, df, and the total number of groups to be compared


Alexander M. Schoemann (East Carolina University; [email protected])


Maxwell, S. E., & Delaney, H. D. (2004). Designing experiments and analyzing data: A model comparison perspective (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


## For a case where three groups have been compared:
## Group 1: mean = 3.91, var = 0.46, n = 246
## Group 2: mean = 3.96, var = 0.62, n = 465
## Group 3: mean = 2.94, var = 1.07, n = 64

## compare group 1 and group 2
tukeySEM(3.91, 3.96, 0.46, 0.62, 246, 425, 3)

## compare group 1 and group 3
tukeySEM(3.91, 2.94, 0.46, 1.07, 246, 64, 3)

## compare group 2 and group 3
tukeySEM(3.96, 2.94, 0.62, 1.07, 465, 64, 3)

Fit a lavaan model using 2-Stage Maximum Likelihood (TSML) estimation for missing data.


This function automates 2-Stage Maximum Likelihood (TSML) estimation, optionally with auxiliary variables. Step 1 involves fitting a saturated model to the partially observed data set (to variables in the hypothesized model as well as auxiliary variables related to missingness). Step 2 involves fitting the hypothesized model to the model-implied means and covariance matrix (also called the "EM" means and covariance matrix) as if they were complete data. Step 3 involves correcting the Step-2 standard errors (SEs) and chi-squared statistic to account for additional uncertainty due to missing data (using information from Step 1; see References section for sources with formulas).


twostage(..., aux, fun, baseline.model = NULL)

lavaan.2stage(..., aux = NULL, baseline.model = NULL)

cfa.2stage(..., aux = NULL, baseline.model = NULL)

sem.2stage(..., aux = NULL, baseline.model = NULL)

growth.2stage(..., aux = NULL, baseline.model = NULL)



Arguments passed to the lavaan::lavaan() function specified in the fun argument. See also lavaan::lavOptions(). At a minimum, the user must supply the first two named arguments to lavaan::lavaan() (i.e., model and data).


An optional character vector naming auxiliary variable(s) in data


The character string naming the lavaan function used to fit the Step-2 hypothesized model ("cfa", "sem", "growth", or "lavaan").


An optional character string, specifying the lavaan lavaan::model.syntax() for a user-specified baseline model. Interested users can use the fitted baseline model to calculate incremental fit indices (e.g., CFI and TLI) using the corrected chi-squared values (see the anova method in twostage). If NULL, the default "independence model" (i.e., freely estimated means and variances, but all covariances constrained to zero) will be specified internally.


All variables (including auxiliary variables) are treated as endogenous varaibles in the Step-1 saturated model (fixed.x = FALSE), so data are assumed continuous, although not necessarily multivariate normal (dummy-coded auxiliary variables may be included in Step 1, but categorical endogenous variables in the Step-2 hypothesized model are not allowed). To avoid assuming multivariate normality, request se = "robust.huber.white". CAUTION: In addition to setting fixed.x = FALSE and conditional.x = FALSE in lavaan::lavaan(), this function will automatically set meanstructure = TRUE, estimator = "ML", missing = "fiml", and test = "standard". lavaan::lavaan()'s se option can only be set to "standard" to assume multivariate normality or to "robust.huber.white" to relax that assumption.


The twostage object contains 3 fitted lavaan models (saturated, target/hypothesized, and baseline) as well as the names of auxiliary variables. None of the individual models provide the correct model results (except the point estimates in the target model are unbiased). Use the methods in twostage to extract corrected SEs and test statistics.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])


Savalei, V., & Bentler, P. M. (2009). A two-stage approach to missing data: Theory and application to auxiliary variables. Structural Equation Modeling, 16(3), 477–497. doi:10.1080/10705510903008238

Savalei, V., & Falk, C. F. (2014). Robust two-stage approach outperforms robust full information maximum likelihood with incomplete nonnormal data. Structural Equation Modeling, 21(2), 280–302. doi:10.1080/10705511.2014.882692

See Also



## impose missing data for example
HSMiss <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , c(paste("x", 1:9, sep = ""),
HSMiss$x5 <- ifelse(HSMiss$x5 <= quantile(HSMiss$x5, .3), NA, HSMiss$x5)
age <- HSMiss$ageyr + HSMiss$agemo/12
HSMiss$x9 <- ifelse(age <= quantile(age, .3), NA, HSMiss$x9)

## specify CFA model from lavaan's ?cfa help page
HS.model <- '
  visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
  speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9

## use ageyr and agemo as auxiliary variables
out <- cfa.2stage(model = HS.model, data = HSMiss, aux = c("ageyr","agemo"))

## two versions of a corrected chi-squared test results are shown
## see Savalei & Bentler (2009) and Savalei & Falk (2014) for details

## the summary additionally provides the parameter estimates with corrected
## standard errors, test statistics, and confidence intervals, along with
## any other options that can be passed to parameterEstimates()
summary(out, standardized = TRUE)

## use parameter labels to fit a more constrained model
modc <- '
  visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
  textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
  speed   =~ x7 + a*x8 + a*x9
outc <- cfa.2stage(model = modc, data = HSMiss, aux = c("ageyr","agemo"))

## use the anova() method to test this constraint
anova(out, outc)
## like for a single model, two corrected statistics are provided

Class for the Results of 2-Stage Maximum Likelihood (TSML) Estimation for Missing Data


This class contains the results of 2-Stage Maximum Likelihood (TSML) estimation for missing data. The summary, anova, vcov methods return corrected SEs and test statistics. Other methods are simply wrappers around the corresponding lavaan::lavaan methods.


## S4 method for signature 'twostage'

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
summary(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
anova(object, h1 = NULL, baseline = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
nobs(object, type = c("ntotal", "ngroups",
  "", "norig", "patterns", "coverage"))

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
coef(object, type = c("free", "user"))

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
vcov(object, baseline = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
fitted.values(object, model = c("target", "saturated",
  "baseline"), type = "moments", labels = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
fitted(object, model = c("target", "saturated",
  "baseline"), type = "moments", labels = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
residuals(object, type = c("raw", "cor", "normalized",

## S4 method for signature 'twostage'
resid(object, type = c("raw", "cor", "normalized",



An object of class twostage.


arguments passed to lavaan::parameterEstimates().


An object of class twostage in which object is nested, so that their difference in fit can be tested using anova (see Value section for details).


logical indicating whether to return results for the baseline model, rather than the default target (hypothesized) model.


The meaning of this argument varies depending on which method it it used for. Find detailed descriptions in the Value section under coef, nobs, and residuals.


character naming the slot for which to return the model-implied sample moments (see fitted.values description.)


logical indicating whether the model-implied sample moments should have (row/column) labels.



⁠signature(object = "twostage"):⁠ The show function is used to display the results of the anova method, as well as the header of the (uncorrected) target model results.


⁠signature(object = "twostage", ...):⁠ The summary function prints the same information from the show method, but also provides (and returns) the output of parameterEstimates(object@target, ...) with corrected SEs, test statistics, and confidence intervals. Additional arguments can be passed to lavaan::parameterEstimates(), including fmi = TRUE to provide an estimate of the fraction of missing information.


⁠signature(object = "twostage", h1 = NULL, baseline = FALSE):⁠ The anova function returns the residual-based χ2\chi^2 test statistic result, as well as the scaled χ2\chi^2 test statistic result, for the model in the target slot, or for the model in the baseline slot if baseline = TRUE. The user can also provide a single additional twostage object to the h1 argument, in which case anova returns residual-based and scaled (Δ\Delta)χ2\chi^2 test results, under the assumption that the models are nested. The models will be automatically sorted according their degrees of freedom.


⁠signature(object = "twostage", type = c("ntotal", "ngroups", "", "norig", "patterns", "coverage")):⁠ The nobs function will return the total sample sized used in the analysis by default. Also available are the number of groups or the sample size per group, the original sample size (if any rows were deleted because all variables were missing), the missing data patterns, and the matrix of coverage (diagonal is the proportion of sample observed on each variable, and off-diagonal is the proportion observed for both of each pair of variables).


⁠signature(object = "twostage", type = c("free", "user")):⁠ This is simply a wrapper around the corresponding lavaan::lavaan method, providing point estimates from the target slot.


⁠signature(object = "twostage", baseline = FALSE):⁠ Returns the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimated parameters (corrected for additional uncertainty due to missing data) for the model in the target slot, or for the model in the baseline slot if baseline = TRUE.

fitted.values, fitted

⁠signature(object = "twostage", model = c("target", "saturated", "baseline")):⁠ This is simply a wrapper around the corresponding lavaan::lavaan method, providing model-implied sample moments from the slot specified in the model argument.

residuals, resid

⁠signature(object = "twostage", type = c("raw", "cor", "normalized", "standardized")):⁠ This is simply a wrapper around the corresponding lavaan::lavaan method, providing residuals of the specified type from the target slot.



A fitted lavaan::lavaan object containing the saturated model results


A fitted lavaan::lavaan object containing the target/hypothesized model results


A fitted lavaan::lavaan object containing the baseline/null model results


A character string (potentially of length == 0) of any auxiliary variable names, if used

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the twostage() function.


Terrence D. Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam; [email protected])

See Also



# See the example from the twostage function